@article{li_skokov_2022, title={First saturation correction in high energy proton-nucleus collisions. Part III. Ensemble averaging}, volume={1}, ISSN={["1029-8479"]}, url={http://inspirehep.net/record/1964606}, DOI={10.1007/JHEP01(2022)160}, abstractNote={AbstractIn high energy proton-nucleus collisions, the gluon saturation effects from the nucleus are fully incorporated into the light-like Wilson lines. The gluon saturation effects from the proton, which are anticipated to be important either in the extreme high energy limit or towards the dense-dense (nucleus-nucleus) collision regimes, have been studied perturbatively within the Color Glass Condensate effective theory in previous papers of this series. A configuration-by-configuration expression for the single inclusive semi-hard gluon production including the first saturation correction was obtained. In this paper, we perform ensemble averaging in the McLerran-Venugopalan model and the Dipole Approximation. We find that, in the saturation correction, the effects of the initial state interactions are negligible while the final state interactions play most important role and give a positive-valued contribution to the semi-hard gluon spectrum. Furthermore, we show that the single gluon spectrum scales approximately 1/$$ {k}_{\perp}^4 $$k⊥4at smallk⊥, suggesting that a resummation of higher order saturation corrections is required to regulate the infrared region of the gluon spectrum.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS}, author={Li, Ming and Skokov, Vladimir V.}, year={2022}, month={Jan} } @article{kovner_li_v. skokov_2022, title={Probing Gluon Bose Correlations in Deep Inelastic Scattering}, volume={128}, ISSN={["1079-7114"]}, DOI={10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.182003}, abstractNote={We study correlations originating from the quantum nature of gluons in a hadronic wave function. Bose-Einstein correlation between identical particles lead to the enhancement in the number of pairs of gluons with the same quantum numbers and small relative momentum. We show that these preexisting correlations can be probed in deep inelastic scattering experiments at high energy. Specifically, we consider diffractive dijet plus a third jet production. The azimuthal dependence displays a peak at the zero relative angle between the transverse momentum imbalance of the photon-going dijet and the transverse momentum of the hadron-going jet. Our calculations explicitly show that the peak originates from Bose enhancement. Comparing electron-proton to electron-nucleus collisions, we demonstrate that the nuclear target enhances the relative strength of the peak. With the future high luminosity electron-ion collider the proposed measurements of gluon Bose enhancement become experimentally feasible.}, number={18}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS}, author={Kovner, Alex and Li, Ming and V. Skokov, Vladimir}, year={2022}, month={May} } @article{li_skokov_2021, title={First saturation correction in high energy proton-nucleus collisions. Part I. Time evolution of classical Yang-Mills fields beyond leading order}, volume={6}, ISSN={["1029-8479"]}, DOI={10.1007/JHEP06(2021)140}, abstractNote={AbstractIn high energy proton-nucleus collisions, the single- and double-inclusive soft gluon productions at the leading order have been calculated and phenomenologically studied in various approaches for many years. These studies do not take into account the saturation and multiple rescatterings in the field of the proton. The first saturation correction to these leading order results (the terms that are enhanced by the combination$$ {\alpha}_s^2{\mu}^2 $$αs2μ2, whereμ2is the proton’s color charge squared per unit transverse area) has not been completely derived despite recent attempts using a diagrammatic approach. This paper is the first in a series of papers towards analytically completing the first saturation correction to physical observables in high energy proton-nucleus collisions. Our approach is to analytically solve the classical Yang-Mills equations in the dilute-dense regime using the Color Glass Condensate effective theory and compute physical observables constructed from classical gluon fields. In the current paper, the Yang-Mills equations are solved perturbatively in the field of the dilute object (the proton). Next-to-leading order and next-to-next-to-leading order analytic solutions are explicitly constructed. A systematic way to obtain all higher order analytic solutions is outlined.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS}, author={Li, Ming and Skokov, Vladimir V.}, year={2021}, month={Jun} } @article{li_skokov_2021, title={First saturation correction in high energy proton-nucleus collisions. Part II. Single inclusive semi-hard gluon production}, volume={6}, ISSN={["1029-8479"]}, DOI={10.1007/JHEP06(2021)141}, abstractNote={AbstractExploiting recently obtained analytic solutions of classical Yang-Mills equations for higher order perturbations in the field of the dilute object (proton), we derive the complete first saturation correction to the single inclusive semi-hard gluon production in high energy proton-nucleus collisions by applying the Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann reduction formula. We thus finalize the program started by Balitsky (see ref. [1]) and independently by Chirilli, Kovchegov and Wertepny (see ref. [2]) albeit using a very different approach to carry out our calculations. We extracted the functional dependence of gluon spectrum on the color charge densities of the colliding objects; thus our results can be used to evaluate complete first saturation correction to the double/multiple inclusive gluon productions.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS}, author={Li, Ming and Skokov, Vladimir V.}, year={2021}, month={Jun} }