Works (125)
2023 conference paper
Discovering Richer Conversations with Yellowdig: A New Paradigm for Community-Building
ITLC (International Teaching Learning Cooperative) Lilly Conference. Presented at the ITLC (International Teaching Learning Cooperative) Lilly Conference, Asheville, NC.
Event: ITLC (International Teaching Learning Cooperative) Lilly Conference at Asheville, NC
2022 journal article
Exploring Plant-Insect Interactions Year-Round Through Field Sampling

2021 conference paper
Engaging STEM Students in the Remote Learning Classroom
Annual Virtual Lilly Conference, Evidence-Based Teaching & Learning, Enhancing Online, On Site, and Hybrid Teaching and Learning. Presented at the Annual Virtual Lilly Conference, Evidence-Based Teaching & Learning, Enhancing Online, On Site, and Hybrid Teaching and Learning.
Event: Annual Virtual Lilly Conference, Evidence-Based Teaching & Learning, Enhancing Online, On Site, and Hybrid Teaching and Learning
2021 article proceedings
2019 conference paper
INTED Proceedings, 1, 2683–2687.
Event: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
2017 journal article
Creating a Biology "Studio" to Promote Undergraduate Research
Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 1(2), 5–11.
2017 article proceedings
2015 journal article
Authentic Science Research Opportunities: How Do Undergraduate Students Begin Integration Into a Science Community of Practice?
Journal of College Science Teaching, 44(4), 61–65.

2015 journal article
Preparing Biology Graduate Teaching Assistants for Their Roles as Instructors: An Assessment of Institutional Approaches

2015 chapter
The Bennett's Millpond Environmental Learning Project: Place-based education with student-teacher research teams
In S. Stratton, R. Hagevik, A. Feldman, & M. Bloom (Eds.), Educating Science Teachers for Sustainability (pp. 255–274).
Ed(s): S. Stratton, R. Hagevik, A. Feldman & M. Bloom

2009 journal article
Popular media in the biology classroom: viewing popular science skeptically
American Biology Teacher, 71(6), 332–335.

2007 journal article
Writing to Learn by Learning to Write in the Disciplines
Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 21(3), 278–302.

2005 journal article
LabWrite: Transforming lab reports from busywork to meaningful learning opportunities
Journal of College Science Teaching, 35, 31–33.
2004 journal article
Teaching genre to English first-language adults: A study of the laboratory report
Research in the Teaching of English, 38(4).
2003 conference paper
Improving the CS1 experience with pair programming
Proceedings of the 34th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, 359–362.
Event: SIGCSE03: SIGCSE 2003 Symposium
2003 chapter
Pair learning: With an eye toward future success
In Extreme programming and agile methods: XP/Agile Universe 2003: Third XP Agile Universe Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, August 10-13, 2003 (Vol. 2753, pp. 185–198).
2002 journal article
In support of paired programming in the introductory computer science course
Computer Science Education, 12(3), 197–212.

