Works (19)
2017 journal article
Seed Biology of the Weed Maryland Meadowbeauty (Rhexia mariana L.) in Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.)

2011 journal article
Influence of field margin type on weed species richness and abundance in conventional crop fields

2009 journal article
Asymmetric Responses of Paspalum Species to a Soil Moisture Gradient
CROP SCIENCE, 49(4), 1473–1480.

2009 journal article
Effects of Preplant and Postplant Rotary Hoe Use on Weed Control, Soybean Pod Position, and Soybean Yield
WEED SCIENCE, 57(3), 290–295.

2009 journal article
Heterogeneous distribution of weedy Paspalum species and edaphic variables in turfgrass
HortScience, 44(2), 447–451.
2008 journal article
Peanut response to planting date and potential of canopy reflectance as an indicator of pod maturation
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 100(2), 376–380.

2008 journal article
Root penetration through a high bulk density soil layer: differential response of a crop and weed species
PLANT AND SOIL, 307(1-2), 179–190.

2008 journal article
Temperature response of Benghal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis): Implications for geographic range
WEED SCIENCE, 56(5), 707–713.

2007 journal article
Dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum) control with foramsulfuron in bermuclagrass turf
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(3), 759–762.

2007 journal article
Plant nitrogen acquisition and interactions under elevated carbon dioxide: impact of endophytes and mycorrhizae
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 13(6), 1238–1249.

2006 journal article
Altered weed reproduction and maternal effects under low-nitrogen fertility
WEED SCIENCE, 54(5), 847–853.

2006 journal article
Doveweed (Murdannia nudiflora) germination and emergence as affected by temperature and seed burial depth
WEED SCIENCE, 54(6), 1000–1003.

2006 journal article
Effect of cultivation and within-field differences in soil conditions on feral Helianthus annuus growth in ridge-tillage maize
SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH, 88(1-2), 8–15.

2005 journal article
Environmental characteristics affecting Helianthus annuus distribution in a maize production system

2005 journal article
Habitat delineation of green and false-green kyllinga in turfgrass systems and interrelationship of elevation and edaphic factors
WEED SCIENCE, 53(5), 620–630.

2005 journal article
Tropical spiderwort (Commelina benghalensis): A tropical invader threatens agroecosystems of the southern United States
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 19(3), 501–508.

2005 journal article
Vegetative growth and competitiveness of common cocklebur resistant and susceptible to acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides
Journal of Cotton Science (Online), 9(4), 229.
2004 journal article
Factors affecting the realized niche of common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in ridge-tillage corn
WEED SCIENCE, 52(5), 779–787.

2002 journal article
Commelina benghalensis (Commelinaceae) new to North Carolina and an updated key to Carolina congeners
SIDA, Contributions To Botany, 20(1), 419–422.