Melanie Lea Hedgespeth
environmental monitoring, environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology, aquatic ecology, pharmaceutical, PPCP, antidepressant, wastewater, behavior, fish, nontarget analysis, suspect screening, PFAS, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
Works (10)
2021 journal article
A sprinkling of gold dust: Pine pollen as a carbon source in Baltic Sea coastal food webs
Limnology and Oceanography, 11.

2021 journal article
Suspect-screening analysis of a coastal watershed before and after Hurricane Florence using high-resolution mass spectrometry

2019 journal article
Expanding phytoremediation to the realms of known and unknown organic chemicals of concern
International Journal of Phytoremediation, 21(14), 1385–1396.

2019 journal article
Suspect screening and prioritization of chemicals of concern (COCs) in a forest-water reuse system watershed
Science of The Total Environment, 694, 133378.

2018 journal article
Behaviour of freshwater snails (Radix balthica) exposed to the pharmaceutical sertraline under simulated predation risk
2018 journal article
Comparison of emerging contaminants in receiving waters downstream of a conventional wastewater treatment plant and a forest-water reuse system
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(13), 12451–12463.
Contributors: A. McEachran n, n , S. Newton *, R. McMahen*, M. Strynar *, D. Shea n , E. Nichols n

2016 journal article
Assessing Potential Vulnerability and Response of Fish to Simulated Avian Predation after Exposure to Psychotropic Pharmaceuticals

2013 journal article
Ecological implications of altered fish foraging after exposure to an antidepressant pharmaceutical
Aquatic Toxicology, 151, 84–87.
Contributors: , P. Nilsson * & O. Berglund * *
2012 journal article
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in treated wastewater discharges into Charleston Harbor, South Carolina
Science of the Total Environment, 437, 1–9.

2011 journal article
Analysis of selected natural and synthetic hormones by LC-MS-MS using the US EPA method 1694
Analytical Methods, 3(5), 1079–1086.
Contributors: Y. Sapozhnikova *, * , E. Wirth* & M. Fulton*