Jayne Fleener
futures, education, curriculum theory, philosophy, leadership, change
Works (104)
2024 chapter
Queer futuring: transformational transcendence
2023 journal article
Adult Education, Futures Literacy, and Deep Democracy: Engaging Democratic Visioning and Anticipatory Futures For More Sustainable Futures
ADULT LEARNING, 34(3), 131–141.

2022 journal article
Blockchain Technologies: A Study of the Future of Education
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(1).
2022 article
Democracy's Relationship With the Future: Transforming Society's Promise
Fleener, M. J., & Barcinas, S. J. (2022, June 3). JOURNAL OF TRANSFORMATIVE EDUCATION, Vol. 6.

2022 chapter
Futures Literacy for Adult Learning: Hopeful Futures in Complex Worlds
In Global Citizenship for Adult Education: Advancing Critical Literacies for Equity and Social Justice.
2022 article
Queer futuring: an approach to critical futuring strategies for adult learners
Fleener, M. J., & Coble, C. (2022, January 17). ON THE HORIZON, Vol. 1.

2021 journal article
A Social Inquiry Analysis of Post-Pandemic Higher Education: A Futures Perspective
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(10).
2021 encyclopedia entry
Curriculum Theory Meets the Future: Complex Spaces Where Being Creates
In Springer - Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation.
2020 journal article
Futurists' relationships with the future: a study of anticipatory meaning-making of ecosystem builders
FORESIGHT, 22(5-6), 633–642.

2020 journal article
The Worlding of Teaching: Heideggarian Being, Currere and Ontological Citizenship
The Currere Exchange Journal. https://cej.lib.miamioh.edu/index.php/CEJ/article/view/15
2020 journal article
The logic of heart
Currere Exchange Journal. https://cej.lib.miamioh.edu/index.php/CEJ/article/view/78
2018 chapter
Dynamics of a Scholarly Life: Conversational Complexity in Pursuit of the Mysterium Tremendum
In Complexifying Curriculum Studies - Reflections on the Generative and Generous Gifts of William E. Doll, Jr. - Routledge Collection.
2017 book review
Overcoming excellence gaps: Every child challenged
[Review of]. Teachers College Record. http://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentID=22098
2017 journal article
A Systems Perspective of Democracy and Education: A Transformational Imperative.
The Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. http://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/jaaacs/issue/view/182814
2017 journal article
Our Mathematical Relationship with Climate Change: Mathematics Education’s Ethical Imperative
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. http://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/education/research/centres/stem/publications/pmej/pome32/index.html
2017 journal article
The King of Chaos: William E. Doll, Jr
Emergence-Complexity & Organization, 19(3-4).
2016 journal article
Addressing educations' most intractable problems: A case of failing schools
Emergence-Complexity & Organization, 18(3-4).
2016 journal article
Data sharing to drive the improvement of teacher preparation programs
Teachers' College Record.
2016 chapter
Re-searching methods in educational research
Berlin: Springer Publishing.
2011 journal article
Chaos, complexity, and creative behavior
Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences, 15(2), 143–144.
2011 chapter
Creating Spaces for Service Learning Research
Information Age Publishing.
2011 article
Creativity and Nonlinear Dynamics
(2011, April). Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and the Life Sciences.
2011 chapter
Dimensions of teacher education accountability
Earley, Teacher Education Policy.
Ed(s): D. Imig & P.
2011 article
Post-Modern Deaning
(2011, September 23). Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ujcp20/6/2?nav=tocList
2009 journal article
An Afterword: Sustainable Educational Contexts
Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 6(2), 82–84.
2009 journal article
Bootstrapping a Theory of Thinking and Learning
Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 6(1).
2009 book review
Conversational Labyrinths and Metaphorical Journeys
[Review of]. In Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education.6(2).
2009 journal article
Post-Modern Deaning: A Call to Action
Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 6(2), 27–33.
2008 journal article
Complexity and Postmodern Criticality
Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 6 (1).
2008 book review
Learning Dynamics
[Review of ]. Nonlinear Dynamics in Psychology and the Life Sciences. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
2008 journal article
Re-Romancing Education
Process Papers Eleven: Concerning A Different Three Rs for Education, 54–58.
2008 journal article
Understanding students' thinking from an interrelationship perspective
Journal of Mathematics Education (China).
2007 journal article
Curriculum clearings as being-with mathematics experiences
Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. Volume 3, Number 2, Winter 2006, 3, Number 2, 92–106.
2007 article
Paradigm Shift of Normal Science
(2007, January). Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and the Life Sciences.
2007 journal article
Paradigms Lost?
Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and the Life Sciences. Volume 11, Number 1, 11, Number 1, 1–18.
2007 chapter
Post-Katrina Educational Contexts
Professional Preparation, and Community Politics.
2006 journal article
Curriculum Clearings as Being-With-Mathematics Experiences: Authentic Learning through a Heideggerian Lens
Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 3(2), 92–106.

