@article{perez-diaz_johanningsmeier_anekella_pagan-medina_mendez-sandoval_arellano_price_daughtry_borges_bream_et al._2021, title={Genotypic and phenotypic diversity among Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus pentosus isolated from industrial scale cucumber fermentations}, volume={94}, ISSN={["1095-9998"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.fm.2020.103652}, abstractNote={The Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus pentosus genotypes existing in industrial-scale cucumber fermentations were defined using rep-PCR-(GTG)5. The ability of each genotype to ferment cucumbers under various conditions was evaluated. Rep-PCR-(GTG)5 was the technique capable of illustrating the most intraspecies discrimination compared to the sequencing of housekeeping genes (recA, dnaK, pheS and rpoA), MLST and RAPD with primers LP1, OPL5, M14 and COC. Ten genotypic clusters were defined for the 199 L. pentosus tested and three for the 17 L. plantarum clones. The ability of the 216 clones genotyped and 37 additional cucumber fermentation isolates, of the same species, to rapidly decrease the pH of cucumber juice medium under various combinations of sodium chloride (0 or 6%), initial pH (4.0 or 5.2) and temperatures (15 or 30 °C) was determined using a fractional factorial screening design. A reduced fermentation ability was observed for the L. plantarum strains as compared to L. pentosus, except for clone 3.2.8, which had a ropy phenotype and aligned to genotypic cluster A. L. pentosus strains belonging to three genotypic clusters (B, D and J) were more efficient in cucumber juice fermentation as compared to most L. plantarum strains. This research identified three genetically diverse L. pentosus strains and one L. plantarum as candidates for starter cultures for commercial cucumber fermentations.}, journal={FOOD MICROBIOLOGY}, author={Perez-Diaz, Ilenys M. and Johanningsmeier, Suzanne D. and Anekella, Kartheek and Pagan-Medina, Christian G. and Mendez-Sandoval, Lesley and Arellano, Consuelo and Price, Robert and Daughtry, Katheryne V and Borges, Michelle and Bream, Chloe and et al.}, year={2021}, month={Apr} } @article{carraway-stage_spangler_borges_goodell_2014, title={Evaluation of a pictorial method to assess liking of familiar fruits and vegetables among preschool children}, volume={75}, ISSN={["1095-8304"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84892474658&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1016/j.appet.2013.12.011}, abstractNote={Research suggests fruit and vegetable (FV) preferences greatly influence on FV intake. Methods for assessing children's FV preference in a reliable and valid manner are needed. The purpose of this study was to develop a practical, reliable, and valid method for evaluating FV liking among preschool-aged children using photographs. Authors formatively assessed a series of digital FV photographs and hedonic scales to develop content for the liking measure. The measure for assessment included 20 high-quality, digital photographs presenting 13 FVs. A non-gendered 5-point face scale (super yummy to super yucky) was chosen to determine level of liking. We used this measure to establish reliability (i.e., test re-test) and concurrent validity (i.e., photograph versus tasting experience) of the pictorial method. Data were analyzed using Spearman's Rho Correlation Coefficients and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. The measure demonstrated varying levels of reliability/validity for individual FV items and the fruit scale; however, the vegetable scale and collapsed FV scale were determined to be valid measures. Authors recommended the removal of one weak pictorial fruit item (halved peach) from the fruit and FV scales to improve validity. The final recommended measure included 19 high-quality, digital photographs presenting 12 FVs. The pictorial FV measure and subscales may be useful for assessing FV liking among groups of preschool-aged children within the studied population. Additional research is needed to further validate the use of the pictorial FV measures in a larger, more generalizable sample.}, journal={APPETITE}, author={Carraway-Stage, Virginia and Spangler, Hillary and Borges, Michelle and Goodell, L. Suzanne}, year={2014}, month={Apr}, pages={11–20} }