Madhusudan Vithal Katti
urban ecology, public science, reconciliation ecology, conservation, evolutionary biology, biodiversity
Works (83)
2024 journal article
Biodiversity is not a luxury: Unpacking wealth and power to accommodate the complexity of urban biodiversity
ECOSPHERE, 15(11).
2024 review
Urban heat mitigation by green and blue infrastructure: Drivers, effectiveness, and future needs
[Review of ]. INNOVATION, 5(2).

2024 article
Yosemite National Park is a Colonial Crime Scene
Katti, M. (2024, September 24).
2022 article
Gewin, V., Laird, P., Snapp, S., Akinbosede, D., Katti, M., & Pascual, D. A. (2022, December 1). NATURE, Vol. 612, pp. 177-+.

2022 article
Urban biodiversity: State of the science and future directions
Rega-Brodsky, C. C., Aronson, M. F. J., Piana, M. R., Carpenter, E.-S., Hahs, A. K., Herrera-Montes, A., … Nilon, C. H. (2022, February 21). URBAN ECOSYSTEMS, Vol. 2.

2021 article
Decoloniality and anti-oppressive practices for a more ethical ecology
Trisos, C. H., Auerbach, J., & Katti, M. (2021, May 24). NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, Vol. 5.

2021 article
Demographic changes of a tropical understory bird in naturally patchy montane habitats in southern India
Robin, V. V., Hines, J. E., Nichols, J. D., Katti, M., & Sinha, A. (2021, September 20). BioRXiv, Vol. 9.

2021 journal article
Forests After Florence: an informal community-engaged STEM research project promotes STEM identity in disaster-impacted students
Research in Science & Technological Education, 41(2), 717–733.

2021 journal article
Inclusion in citizen science: The conundrum of rebranding
Science, 372(6549), 1386–1388.

2020 journal article
Anthropogenic noise affects winter song structure of a long-distance migrant, Gambel’s white-crowned sparrow
Journal of Urban Ecology, 6(1).

2020 journal article
Editorial: Partitioning the Effects of Urbanization on Biodiversity: Beyond Wildlife Behavioural Responses to a Multilevel Assessment of Community Changes in Taxonomic, Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8.

2019 conference paper
Citizens are more than ecological sensors: Opportunities and challenges for engaging the public in experimental ecology
Presented at the 2019 ESA Annual Meeting, Kentucky International Convention Center.
2019 journal article
Effects of Urbanization on Native Bird Species in Three Southwestern US Cities

2018 journal article
The phylogenetic and functional diversity of regional breeding bird assemblages is reduced and constricted through urbanization

2017 report
Point-count bird censusing: long-term monitoring of bird abundance and diversity in central Arizona-Phoenix, ongoing since 2000
2017 journal article
The Influence of Structural Conditions and Cultural Inertia on Water Usage and Landscape Decision-Making in a California Metropolitan Area

2017 article
The Influence of Structural Conditions and Cultural Inertia on Water Usage and Landscape Decision-Making in a California Metropolitan Area
Katti, M., Jones, A. R., Çağlar, D. Ö., Delcore, H. D., & Gupta, K. K. (2017, July 31). (Vol. 7). Vol. 7.
2016 conference paper
Animals adapting to the rhythms of city life: An evolutionary ecological perspective
Presented at the 101st ESA Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
2016 conference paper
Differential urban biotic filtering in three desert cities in the USA
Hensley, C., & Katti, M. (2016, August 11). Presented at the 101st ESA Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
2016 journal article
Genome sequence of a multidrug-resistant strain of Bacillus pumilus, CB01, isolated from the feces of an American crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos
Genome Announcements, 4(4).
Contributors: R. Nelson*, M. Castro*, * , J. Eisen * & T. Van Laar *
2016 journal article
Hierarchical filters determine community assembly of urban species pools
ECOLOGY, 97(11), 2952–2963.
Contributors: M. Aronson *, C. Nilon *, C. Lepczyk *, T. Parker *, P. Warren *, S. Cilliers *, M. Goddard *, A. Hahs *

2016 conference paper
Novel Ecosystems in Cities: Adaptation to Urban Conditions
Presented at the 101st ESA Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
2016 report
Point count bird censusing-long term study in central Arizona-Phoenix: Study sites
2016 conference paper
Teaching at diverse undergraduate institutions: Or, that job no one likely prepared you for
Presented at the 101st ESA Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
2016 conference paper
The effects of changing water availability and landscaping practices on bird communities in a California urban landscape
Presented at the 101st ESA Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
2014 journal article
A global analysis of the impacts of urbanization on bird and plant diversity reveals key anthropogenic drivers
Contributors: M. Aronson *, F. La Sorte *, C. Nilon *, * , M. Goddard *, C. Lepczyk *, P. Warren *, N. Williams *

2014 journal article
Biodiversity Can Flourish on an Urban Planet
The Conversation.
2014 weblog post
Biodiversity Can Flourish on an Urban Planet
Katti, M. (2014, January 22).
2014 journal article
La urbanización y su impacto sobre el uso de la tierra, la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas en la India
INTERdisciplina, 2(2).

