Marc I Hoit
structural engineering, facilitation
Dr. Marc Hoit is the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and CIO at NC State University. Hoit held numerous administrative positions at the University of Florida including Interim CIO, Director of Student PeopleSoft Implementation, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Administration and Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering. He is a Professor of Structural Engineering in the Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department at NC State. Hoit received his B.S. from Purdue University, M.S. and Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley. He was the PI for DIGGS, an international standard XML schema for transferring transportation information and data, funded by the Federal Highway Association. His structural engineering research developed the computer program, FB-MultiPier, which performs non-linear analysis of bridge piers, superstructure and pile foundations subjected to dynamic loading. Dr. Hoit has been dedicating effort towards facilitation in supporting strategic plan development as well as training others to facilitate. His initial training was in 1995. Since then, he has lead the development of strategic plans for many engineering groups including the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Infrastructure Advancement Institute (IAI), American Segmental Bridge Institute (ASBI), American Association of Environmental and Environmental Science Professors (AEESP). He and his training partner created the organization to help in leadership development and train others to facilitate including IAI, Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) and others.
Works (143)
2013 journal article
Constructing next generation academic cloud services
International Journal of Cloud Computing, 2(2/3), 104–122.
2013 journal article
Constructing next generation academic cloud services
International Journal of Cloud Computing 1, 2(2-3), 104–122.
2013 conference paper
Integrated data for bio-preparedness: The national collaborative for bio-preparedness
141st APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (November 2-November 6, 2013). Presented at the APHA.
2013 journal article
National Collaborative for Bio-Preparedness
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 5(1).
2012 report
Development of Geotechnical Data Schema in Transportation
2011 journal article
International Society for Disease Surveillance Conference 2011: Building the Future of Public Health Surveillance: Building the Future of Public Health Surveillance
Emerging Health Threats Journal, 4.
2011 journal article
Novel approach to statewide biosurveillance using emergency medical services (EMS) information
Emerg Health Threats J, 4.
2011 book
Structures Congress 2011
American Society of Civil Engineers.
2010 book
2010 Structures Congress
2010 conference paper
Structures Congress 2010: 19th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference
2010 Structures Congress. Presented at the ASCE.
2009 conference paper
Front Matter
Structures Congress 2009. Presented at the Structures Congress 2009.
2009 article
NCSU's Virtual Computing Lab: A Cloud Computing Solution
Schaffer, H. E., Averitt, S. F., Hoit, M. I., Peeler, A., Sills, E. D., & Vouk, M. A. (2009, July). COMPUTER, Vol. 42, pp. 94–97.
Contributors: H. Schaffer n, S. Averitt n, n , A. Peeler n, E. Sills n & M. Vouk n

2009 journal article
Structures Congress 2009: Don’t Mess with Structural Engineers: Expanding Our Role
2008 conference paper
Extending the geotechnical dictionary: Best practice for customizing the international framework for geotechnical data
Geotechnical Special Publication, (179), 549–556.
2008 conference paper
Geoenvironmental and geotechnical data exchange: Setting the standard
Geotechnical Special Publication, (179), 557–564.
Contributors: S. Weaver, T. Lefchik*, * & K. Beach *
2008 journal article
Integration of XML schemas for the exchange of FDOT construction project data
2008 journal article
Structures Congress 2008: Crossing Borders
2007 journal article
Deep foundation data capabilities of the Data Interchange for Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (DIGGS) mark-up language
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 12 B.
2007 journal article
FB-MultiPier Version 4.11 User’s manual
Bridge Software Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville Florida.
2007 chapter
Finite Elements
In Handbook of Dynamic System Modeling (pp. 13–11). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
2007 chapter
Handbook of Dynamic System Modeling
2007 journal article
The Contribution of Skin Friction to the Lateral Resistance of the Soil on Piles/Shafts
2006 conference paper
Structures Congress 2006: 17th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference
Structures Congress 2006@ sStructural Engineering and Public Safety. Presented at the ASCE.
