@article{howard_2022, title={Highway to the Golden Zone(fire)}, volume={5}, url={http://gamescriticism.org/articles/howard-5-a}, number={Bonus Issue A}, journal={Journal of Games Criticism}, author={Howard, M.J.}, year={2022}, month={Jan} } @inproceedings{going public: writing center outreach and the battle against justifying inequality_2019, booktitle={South Central Writing Center Association Conference}, year={2019}, month={Feb} } @inproceedings{the language of ‘bronzeness’: the league of legends community’s aristocracy of rank_2019, booktitle={PCA/ACA National Conference}, year={2019}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{anything but commonplace: usernames as cultural carriers in league of legends subculture_2018, booktitle={PCA/ACA National Conference}, year={2018}, month={Mar} } @phdthesis{esport: professional league of legends as cultural history_2018, url={https://uh-ir.tdl.org/handle/10657/3298}, year={2018}, month={May} } @inproceedings{ouvriers de l’ordinateur: work, suffering, and sport heroism in western esports_2018, booktitle={UCI Esports Conference}, year={2018}, month={Oct} }