2002 conference paper
Pair programming in an introductory computer science course: Initial results and recommendations
OOPSLA 2002: 17th ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications : conference proceedings: November 4-8, 2002, Washington State Convention and Trade Center, Seattle, Washington, USA. New York, NY: ACM Press.
2001 conference paper
Supporting lab report writing in an introductory materials engineering lab
2001 ASEE annual conference & exposition: Proceedings ; June 24-27, 2001, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Washington, DC: ASEE.
conference paper
A National Survey of Biology GTA Professional Development: Preliminary Recommendations for Best Practices
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER). Poster. Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
A cross-departmental initiative for implementing an active learning curriculum in a non-majors biology course
Annual Meeting of the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT), Undergraduate Biology Professional Development Summit. Cleveland, OH.
conference paper
A mixed approach to teaching parasite groups in a species relationship
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Poster. University of Toronto.
conference paper
A studio lab for the undergraduate biology curriculum: using a comparative endocrinology model to recruit future scientists
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Salt Lake, UT.
conference paper
Active Learning Environments Encourage the Development of Intrinsic Motivation in Students
Annual Office of Faculty Development Symposium for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
conference paper
Active learning in introductory biology lecture courses
Annual AAAS Meeting. Poster. Washington, D.C.
conference paper
Active learning in introductory biology lecture courses using synchronous virtual spaces
Biology Leadership Conference. Poster. Tuscon, Arizona.
journal article
Aiptasia pallida as a model for coral reef bleaching
Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching. Proceedings of the 31st Workshop/Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 31, 375–382.
conference paper
An Examination of the Performance and Motivation Benefits of the Biology SCALE-UP Classroom
Annual Meeting for the AAC&U Transforming Higher Education. Atlanta, GA.
An interdisciplinary approach to address challenges of graduate TA training
(L. Border, Ed.). New Forums Press.
Ed(s): L. Border
conference paper
Assessing the Cognitive & Non-Cognitive Impacts of a Biology CURE: A Quasi-Experimental Approach
Assessing the Cognitive & Non-Cognitive Impacts of a Biology CURE: A Quasi-Experimental Approach. Presentation at Council of Undergraduate Research, Virtual Biennial Conference.
conference paper
Authentic practice and discourse of science: From the classroom to the research lab
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Workshop. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC.
conference paper
Biology Teaching Assistant Project (BioTAP): A collaborative network to meet the challenge of GTA professional development
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER). Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
Biotechnology and medical technology activities
International Technology Education Association Annual Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
conference paper
Building a Community of Practice
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience Summit. Greensboro: University of North Carolina.
conference paper
Building a Community of Practice: Embedding Authentic Research into the Biological Sciences Curricula
Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Elon University.
conference paper
College students' perceptions about lab reports: a response to in-depth instruction
Annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Vancouver, British Columbia.
Conceptualizing graduate teaching assistant development through stages of concern
In G. Gorsuch (Ed.), Working theories for teaching assistant development: Time-tested & robust theories, frameworks, & models for TA & ITA learning (pp. 227–270). Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.
Ed(s): G. Gorsuch
conference paper
Determining Aspects of Active Learning & Classroom Community that are Important to Underrepresented Groups in a Large-Lecture Biology Course: The Student Perspective
Determining Aspects of Active Learning & Classroom Community that are Important to Underrepresented Groups in a Large-Lecture Biology Course: The Student Perspective. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research. SABER), Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
Developing Self-Efficacy and Science Process Skills in First and Second Year Life Science Students through an Authentic Life Science Research Program
AAAS Vision and Change in Biology Undergraduate Education: Chronicling Change and Inspiring the Future. Poster. Washington D.C.
conference paper
Developing study and higher order thinking skills in undergraduate biology courses
Office of Faculty Development's first annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. Poster. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
conference paper
Development of a Gamified Learning Object (GLO) with Correlated Classroom Activities to Enhance Student Understanding of Evolution
ICERI 2015 Proceedings, 2898–2906.
conference paper
Engaging undergraduates in authentic research practice
NC Academy of Science Annual Meeting. Poster. Elon, NC: Elon University.
conference paper
Engaging undergraduates in authentic scientific research practice
Office of Faculty Development’s second annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. Poster. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
conference paper
Enhancing Overall Student Performance in Biology through the SCALE-UP Model for Teaching and Learning
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, (SABER). Poster. Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
Enhancing Overall Student Performance in Biology using the SCALE-UP Model
Office of Faculty Development’s Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. Poster. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
conference paper
Examination of coral reef bleaching using Aiptasia pallida as a model
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Workshop. University of Delaware.
conference paper
Examining Aspects of Student Learning in a Large-Lecture Biology Course
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, (SABER). Poster. Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
Experiencing a Coastal Ecosystem: A Virtual Field Trip to Shackleford Banks for Introductory Biology Students
NCSU Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium: Teaching, Engagement and Student Learning. Poster.
conference paper
Exploring Increased Learning Gains in Student-Centered Learning Environments: A Qualitative Study Using Self-Determination Theory
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, (SABER). Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