2005 article
Data storage and extraction in engineering software using XML
Contributors: M. Williams*, G. Consolazio * & *
2005 journal article
Development of a web based design, and construction bridge substructure database
84th TRB Annual Meeting. January, 9–13.
2005 report
Evaluation of Existing Deep Foundation Performance Using FDOT Database to Improve Current Design Methodologies
2005 conference paper
Soil structure analysis of integral abutment bridges
Integral Abutment and Jointless Bridges (IAJB 2005).
2004 article
Bridge pier live load analysis using neural networks

2004 conference paper
Integrating entrepreneurial projects into a successful multidisciplinary capstone design program at the University of Florida
ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 7688–7697.
2004 conference paper
Survey builder: A tool to support assessment
ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 13171–13181.
2004 journal article
The University of Florida integrated technology ventures (ITV) program
National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance. Proceedings of the... Annual Conference, 93.
2003 conference paper
Factors influencing freshmen retention in engineering programs
ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 11672–11677.
2003 journal article
Integrated Curricula in the SUCCEED Coalition
Proc. Amer. Soc. Eng. Ed., Nashville, Tennessee.
2002 conference paper
Bridge pier live load analysis using neural networks
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, 197–198.
2001 journal article
Engineering Academic Diversity: It's the Nondiverse Who Need To Participate
Leadership and Management in Engineering, 1(4), 72–74.
2001 journal article
Engineering academic diversity: It?s the non-diverse that need to participate
Leadership and Management in Engineering, 1(4), 72–74.
2001 journal article
Highlights of the Seattle Education Congress
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 127(2), 51–53.
Contributors: W. Highter*, J. Clark *, D. Hancher*, * , G. Reed*, J. Roesset*, P. Taylor *
2001 conference paper
SUCCEED: a multiple university collaborative approach to systemic curriculum change
2001 International Conference on Engineering Education Proceedings, Oslo, Norway, August 2001, (2001 August).
2001 report
Static and dynamic lateral loading of pile groups
1999 journal article
First-year integrated curricula: Design alternatives and examples
Journal of Engineering Education, 88(4), 435.
1999 journal article
First-year integrated curricula: design alternatives and examples
Journal of Engineering Education, 88(4), 435–448.
1999 conference paper
Hands-on institute for science and technology: One possible model
1999 National Civil Engineering Education Congress, 124–129.
1999 journal article
Physics-of-failure assessment of a cruise control module
1998 report
Development of a Coupled Bridge Pier and Foundation Finite Element Code
1998 conference paper
First-year integrated curricula across engineering education coalitions
28th annual frontiers in education conference - conference proceedings, vols 1-3, 1, 177–197.
Contributors: N. Al-Holou*, N. Bilgutay*, C. Corleto*, J. Demel*, R. Felder n, K. Frair*, J. Froyd*, M. Hoit *, J. Morgan *
1998 journal article
Impact of a discipline-based Introduction to Engineering course on improving retention
Journal of Engineering Education, 87(1), 79–85.
Contributors: & M. Ohland * *
1997 book
Centrifuge testing of plumb and battered pile groups in sand
In Transportation Research Record (pp. 8–16).
Contributors: P. Pinto *, M. McVay *, * & P. Lai*

1997 journal article
Computer Aided Design Program For Signal Pole And Span Wire Assemblies With Two Point Connection System
1997 book
The Florida pier analysis program: Methods and models for pier analysis and design
In Transportation Research Record (Vol. 1569, pp. 1–7).
1996 journal article
FLPIER User's Manual
University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.
1996 journal article
Florida pier computer program for bridge substructure analysis: model and methods
Conference Proceedings, Design of Bridges for Extreme Events, FHWA, Washington, DC.
1996 article
Integrating The First Two Years Of Engineering Education
1996 conference paper
Integrating the first two years of engineering education
ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 1917–1929.
1996 journal article
Nonlinear pile foundation analysis using Florida-Pier
Journal of Bridge Engineering, 1(4), 135–142.
Contributors: , M. McVay *, C. Hays* & P. Andrade * *
1996 article
Teaching Teachers To Teach Engineering: The 19th Annual Secme Summer Institute
1996 conference paper
Teaching teachers to teach engineering: The 19th annual SECME summer institute
ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 3073–3079.
