@article{tocidlowski_merrill_loomis_wright_2001, title={Teratoma in desert grassland whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus uniparens)}, volume={32}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine}, author={Tocidlowski, M. E. and Merrill, C. L. and Loomis, M. R. and Wright, J. F.}, year={2001}, pages={257–259} } @article{tocidlowski_spelman_sumner_stoskopf_2000, title={Hematology and serum biochemistry parameters of North American river otters (Lontra canadensis)}, volume={31}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine}, author={Tocidlowski, M. E. and Spelman, L. H. and Sumner, P. W. and Stoskopf, M. K.}, year={2000}, month={Dec}, pages={484–490} } @article{tocidlowski_harms_sumner_stoskopf_1999, title={Technique of mandibular salivary gland biopsy in river otters (Lutra canadensis)}, volume={30}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine}, author={Tocidlowski, M. E. and Harms, C. A. and Sumner, P. W. and Stoskopf, M. K.}, year={1999}, month={Jun}, pages={252–255} } @article{tocidlowski_harms_1998, title={What is your diagnosis? Dilatation and malposition of the swim bladder in a goldfish}, volume={213}, number={3}, journal={Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association}, author={Tocidlowski, M. E. and Harms, C. A.}, year={1998}, pages={353–354} } @article{tocidlowski_stoskopf_1997, title={Comparison of sodium polyanetholesulfonate with EDTA and heparin anticoagulants by assessing packed cell volume and blood smear quality of blood from hybrid white bass X striped ba}, volume={9}, DOI={10.1577/1548-8667(1997)009<0151:CCOSPW>2.3.CO;2}, abstractNote={Abstract Sodium polyanetholesulfonate, a synthetic polyanionic detergent compound commonly used as an anticoagulant in human blood culture transfer vials, was compared with EDTA and heparin, in two dilutions, in a pilot study of its anticoagulant abilities with blood from hybrid striped bass (white bass Morone chrysops × striped bass M. saxatilis). Packed cell volumes (PCVs) and blood smears made from the anticoagulant-treated blood samples were compared across time and with a control. Sodium polyanetholesulfonate kept the hybrid striped bass blood anticoagulated during the 24-h test period, but PCVs and smear quality were significantly different from the other treatments. Sodium polyanetholesulfonate does not appear to perform better than EDTA or heparin as an anticoagulatant for hybrid striped bass blood for hematology analysis.}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Aquatic Animal Health}, author={Tocidlowski, M. E. and Stoskopf, M. K.}, year={1997}, pages={151–155} } @article{tocidlowski_lewbart_stoskopf_1997, title={Hematologic study of red pacu (Colossoma brachypomum)}, volume={26}, ISSN={["0275-6382"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1939-165X.1997.tb00722.x}, abstractNote={A study of a laboratory population (N = 60) of immature red pacu (Colossoma brachypomum) was conducted for the purpose of characterizing hematological parameters. Median (2.5th ‐ 97.5th percentile) values obtained by hemocytometer counts, spun packed cell volume, refractometer, and differential counts were as follows: packed cell volume 25.8 (22.0 ‐ 32.0) %, total plasma solids 4.0 (3.4 ‐ 4.7) gm/dl, red blood cell concentration 1.68 (1.15 ‐ 2.94) × 106/μl, white blood cell concentration 33.5 (13.6 ‐ 52.3) × 103/μl, heterophils 3.2 (0.3 ‐ 16.8) × 103/μl, non‐staining granulocytes 0.4 (0.05 ‐ 1.9) × 103/μl, eosinophils 0.2 (0.1 ‐ 0.3) × 103/μl, lymphocytes 21.0 (8.2 ‐ 35.6) × 103/μl, granular lymphocytes 1.4 (0.4 ‐ 5.6) × 103/μl, and monocytes 1.2 (0.4 ‐ 4.4) × 103/μl. Blood cell measurements were taken and descriptions given of the blood cells encountered on the stained smear. A modified leukocyte slide estimate formula [(avg. # leukocytes/10 HPF × 2,000) + 6,300] (/μl) had better agreement with Neubauer hemocytometer white cell counts than the method used for avian species.}, number={3}, journal={VETERINARY CLINICAL PATHOLOGY}, author={Tocidlowski, ME and Lewbart, GA and Stoskopf, MK}, year={1997}, pages={119–125} } @article{tocidlowski_cornish_loomis_stoskopf_1997, title={Mortality in captive wild caught horned puffin chicks (Fratercula corniculata)}, volume={28}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine}, author={Tocidlowski, M. E. and Cornish, T. E. and Loomis, M. R. and Stoskopf, M. K.}, year={1997}, pages={298–306} } @article{tocidlowski_lappin_sumner_stoskopf_1997, title={Serologic survey for toxoplasmosis in river otters}, volume={33}, ISSN={["1943-3700"]}, DOI={10.7589/0090-3558-33.3.649}, abstractNote={The prevalence of antibody titers to Toxoplasma gondii in river otters (Lutra canadensis) from eastern North Carolina (USA) was investigated in a cross sectional study. Sera from 103 live trapped river otters were tested for antibodies to T. gondii using a commercially available latex agglutination kit. Forty-six (45%) of the sera were positive with titers ranging from 1:16 to >1:2,048. Adult otters (n = 78) had a seroprevalence of 47% and juvenile otters (n = 25) had a seroprevalence of 39%. Significant differences were not found between the sexes within either maturity class. The high prevalence of antibodies to T. gondii indicates that many animals in this population were exposed to the organism. This suggests handling of otters may be a zoonotic concern for fur trappers.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES}, author={Tocidlowski, ME and Lappin, MR and Sumner, PW and Stoskopf, MK}, year={1997}, month={Jul}, pages={649–652} }