2006 journal article
Doing Something Different
Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue: A Journal of the AATC, 8, Number 1, 51–68.
2006 book review
Review of The prince of mathematics: Carl Friedrich Gauss
[Review of ]. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. Wellesley, MA: A.K. Peters, Ltd.
2006 journal article
Teaching etcetera
A Different Three R’s of Education, 176, 141–154.
Ed(s): M. Evans & G. Allan
2006 journal article
The making of intelligence
International Journal of Learning (11), 11, 1033–1039.
2005 book
Chaos, Complexity, Curriculum & Culture
Chaos, Complexity, Curriculum & Culture (E., Ed.). New York: Peter Lang.
Ed(s): Eds.
2005 journal article
Learning as dynamic spacing
Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 2(1), 77–80.
2005 journal article
Philosophy and teacher education
Process Philosophy Papers, 9, 66–75.
2005 journal article
Poststructural perspectives of self and education
International Journal of Learning, 11, 1065–1071.
2004 journal article
Curriculum dynamics and soul of teaching complexly
Journal of Thought, 35–42.
2004 chapter
Deterritorializing the curriculum
In L. Coia (Ed.), Democratic Responses in an Era of Standardization (pp. 27–37). Troy, NY: Educator’s International Press, Inc.
Ed(s): L. Coia
2004 journal article
Language games in the mathematics classroom: teaching a way of life
Journal of Curriculum Studies, 36(4), 445–468.