1995 journal article
COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, 54(4), 725–730.
Contributors: & K. Krishnamurthy * *

1995 journal article
COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, 55(6), 979–987.
Contributors: , R. Cook* & P. Christou * *
1995 journal article
Bridge Pier Analysis for Ship Impact
Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings, (7).
1995 journal article
Computer Aided Design Program For Signal Pole And Span Wire Assemblies With Two Point Connection System. Final Project Report (Phase II)
1995 conference paper
Coupled force density-direct stiffness for cable-beam systems
Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics, 1, 285–288.
1995 conference paper
Implementing curriculum reform: A case history
ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2, 1817–1822.
1995 conference paper
Institutionalizing curriculum change: A SUCCEED case history
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, 1, 349–354.
1995 article
Truss Bridge Laboratory
1994 journal article
Bridge Rating Of Girder-Slab Bridges Using Automated Finite Element Technology. Final Project Report/Final Contract Report
1994 journal article
Computer assisted structural analysis and modeling
1994 journal article
Freshman Interdisciplinary Laboratory
Proceedings, 630–637.
1994 journal article
COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, 52(5), 1011–1021.
Contributors: , D. Stoker* & G. Consolazio * *
1994 journal article
Optimization of Finite‐Element Software Using Data‐Compression Techniques
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 9(3), 161–173.
Contributors: G. Consolazio * & *
1994 conference paper
Renumbering heuristics using neural networks
Artificial Intelligence and Object Oriented Approaches for Structural Engineering, 69–81.
1992 report
Development of a Coupled Bridge Superstructure And Foundation Finite Element Code. Draft Report. Lpgstan (Version 1.0-Plumb Piles) Laterally Loaded Pile Group and Structural Analysis. User's Manual
1991 journal article
Probabilistic design and optimization of reinforced concrete frames
Engineering Optimization, 17(3), 229–235.
1990 report
Bridge Rating of Girder-Slab Bridges with Automated Finite Element Modeling Techniques. Interim Project Report/Final Contract Report
1990 book
Integrated Optimization of Non-Linear Reinforced Concrete Frames
1989 book
Development of Analysis Capabilities for Nonlinear Post-tensioned Concrete Structures
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Florida.
1989 journal article
Integrated optimization of nonlinear R/C frames with reliability constraints
1989 article
Integrated software for concrete design
Concrete International, Vol. 11, pp. 78–85.
1989 article
COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, Vol. 33, pp. 903–914.
1988 book
Enhanced Techniques for Understanding Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Behavior
University of Florida, Department of Civil Engineering.
1988 report
Enhanced Techniques for Understanding Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Behavior. Final Report
1988 book
Integrated Structural Sizing Optimization
1988 journal article
Substructure Modeling of Two-Way Slab Systems
Special Publication, 106, 25–46.
1987 conference paper
Publication SP - American Concrete Institute, 139–148.
1987 journal article
Integrated structural sizing optimization
Engineering Optimization, 12(3), 207–218.
Contributors: , A. Soeir * & F. Fagundo* *

1987 conference paper
1986 journal article
An Updated Out‐of‐Core Equation Solver
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 1(3), 247–254.

1984 journal article
COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, 19(3), 321–338.
1984 conference paper
ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 3, 1293–1297.
1983 journal article
COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, 16(1-4), 225–239.
1983 book
New computer programming techniques for structural engineering
University of California, Berkeley.