Exploring biotechnology and medical technology
Annual Meeting of the NC Science Teachers Association. Greensboro, NC.
conference paper
Facilitating the laboratory experience
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Workshop. Lexington: University of Kentucky.
conference paper
Gamified Learning for Blended Student-Centered Classroom Environments
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, (SABER). Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, (SABER), Minneapolis, MN.
Event: Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, (SABER) at Minneapolis, MN
weblog post
General Biology Digital Enhancement Collection
conference paper
Helping students learn chemistry by writing better lab reports.
18th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. Ames: Iowa State University.
conference paper
Helping students learn science by writing efficient lab reports
Annual Meeting of the NC Academy of Science. Workshop. Meredith College, Raleigh, NC.
conference paper
Improving laboratory writing and learning
Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Poster. Washington DC.
conference paper
Increasing Student Interest in Life Science Research through Participation in the Discourse of Science and Authentic Research Practice
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER). Poster. Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
Increasing engagement in science through authentic practice
Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching. Greensboro, NC.
conference paper
Inspiring graduate teaching assistants to pursue excellence in teaching
Instruction, 5th Annual Summer Conference. Elon University, Elon, North Carolina.
conference paper
Investigating SageModeler (tech-based modeling platform) as a Possible Solution to Incorporate Model-Based Learning (MBL) into Large Enrollment STEM Courses
NCSU Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium: Teaching, Engagement. and Student Learning.
conference paper
LabWrite II: An interactive tool for improving science lab reports
Annual Meeting of the NC Science Teachers Association. Greensboro, NC.
conference paper
LabWrite as a teaching tool for improving lab reports
Annual Meeting of the Biological Society of America. Poster. Chico, CA: California State University.
conference paper
LabWrite: A Web Site for Improving Lab Reports in Science Students
Annual Meeting of the NC Association for Research in Education (NCARE). Charlotte, NC.
conference paper
LabWrite: A Web Site for Improving the Quality of Lab Reports
NC Academy of Science annual meeting. Poster. Greensboro, NC.
conference paper
LabWrite: A web-based resource for improving the quality of lab reports
Annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Poster. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
conference paper
LabWrite: Extensive web-based instruction for helping college students write lab reports and learn science
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Workshop. Ohio: Bowling Green State University.
LabWrite: Improving Lab Reports
conference paper
LabWrite: Improving students’ science learning through writing better lab reports
Invention and Impact Conference, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Poster. Washington DC.
conference paper
LabWrite: Teaching students how to write effective lab reports
Southeastern Biology Proceedings of the ASB 65th Annual Meeting.
conference paper
LabWrite: Teaching students how to write effective lab reports
Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists. Poster. Memphis, Tennessee.
conference paper
LabWrite: improving your student's lab report writing
Annual Meeting of the NC Science Teachers Association. Greensboro, NC.
conference paper
Learner Centered Approaches Using A Blended Learning Model: Redesign of Introductory Biology Courses
7th Annual Technology Institute for Educators. “Teaching with Digital Materials and Learning Technologies. Durham, NC: NC Central University.
conference paper
Making sense of scientific data
Annual Meeting of the NC Science Teachers Association. Workshop. Greensboro, NC.
conference paper
Monitoring changes in bee species: Africanization in US Honeybees
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Workshop. University of Toronto.
journal article
Monitoring changes in species: Africanization in U.S. honeybees
Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching. Proceedings of the 30th Workshop/Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 30, 383–394.
journal article
Nonmajors' Shifts in Attitudes & Perceptions of Biology & Biologists Following an Active-Learning Course: An Exploratory Study
Nonmajors' Shifts in Attitudes & Perceptions of Biology & Biologists Following an Active-Learning Course: An Exploratory Study. The American Biology Teacher, 78(1).
journal article
Online learning objects with embedded self-assessments as a model for a blended student-centered approach in introductory biology classes
Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, 36.
conference paper
Pair programming in introductory programming labs
Proceedings of the Annual ASEE Meeting. Washington, DC: ASEE.
conference paper
Positive Engagement for ALL Students in Large Lecture Science Courses: Collaborative Learning
Annual Meeting for the AAC&U Transforming Higher Education. Atlanta, GA.
conference paper
Positive Impacts of Authentic Scientific Research Practice on First and Second Year Life Science Majors
International Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Interactive poster presentation. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
conference paper
Preparing graduate student teaching assistants for teaching labs associated with large lecture introductory biology courses
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Workshop. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC.
conference paper
Preparing graduate teaching assistants for teaching in scientific labs
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Poster. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC.
conference paper
Promoting Competencies, Student Interest, and Self-Efficacy in Life Science Research
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, (SABER). Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
Promoting Research Skills and Self-Efficacy in Undergraduate Life Science Majors
Office of Faculty Development’s Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. Poster. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
conference paper
Promoting scientific inquiry in the lab
NC Science Teachers Association Annual Meeting. Greensboro, NC.
conference paper
Providing quality instruction in the laboratory: A training program for graduate student teaching assistants
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Poster. University of Delaware.
conference paper
Reinforcing concepts through on-line resources: supplemental learning aids for biology laboratory courses
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Poster. Lexington: University of Kentucky.
conference paper
Science, biotechnology, and medical technology activities for technology education
