2010 journal article
Carbon Microelectrodes with a Renewable Surface
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 82(5), 2020–2028.
2010 journal article
Characterization of Local pH Changes in Brain Using Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry with Carbon Microelectrodes
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 82(23), 9892–9900.
2010 journal article
Microfabricated FSCV-compatible microelectrode array for real-time monitoring of heterogeneous dopamine release
Analyst [London], 135(7), 1556–1563.
2009 journal article
Simultaneous Decoupled Detection of Dopamine and Oxygen Using Pyrolyzed Carbon Microarrays and Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 81(15), 6258–6265.
2007 journal article
Electrochemical dopamine detection: Comparing gold and carbon fiber microelectrodes using background subtracted fast scan cyclic voltammetry
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