2010 Structures Congress: 19th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference
Reston, Va.: American Society of Civil Engineers.
journal article
Alternatives to matrix methods, how to teach structural behavior
Hoit, M. I. Structure Magazine, 1.
journal article
An integrated design environment for concrete structures
Hoit, M. I., Fagundo, F. E., & Johnson, H. Computer Applications in Concrete Technology, 139 148.
journal article
Bridge pier analysis for ship impact
International Bridge Engineering Conference, 4, 279–288.
conference paper
Bridge pier analysis for ship impact and other loads
Hoit, M. I., McVay, M. C., & Hays, C. O. National Workshop on Bridge Research in Progress, 377–380.
conference paper
Bridge pile substructure analysis and ship impact
Hoit, M., McVay, M., & Hays, C. Ship Collision Analysis, 141–147.
conference paper
CAL 80: An educational and developmental environment for engineering
Hoit, M. I., & Wilson, E. L. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 1293–1297.
journal article
Centrifuge testing of plumb and battered pile groups in sand
Pinto, P., McVay, M., & Hoit, M. I. Transportation Research Record, 1569, 8–16.
conference paper
Comparing time domain and modal analysis methods for bridge piers
Williams, M. E., & Hoit, M. I. ASCE Structures Congress and Exposition.
conference paper
Comparison of static and dynamic pier impact analysis using FB-Pier
Williams, M. E., & Hoit, M. I. Proceedings of the FHWA National Workshop on Innovative Applications of Finite Element Modeling in Highway Structures.
conference paper
Computer independent programming
Hoit, M. I. ASCE Conference Proceedings, 39–41.
Computer-assisted structural analysis and modeling
Hoit, M. I. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
conference paper
Coupled force density and direct stiffness solution method of cable-beam systems
Hoit, M. I., Cook, R. A., & Christos, P. ASCE Conference Proceedings, 285–288.
DIGGS 1.0. a Release Notes
Hoit, M. In Data Interchange for Geotechnical and GeoEnvironmental Specialists (DIGGS).
journal article
Deep Foundation Data Capabilities of the Data Interchange for Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (DIGGS) Mark-up Language
Styler, M., Hoit, M., & McVay, M. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
conference paper
Development of a web based design, and construction bridge substructure database
McVay, M., Hoit, M., Hughes E., N. T., & P., L. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
Don't mess with structural engineers: expanding our role : proceedings of the 2009 Structures Congress, April 30-May 2, 2009, Austin, Texas
Reston, Va.: American Society of Civil Engineers.
conference paper
Don?t let the cloud rain on you
Hoit, M., Kurth, A., Peeler, A., Schaffer, H., Sills, E., Streck, J., … Vouk, M. IBM Cloud Academy Conference.
conference paper
Factors influencing freshmen retention in engineering programs
Carter, R., Hoit, M., & Anderson, T. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Finite Elements
Hoit, M., & Consolazio, G. In Handbook of Dynamic System Modeling. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
conference paper
Florida pier computer program for bridge substructure analysis: Models and methods
Hoit, M. I., McVay, M. C., & Hays, C. O. Conference Proceedings, The Design of Bridges for Extreme, 1–17.
conference paper
Freshman interdisciplinary laboratory
Hoit, M. I., & Culpepper, K. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 630–637.
conference paper
Freshman interdisciplinary laboratory - second year results
Hoit, M. I., & Syfrett, E. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2470–2480.
Highway bridge rating system on a vector processor
Hoit, M. I., Selvappalm, M., & Hays, C. O. In Computer Assisted Analysis and Modeling on the IBM 3090. Cambridge, Massachesetts: The MIT Press.
conference paper
Implementing curriculum reform: A case history
Hoit, M. I., & Ohland, M. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 1817–1821.
conference paper
Institutionalizing curriculum change: A SUCCEED case history
Hoit, M., & Ohland, M. Frontiers in education 1995 - 25th annual conference, proceedings, vols i and ii: engineering education for the 21st century, 348–353.
conference paper
Integrated curricula in the SUCCEED coalition
Ohland, M. W., Felder, R., Hoit, M., Zhang, G., & Anderson, T. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
conference paper
Integrated optimization of nonlinear reinforced-concrete frames
Soeiro, A. V., Fagundo, F. E., & Hoit, M. I. Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures, vols 1 and 2, 133–140.
journal article
Integrated software for concrete design
Fagundo, F. E., Hoit, M. I., & Johnson, H. Concrete International Journal, 11(9), 78–85.
conference paper
Integrated structural sizing optimization
Hoit, M. I., & Soeiro, A. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science.
