Works (3)
2024 article
Inhalable extracellular vesicle delivery of IL-12 mRNA to treat lung cancer and promote systemic immunity
Liu, M., Hu, S., Yan, N., Popowski, K. D., & Cheng, K. (2024, January 11). NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 1.

2022 article
Exosomes decorated with a recombinant SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain as an inhalable COVID-19 vaccine
Wang, Z., Popowski, K. D., Zhu, D., Abad, B. L. de J., Wang, X., Liu, M., … Cheng, K. (2022, July 4). NATURE BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 7.

2021 review
Cardiac fibrosis: Myofibroblast-mediated pathological regulation and drug delivery strategies
[Review of ]. ADVANCED DRUG DELIVERY REVIEWS, 173, 504–519.