@article{tran_oakley_paye_trudan_ghaltakhchyan_turvey_blakey_zajac_mielke_jacox_2024, title={Multitaper Spectrum Analysis of Consonants Produced by Patients With Dentofacial Disharmonies}, volume={67}, ISSN={["1558-9102"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1044/2023_JSLHR-23-00280}, DOI={10.1044/2023_JSLHR-23-00280}, abstractNote={ Purpose: This study investigates differences in American English consonants produced by patients who present with various dentofacial disharmonies (DFDs), including severe overbites (Class II), underbites (Class III), and anterior open bites. Previous studies have found that patients with these malocclusion types all produce lingual sibilants and plosives with increased spectral center of gravity and increased spectral variance relative to controls. This result is puzzling since some DFD groups differ from controls in opposite ways, and it is also difficult to interpret because spectral moment measures are affected by a wide range of speech and nonspeech factors. }, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH}, author={Tran, Auvi and Oakley, Madeleine and Paye, Ciana and Trudan, Emma and Ghaltakhchyan, Nare and Turvey, Timothy and Blakey, George and Zajac, David and Mielke, Jeff and Jacox, Laura Anne}, year={2024}, month={Feb}, pages={455–476} } @article{oakley_sande_2022, title={The Relationship between Non-Native Perception and Phonological Patterning of Implosive Consonants}, ISSN={["1756-6053"]}, DOI={10.1177/00238309221132495}, abstractNote={This study uses non-native perception data to examine the relationship between perceived phonetic similarity of segments and their phonological patterning. Segments that are phonetically similar to one another are anticipated to pattern together phonologically, and segments that share articulatory or acoustic properties are also expected to be perceived as similar. What is not yet clear is whether segments that pattern together phonologically are perceived as similar. This study addresses this question by examining how L1 English listeners and L1 Guébie listeners perceive non-native implosive consonants compared with plosives and sonorants. English does not have contrastive implosives, whereas Guébie has a bilabial implosive. The bilabial implosive phonologically patterns with sonorants in Guébie, to the exclusion of obstruents. Two perception experiments show English listeners make more perceptual categorization errors between implosives and voiced plosives than Guébie listeners do, but both listener groups are more likely to classify implosives as similar to voiced plosives than sonorants. The results also show that Guébie listeners are better at categorizing non-native implosive consonants (i.e., alveolar implosives) than English listeners, showing that listeners are able to extend features or gestures from their L1 to non-native implosive consonants. The results of these experiments suggest a cross-linguistic perceptual similarity hierarchy of implosives compared with other segments that are not affected by L1 phonological patterning.}, journal={LANGUAGE AND SPEECH}, author={Oakley, Madeleine and Sande, Hannah}, year={2022}, month={Nov} }