conference paper
Integrating the first two years of engineering education
Hoit, M. I., & Ohland, M. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
journal article
International Society for Disease Surveillance 10 th Annual Conference 2011 Building the Future of Public Health Surveillance
Adeoye, O., Aman-Oloniyo, A., Nwaeke, C., Mbata, A., Oduneye, A., Azarian, T., … others.
conference paper
LRFD substructure and foundation design programs
Williams, M. E., McVay, M., & Hoit, M. I. International Bridge Conference.
conference paper
Novel approach to statewide biosurveillance using emergency medical services (EMS) information
Cairns, C., Potenziani, D., Hoit, M., Jenkins, C., & Edgemon, S. International Society for Disease Surveillance 10th Annual Conference 2011.
journal article
Overcoming barriers and making it real
Hoit, M. I. Q2 Special Report: Big Data, Big Expectations, The Center for Digital Education, 24–25.
conference paper
Performance of Traffic Signals and Signs in Hurricane Andrew
Ashley, F. K., Cook, R. A., & Hoit, M. I. Hurricanes of 1992@ sLessons Learned and Implications for the Future, 415–423.
journal article
SUCCEED: A Multiple University Collaborative Approach to Systemic Curriculum Change
Anderson, T., Hoit, M., Felder, R., Brent, R., Zorowski, C., Ollis, D., … Phillips, H.
conference paper
Sizing optimization
ASCE Conference Proceedings, 212–221.
journal article
Software INTEGRADO para el disno estructural
Fagundo, F. E., Hoit, M. I., & Johnson, J. H. Construction Technologia Journal, 2(20), 20–35.
Structures Congress 2008: Crossing Borders Proceedings of the 2008 Structures Congress, April 24-26, 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Reston, Va.: American Society of Civil Engineers.
Structures Congress 2011: proceedings of the 2011 Structures Congress : April 14-16, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada
Reston, Va.: American Society of Civil Engineers.
journal article
Substructure modeling of two way slab systems
Hoit, M. I., Fagundo, F. E., & Hamilton, T. Computer Applications in Concrete Technology, 25–46.
conference paper
Survey builder: A tool to support assessment
Hoit, M., Sayers, R., Lewis, B., & A., K. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
conference paper
Teaching Teachers to Teach Engineering: The 19th Annual SECME Summer Institute
Ohland, M., Hoit, M. I., & Kantowski, M. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
conference paper
The DIGGS standard and piling (v1)
Hoit, M., Styler, M., & McVay, M. Geo-Engineering Data: Representation and Standardization.
journal article
The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive NISEE e-Library
Ventura, C. E., Finn, W. D., & Felber, A. J.
conference paper
The Hands-On Institute for Science and Technology: One Possible Model
Ohland, M., & Hoit, M. Forming Civil Engineering’s Future, 124–129.
conference paper
The University of Florida Integrated Technology Ventures (ITV) program
Stanfill K., S. E., Rossi W., I. H., Whitney D., & Hoit, M. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
conference paper
The hands-on institute for science and technology: One possible model
Ohland, M., & Hoit, M. Forming Civil Engineering's Future, 124–129.
journal article
The impact of a discipline-based introduction to engineering course on improving retention
Hoit, M. I., Ohland, M., & Kantowski, M. Journal of Engineering Education, 87(1), 79–85.
conference paper
Using neural networks to position live loads on bridge piers
Williams, M. E., & Hoit, M. I. International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing.
journal article
Using neural networks to position live loads on bridge piers
Williams, M. E., & Hoit, M. I. Advances in Engineering Software, 35(10-11), 645–652.
conference paper
Your building may be stronger than you think - the benefits of 3-D analysis
Hoit, M., & Ellifritt, D. Structural Stability Research Council: 1993 Annual Technical Session, Proceedings: Reports on Current Research Activities, 1–11.
Updated: April 18th, 2016 14:31
2008 - present
2008 - present
2004 - 2008
1984 - 2008
Updated: April 18th, 2016 14:27
1980 - 1983
1979 - 1980
1975 - 1978
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: December 10th, 2019 12:14