International Technology Education Association Annual Conference. Workshop. Nashville, Tennessee.
conference paper
Scientific inquiry and writing in science labs
Annual Meeting of the NC Science Teachers Association. Greensboro, NC.
Species interaction, advantageous or not: the fig-wasp relationship
In EcoEd Digital Library.
conference paper
Student Motivation Linked to Active Learning in Introductory Biology
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, (SABER). Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
Student-Centered Active Learning Environment with Upside-down Pedagogies: Student Performance and Course Evaluations in a Flipped Biology Classroom
Office of Faculty Development’s Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. Poster. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
conference paper
Student-Centered Learning Environments’ Impact on Student Motivation and Learning in Introductory Biology
National Association for Research in Science Teaching. San Antonio, TX.
conference paper
Student-Centered Learning and Overall Student Performance in Biology
Office of Faculty Development’s Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. Poster. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
conference paper
Systems Modeling in STEM through SageModeler
Annual NC Association for Biomedical Research: Bridging the Gap.
conference paper
Taxonomies in graphics instruction: responding to the accountability movement
58th Annual Mid-Year Conference of the Engineering Design Graphics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education. Scottsdale, AZ.
conference paper
Teaching in the lab workshop: essential tools for graduate teaching assistants
Office of Faculty Development's first annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. Poster. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
conference paper
The Effects of Instructor Support in Active Learning Biology Classrooms on Student Motivation and Performance
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER). Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
The LabWrite Project: Experiences reforming lab report writing practice in undergraduate lab courses
Proceedings of the Annual ASEE Meeting.
conference paper
The VisTE project: Visualization for improved technological and scientific literacy
Proceedings of the Annual ASEE Meeting. Washington, DC: ASEE.
conference paper
The changing needs of graduate students: How to assess the non-academic needs of your students
41st Annual Conference of Southern Graduate Schools Meeting. Jacksonville, Florida.
conference paper
The science laboratory report as a pedagogical tool for promoting scientific literacy in college students
Annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
journal article
Transforming Lab Reports into Meaningful Learning Opportunities
Journal of College Science Teaching, 35(3).
conference paper
URM Students’ Perceptions of TH!NKing Through Active Learning in a Large-Lecture Classroom
Annual International Meeting for the Association of Science Teacher Education (ASTE). Savannah, GA.
Undergraduate Research as an Innovative Learning Experience: Student Retrospectives on Career Choice Impacts
In Monograph series on Innovations in College Science Teaching, Society of College Science Teachers (pp. 35–48). Society of College Science Teachers.
conference paper
Understanding the URM Student Perspective in Large Enrollment Active Learning Classrooms
NCSU Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium: Teaching, Engagement. Poster.
conference paper
Understanding the URM Student Perspective in Large Enrollment Active Learning Classrooms
NCSU Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium: Teaching, Engagement. Poster. and Student Learning.
conference paper
Using 3-D Printing to Create Manipulatives for Undergraduate Active Learning Biology Classrooms
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER), Round table. Minneapolis, MN.
journal article
Using a Comparative Endocrinology Model to Recruit Future Scientists
.Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, 35, 375–382.
conference paper
Using a Comparative Endocrinology Model to Recruit Future Scientists
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Workshop. Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary.
conference paper
Using lab reports to achieve specific learning goals in a wide range of laboratory settings
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Workshop. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
conference paper
Using student generated species descriptions and relationships to test and refine understanding of community structure
Annual Meeting of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). Poster. Lexington: University of Kentucky.
conference paper
Using the laboratory report to promote scientific thinking and learning in college biology students
Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists. Memphis, Tennessee.
conference paper
Using the “LabWrite Approach” to writing lab reports
18th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. Poster. Ames: Iowa State University.
conference paper
Virtual Reality Ecosystems: Experiencing a North Carolina Temperate Forest without Leaving the Classroom
NCSU Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium: Teaching, Engagement, and Student Learning. Poster.
conference paper
Virtual Reality Field Trips for Introductory Biology Students
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, (SABER). Round table. Minneapolis, MN.
conference paper
VisTE: Visualization for technology education; An outreach program for engineering Graphics Education
Proceedings of the Annual ASEE Meeting. Washington, DC: ASEE.
conference paper
VisTE: Visualization in Technology Education
International Technology Education Association Annual Conference. Poster. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
conference paper
VisTE: Visualization in Technology Education
International Technology Education Association Annual Conference. Poster. Nashville, Tennessee.
conference paper
VisTE: Visualization in technology education
NSF K-12 Math, Science, and Technology Curriculum Developers Conference. Poster. Arlington, VA.
conference paper
Visualization and Communication in Technology Education
International Technology Education Association Annual Conference. Workshop. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
conference paper
Visualization in Technology Education
Southeastern Technology Education Conference. Atlanta, GA.
conference paper
Visualizing Science and Technology
Annual Meeting of the NC Science Teachers Association. Greensboro, NC.
conference paper
graduate teaching assistant development through stages of concern
Office of Faculty Development’s second annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. Poster. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
conference paper
iCATT: Collaborating to prepare and support graduate teaching assistants
Office of Faculty Development's first annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. Poster. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.