2014 conference paper
Socioeconomic Drivers of Urban Forest Structure and Diversity in the Semi–Arid San Joaquin Valley of Central California
Katti, M., Reid, S. T., Constable, J. V. H., Bushoven, J. T., Jones, A. R., & Gupta, K. K. (2014, August). Presented at the 99th ESA Annual Convention 2014.
2014 journal article
Urbanization and its Impacts on Land Use, Biodiversity and Ecosystems in India
INTERdisciplina, 2(2).
2013 conference paper
Cities as hotspots for bird conservation
Presented at the Wildlife Society's 20th Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2013 book
Stewardship of the biosphere in the urban era
In Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities: A Global Assessment (pp. 719–746).
Contributors: T. Elmqvist *, M. Fragkias *, J. Goodness*, B. Güneralp *, P. Marcotullio *, R. McDonald *, S. Parnell *, M. Schewenius *
2013 chapter
Sub-regional Assessment of India: Effects of Urbanization on Land Use, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
In T. Elmqvist, M. Fragkias, J. Goodness, B. Güneralp, P. J. Marcotullio, R. I. McDonald, … C. Wilkinson (Eds.), Urbanization, biodiversity and ecosystem services: challenges and opportunities (pp. 65–74).
Contributors: H. Nagendra *, H. Sudhira, * & M. Schewenius *
Ed(s): T. Elmqvist, M. Fragkias, J. Goodness, B. Güneralp, P. Marcotullio, R. McDonald, S. Parnell, M. Schewenius *

2013 journal article
The social biology professor: Effective strategies for social media engagement
Ideas in Ecology and Evolution, 6(1).
2012 weblog post
Dragging Humanity Up the Shining Hills of a GIS Map to Create a Virtuous Planetary Superorganism: A Review of The Neighborhood Project
Katti, M. (2012, August 17).
2012 conference paper
Human influences on species interactions in urban communities: Insights from the LTER and ULTRA-Ex networks
Warren, P. S., Lerman, S. B., Nilon, C. H., Katti, M., Strohbach, M., Danford, R., … Irwin, R. E. (2012, August). Presented at the 97th ESA Annual Convention 2012.
2012 journal article
Mastering Natural Selection to Shape a Human Superorganism
[Review of The Neighborhood Project: Using Evolution to Improve My City, One Block at a Time, by D. S. Wilson]. BioScience, 62(8), 772–775.
2011 journal article
Interactions between urban water policy, residential irrigation, and plant & bird diversity in the Fresno-Clovis Metro Area
Interactions between urban water policy, residential irrigation, and plant & bird diversity in the Fresno-Clovis Metro Area. Nature Precedings, 8.
2011 journal article
Interactions between urban water policy, residential irrigation, and plant & bird diversity in the Fresno-Clovis Metro Area
Nature Precedings, 8.
2011 journal article
Singing in the sky: song variation in an endemic bird on the sky islands of southern India
Animal Behaviour, 82(3), 513–520.
Contributors: V. Robin *, * , C. Purushotham*, A. Sancheti* & A. Sinha *
2010 journal article
Resilience in urban socioecological systems: residential water management as a driver of biodiversity
2010 journal article
Resilience in urban socioecological systems: residential water management as a driver of biodiversity
Nature Precedings, 1.
2009 journal article
Indigenous ecological knowledge as social capital: How citizen science can help us replenish the bank
2009 journal article
Indigenous ecological knowledge as social capital: How citizen science can help us replenish the bank
2009 journal article
Residential irrigation as a driver of urban bird communities
2009 journal article
Residential irrigation as a driver of urban bird communities
2009 conference paper
Studying the impacts of urbanization using novel behavioral and evolutionary approaches
Presented at the 94th ESA Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
2008 journal article
Birds of a feather: Interpolating distribution patterns of urban birds
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 77(1), 59–28.

2007 conference paper
If you build it, who will come? Landbird response to riparian restoration at the San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge
Kraft, K., & Katti, M. (2007, August 6). Presented at the ESA/SER Joint Meeting, Birm Salon III, San Jose Marriott, San Jose, California.
2007 journal article
Living in the city: Resource availability, predation, and bird population dynamics in urban areas
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 247(1), 36–49.
Contributors: J. Anderies *, * & E. Shochat
2007 conference paper
The Effects of Urban Development and Climate on Species Distribution in the San Joaquin Valley, California
Boyd, S., Braganza, C., Cadiz, V., Kamansky, S., Hatfield, R., Miller, L., … Katti, M. (2007, April). Poster presented at the Central California Research Symposium, California State University, Fresno, California.
2006 journal article
Tests of absolute photorefractoriness in four species of cardueline finch that differ in reproductive schedule
Journal of Experimental Biology, 209(19), 3786–3794.
Contributors: S. MacDougall-Shackleton *, * & T. Hahn *

