@article{kropat_laleicke_acosta_2022, title={Towards Inline Prediction of Color Development for Wood Stained with Chemical Stains Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy}, volume={72}, ISSN={["0015-7473"]}, DOI={10.13073/FPJ-D-22-00021}, abstractNote={Abstract The chemical composition of wood determines the color development when applying chemical stains to the surface of wood. However, different species and individuals from the same species can show variations in the chemical composition, resulting in the risk of nonuniform color development in industrial staining processes between different batches of wood. In the present study, near-infrared (NIR) models were developed to predict wood specimen color development after applying three different concentrations of the chemical stains iron acetate and sodium bicarbonate. The modeling dataset included the NIR spectra of the untreated wood, stain treatment, concentration, and the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) L*a*b* color value before stain application for 210 specimens from five commercial wood species, including red oak (Quercus rubra), white oak (Quercus alba), yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), southern yellow pine (Pinus spp.), and western red cedar (Thuja plicata). The models were developed by partial least squares regression (PLSR), using 13 different mathematical transformations on the NIR spectra as well as the raw spectral data. Models with single stains and global-species/stain models were developed and compared. The models for iron acetate showed promising results in predicting the color development with the coefficient of determination for cross-validation ( ≥ 0.92), while the models for sodium bicarbonate showed acceptable results with of 0.71 to 0.89. However, a global model including both stains resulted in an unsatisfying prediction of the CIE L*a*b* color values, with of 0.46 to 0.76. The NIR models can be useful for online predictions of color development in industrial staining processes of wood with chemical stains.}, number={2}, journal={FOREST PRODUCTS JOURNAL}, author={Kropat, Marcel and Laleicke, Paul Frederik and Acosta, Juan Jose}, year={2022}, pages={130–139} } @misc{kropat_liao_park_salem_johnson_argyropoulos_2021, title={A Perspective of Lignin Processing and Utilization Technologies for Composites and Plastics with Emphasis on Technical and Market Trends}, volume={16}, ISSN={["1930-2126"]}, DOI={10.15376/biores.16.1.Kropat}, abstractNote={This effort is focused on work completed publicly and privately within academic research and industrial sectors on the utilization of lignin to produce thermosets, thermoplastics, foams, hydrogels, and rubbers. The size of the plastics market and the current and projected influence of lignin on it were evaluated. Further, an analysis of patent activity was employed to show the direction of and interest for lignin in these markets. The market trends documented in the literature, when coupled with detailed patent research, offer a new approach to evaluate potential markets and future directions. The analysis of the commercial market sizes of bioplastics and segmentation showed low penetration of actual lignin-based bioplastics. This exposed the contradiction between the abundance of technologies for lignin-based materials and their little practical use. In addition, this finding highlighted a severe gap between lignin research and development and the actual market.}, number={1}, journal={BIORESOURCES}, author={Kropat, Marcel and Liao, Mochen and Park, Hyeonji and Salem, Khandoker S. and Johnson, Shelly and Argyropoulos, Dimitris S.}, year={2021}, month={Feb}, pages={2084–2115} }