2004 chapter
Why mathematics?
In M. Walshaw (Ed.), Mathematics education within the postmodern. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): M. Walshaw
2003 journal article
Unfolding mathematical experience through on-going study of the history of mathematics
Action in Teacher Education, XXIV(3), 73–84.
2002 journal article
Autobiosophy through Gynocritical Inquiry
Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 65-76.
2002 book
Curriculum Dynamics
2002 journal article
Exploring the teacher’s role in developing autonomy
Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2, 819–829.
Ed(s): D. Mewborn, P. Sztajn, D. White, H. Wiegel, R. Bryant & K. Nooney
2002 chapter
Logical Foundations for an Organocentric Curriculum
In W. Doll & N. Gough (Eds.), Curriculum Visions (pp. 152–162). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
Ed(s): W. Doll & N. Gough
2002 journal article
Robotics activities and constructed problem solving
Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2, 361–367.
Ed(s): A. Cockburn & E. Nardi
2002 article
The Geometry of Relationship
Chaos & Complexity Special Interest Group. Chaos and Complexity SIG, American Educational Research Association.
2001 journal article
Educational Standards and High Stakes Testing
Process Papers, 6.
2001 article
Educational ether and philosophical spacings:
Chaos and Complexity SIG. Chaos and Complexity SIG, American Educational Research Association.
2001 article
Teaching Etcetera
The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher. The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher.
2001 journal article
The Language Games of Science and Philosophy
Philosophy of Education, 378–382.
Ed(s): L. Stone
2000 book review
Review of Are you as smart as you think?
[Review of ]. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. Gordonsville, VA: St. Martin’s Griffin.
1999 journal article
A systems theoretic approach to understanding transformation in learning communities
Journal of Thought, 34(1), 9–22.
1999 article
Chaos & Complexity SIG. American Educational Research Association.
1999 journal article
Toward a poststructural mathematics curriculum
Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 15(2), 89–105.
1998 book
Adaptive teacher beliefs for continued professional growth during postmodern transitions
In D. J. McIntyre & D. M. Byrd (Eds.), Strategies for Career-Long Teacher Education: Teacher Education Yearbook VI (pp. 154–167). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Ed(s): D. McIntyre & D. Byrd
1998 book review
Review of Mathematical circles (Russian experience)
[Review of ]. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. Boston, MA: American Mathematical Society.
1998 journal article
The ecology of a dialogic community as a socially constructive process
Teaching Education.
1997 journal article
An analysis of teacher-class interaction metaphors
Journal of Classroom Interaction, 32(1), 30–35.
1997 journal article
Evolution of a dialogic community and teacher change
The School Community Journal, 7(1), 51–61.
1997 journal article
Exploring and changing visions of mathematics teaching and learning
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 9(1), 40–43.
1997 journal article
Impact of a dialogic community on the development of classroom sociocultural norms
Journal for a Just and Caring Education, 3(4), 399–417.
1997 journal article
Sustaining cultures of teaching for liberatory mathematics education
Psychology of Mathematics Education.
1997 article
Traveling the Speed of Light – Almost
The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher. The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher.
1996 journal article
Examining teachers’ beliefs and practices within a dialogic community
Psychology of Mathematics Education, II, 370–375.
1996 journal article
Scientific worldbuilding on the edge of chaos
School Science and Mathematics, 96(6), 312–320.
1995 chapter
A Freirean approach to teacher change:
In E. Chance (Ed.), Creating the quality school. Magna Press.
Ed(s): E. Chance
1995 journal article
A study of preservice teachers’ metaphors for the different roles of the mathematics teacher
Psychology of Mathematics Education, II, 104–108.
1995 journal article
A survey of mathematics teachers’ attitudes about the calculator:
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 14(4), 481–498.
1995 journal article
Alamo Rent-A-Car Commercial.
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 1(5), 394.
1995 journal article
Learning cycles for mathematics
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 14(4), 437–442.
1995 article
The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher. The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher.
1995 journal article
Relationships among experience, philosophy and beliefs related to calculator use
Technology and Teacher Education Annual.
Ed(s): D. Carey, R. Carey, D. Willis & J. Willis
1995 book review
Review of Exploring number theory with microcomputers
[Review of ]. School Science and Mathematics. Ormond Beach, FL: Camelot Publishing Company]. School Science and Mathematics.
1995 book review
Review of Key dates in number theory history
[Review of ]. School Science and Mathematics. Ormond Beach, FL: Camelot Publishing Company]. School Science and Mathematics.
1995 journal article
The relationship between experience and philosophical orientation:
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 14(3), 359–376.
1994 chapter
A research study of teachers’ beliefs about calculator use
In G. Marks (Ed.), Mathematics/Science education and technology, 1994 (pp. 56–61). Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Ed(s): G. Marks
1994 journal article
Analyzing metaphors for mathematics teaching
National Forum of Teacher Education Journal, 4(1), 55–63.
1994 journal article
Calculators as instructional tools:
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 13(1), 83–100.
1994 article
Chaos, fractals and dynamic systems:
The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher, pp. 6–8.
1994 article
Commercials, number sense and connections:
The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher, pp. 4–5.
1994 journal article
Dynamic belief clusters:
National Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal, 7(2), 13–22.
1994 chapter
Is experience enough?:
In D. Carey, R. Carey, D. A. Willis, & J. Willis (Eds.), Technology and teacher education annual: 1994. Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Ed(s): D. Carey, R. Carey, D. Willis & J. Willis
1994 journal article
Methods classes and professional development schools:
The Teacher Educator, 29(3), 39–44.
1994 journal article
Nine preservice teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics:
National Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal, 7(2), 3–12.
1994 journal article
The relationship between preservice teachers’ metaphors for mathematics learning and Habermasian interests
Psychology of Mathematics Education.
1993 article
Geometric probability using the graphing calculator
The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher, pp. 6–9.
1993 chapter
Graphing calculators:
In D. Carey, R. Carey, D. A. Willis, J. Willis, & J. (Eds.), Technology and teacher education annual: 1993 (pp. 596–599). Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Ed(s): D. Carey, R. Carey, D. Willis, J. Willis & J.
1993 article
Pick’s theorem:
The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher, pp. 7–10.
1992 article
Explorations with fractals
The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher, pp. 6–8.
1992 journal article
Life in the fast lane:
Consortium: The Newsletter of the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications, 43.
1992 article
Math textbook adoption 1992:
The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher, pp. 9–11.
1992 journal article
Spreadsheet applications for general mathematics:
The Oklahoma Mathematics Teacher, 12–13.
1992 journal article
Testing in the learning cycle
Science Scope, 15(6), 48–49.
Sustaining a Teacher Professional Learning Community in China Through Technology
Fleener, J., Lu, L., Dun, J., & Mingquan, Y. In Digital Transformation and Innovation in Chinese Education (pp. 80–99).

Updated: November 22nd, 2024 10:20
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