2006 journal article
Urban bioacoustics: it's not just noise
Animal Behaviour, 71(3), 491–502.
Contributors: P. Warren *, * , M. Ermann* & A. Brazel*

2005 chapter
Effects of food availability on the reproductive system.
In Functional Avian Endocrinology (pp. 167–180). New Delhi, India: Narosa Publishing House.
2005 journal article
GnRH, photorefractoriness, and breeding schedules of cardueline finches
Functional Avian Endocrinology, 97–110.
Ed(s): A. Dawson & P. Sharp
2005 journal article
The effects of human socioeconomic status and cultural characteristics on urban patterns of biodiversity
Ecology and Society, 10(1).
2004 report
Differences in bird foraging behaviour between Sonoran Desert and urban habitats in central Arizona
2004 report
How do humans restructure the biodiversity of the Sonoran desert
In G. J. Gottfried, B. S. Gebow, L. G. Eskew, & C. B. Edminster (Eds.), Connecting Mountain Islands and Desert Seas: Biodiversity and Management of the Madrean Archipelago II (No. RMRS-P-26; pp. 189–194). Fort Collins, Colorado: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
Ed(s): G. Gottfried, B. Gebow, L. Eskew & C. Edminster
2004 journal article
Linking Optimal Foraging Behavior to Bird Community Structure in an Urban‐Desert Landscape: Field Experiments with Artificial Food Patches
The American Naturalist, 164(2), 232–243.
2004 report
Point Count Bird Censusing Data Subset for Paper 'EFFECTS OF LAND USE AND VEGETATION COVER ON BIRD COMMUNITIES' Walker et. al
2004 journal article
Tits, noise and urban bioacoustics
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 19(3), 109–110.
Contributors: & P. Warren * *

2003 journal article
Latitudinal trends in body size among over-wintering leaf warblers (genus Phylloscopus)
Ecography, 26(1), 69–79.
2003 report
Transect bird survey with data synthesis from multiple transects in the central Arizona-Phoenix area: period 1998 to 2000
2002 journal article
Avian Ecology and Conservation in an Urbanizing World
Ecology, 83(9), 2643.

2002 report
Differences In Bird Foraging Behaviour Between Sonoran Desert And Urban Habitats: A Field Experiment With Seed Trays
2002 journal article
Old Avian Ecology in a New Ecosystem
Ecology, 83(9), 2643–2644.
2002 conference paper
Population and physiological responses of Sonoran desert birds to urbanization in central Arizona, USA
23rd International Ornithological Congress, Abstract Volume, 177.
2001 journal article
Relationships between photorefrac-toriness and reproductive flexibility in cardueline finches
American Zoologist, 41(6), 1552–1552.
2001 journal article
Vocal communication and territoriality during the non-breeding season in a migrant warbler
Current Science, 80(3), 419–423.
1999 journal article
Annual variation in fat storage by a migrant warbler overwintering in the Indian tropics
Journal of Animal Ecology, 68(4), 815–823.
Contributors: & T. Price * *
1997 thesis
Ecology and evolution of non-breeding distributions in the Old World leaf warblers
(PhD thesis). University of California, San Diego.
1996 chapter
Are Warblers less important than Tigers?
In P. Manfredi (Ed.), In Danger (pp. 108–109). Delhi, India: Ranthambore Foundation.
Ed(s): P. Manfredi
1996 journal article
Effects of climate on Palaearctic warblers over-wintering in India
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 93(3), 411–427.
1995 journal article
Conflicts of Coexistence?
Current Science, 69(4), 305–307.
1995 journal article
The Takin (Bovidae, Caprinae) in Arunachal Pradesh, India
Mammalia, 59(3), 444–446.
1994 journal article
Birds of Rajaji National Park, India
Forktail, 10, 105–114.
1992 journal article
An ornithological survey in eastern Arunachal Pradesh, India
Forktail, 7, 75–89.
1992 journal article
Are Anolis lizards evolving?
Nature, 355(6360), 505–506.
1992 journal article
Are Anolis lizards evolving? [10]
Nature, 355(6360), 505–506.
1992 journal article
Are Anolis lizards evolving? [11]
Nature, 355(6360), 505–506.
1990 report
A report on wildlife survey in Arunachal Pradesh with special reference to Takin
Wildlife Institute of India.
1989 thesis
Bird communities of Lower Dachigam Valley, Kashmir
(Masters thesis). Saurashtra University, Rajkot.
Updated: November 18th, 2019 20:13
2016 - present
2004 - 2016
Updated: November 18th, 2019 20:13
1990 - 1997
1988 - 1989
1984 - 1987
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: April 4th, 2022 14:38