@misc{rukh_rahman_sakib_pantha_hasan_jabeen_islam_2024, title={A comprehensive review of semi-clathrate hydrates for CO2 capture: Characterizations, mechanism and role of promoters}, volume={12}, ISSN={["2772-6568"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ccst.2024.100217}, abstractNote={Recently, clathrate hydrate-based CO2 separation is considered as one of the most attractive processes for reducing CO2 emissions because of its effective energy utilization, environmental friendliness, and economic viability. The ionic semi-clathrate hydrate, a quaternary salt used to facilitate hydrate formation, is particularly shown interest because it can boost CO2 capture by improving the physical and chemical interactions between host lattice and guest molecules for hydrate formation. A reduced pressure of 1 MPa or less is high enough for effective gas trapping at 280 K using a semi-clathrate hydrate. The operating parameters, ionic hydrate structure, and promoter concentration affect CO2 capture. The efficiency of the CO2 separation process can be significantly reduced by inhibitory effects at a particular salt concentration. Research has been conducted using tetra-n-butyl-ammonium and phosphonium salts because their crystal structure and morphology are favorable to form semi-clathrate hydrates. However, only a few lookups on environment-friendly and appropriate characterization strategies of the hydrates and novel promoters, and their design, and operability have been performed. This review addresses the mechanisms involving the size of CO2 molecules in an ionic hydrate network, the characterization methods of the hydrates, promoter integration and their overall performance analysis. In addition to that, operational strategies of the semi-clathrate hydrate-based CO2 capture processes, the drawbacks and future routes to research CO2 capture using semi-clathrate hydrates have been addressed.}, journal={CARBON CAPTURE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY}, author={Rukh, Mahe and Rahman, Md Shahriar and Sakib, K. M. Nazmus and Pantha, Shawon Chowdhury and Hasan, Sadia and Jabeen, Mahe and Islam, Md Shaninoor}, year={2024}, month={Sep} } @misc{juthi_jabeen_islam_biswas_ahmed_2024, title={Biopolymer-based coating materials for antiviral and antifungal applications: Recent advances in formulations and characterization}, volume={498}, ISSN={["1873-3212"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.cej.2024.155000}, journal={CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL}, author={Juthi, Zarin Tasnim and Jabeen, Mahe and Islam, Md Reazul and Biswas, Payel and Ahmed, Shoeb}, year={2024}, month={Oct} } @misc{jabeen_biswas_islam_paul_2023, title={Antiviral Peptides in Antimicrobial Surface Coatings-From Current Techniques to Potential Applications}, volume={15}, ISSN={["1999-4915"]}, DOI={10.3390/v15030640}, abstractNote={The transmission of pathogens through contact with contaminated surfaces is an important route for the spread of infections. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 highlights the necessity to attenuate surface-mediated transmission. Currently, the disinfection and sanitization of surfaces are commonly performed in this regard. However, there are some disadvantages associated with these practices, including the development of antibiotic resistance, viral mutation, etc.; hence, a better strategy is necessary. In recent years, peptides have been studied to be utilized as a potential alternative. They are part of the host immune defense and have many potential in vivo applications in drug delivery, diagnostics, immunomodulation, etc. Additionally, the ability of peptides to interact with different molecules and membrane surfaces of microorganisms has made it possible to exploit them in ex vivo applications such as antimicrobial (antibacterial and antiviral) coatings. Although antibacterial peptide coatings have been studied extensively and proven to be effective, antiviral coatings are a more recent development. Therefore, this study aims to highlight antiviral coating strategies and the current practices and application of antiviral coating materials in personal protective equipment, healthcare devices, and textiles and surfaces in public settings. Here, we have presented a review on potential techniques to incorporate peptides in current surface coating strategies that will serve as a guide for developing cost-effective, sustainable and coherent antiviral surface coatings. We further our discussion to highlight some challenges of using peptides as a surface coating material and to examine future perspectives.}, number={3}, journal={VIRUSES-BASEL}, author={Jabeen, Mahe and Biswas, Payel and Islam, Md Touhidul and Paul, Rajesh}, year={2023}, month={Mar} } @article{karakis_jabeen_britt_cordiner_mischler_li_miguel_rao_2023, title={Laminin switches terminal differentiation fate of human trophoblast stem cells under chemically defined culture conditions}, volume={299}, ISSN={["1083-351X"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85153856573&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1016/j.jbc.2023.104650}, abstractNote={Human trophoblast stem cells (hTSCs) have emerged as a powerful tool to model early placental development in vitro. Analogous to the epithelial cytotrophoblast in the placenta, hTSCs can differentiate into cells of the extravillous trophoblast (EVT) lineage or the multinucleate syncytiotrophoblast (STB). Here we present a chemically defined culture system for STB and EVT differentiation of hTSCs. Notably, in contrast to current approaches, we neither utilize forskolin for STB formation nor transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) inhibitors or a passage step for EVT differentiation. Strikingly, the presence of a single additional extracellular cue-laminin-111-switched the terminal differentiation of hTSCs from STB to the EVT lineage under these conditions. In the absence of laminin-111, STB formation occurred, with cell fusion comparable to that obtained with differentiation mediated by forskolin; however, in the presence of laminin-111, hTSCs differentiated to the EVT lineage. Protein expression of nuclear hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF1α and HIF2α) was upregulated during EVT differentiation mediated by laminin-111 exposure. A heterogeneous mixture of Notch1}, number={5}, journal={JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY}, author={Karakis, Victoria and Jabeen, Mahe and Britt, John W. and Cordiner, Abigail and Mischler, Adam and Li, Feng and Miguel, Adriana San and Rao, Balaji M.}, year={2023}, month={May} }