Works (7)
2016 review
Current and future prospects for CRISPR-based tools in bacteria
[Review of ]. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING, 113(5), 930–943.

2016 journal article
Engineering genes with CRISPR-Cas9
Chemical Engineering Progress , 112(9), 36–41.
2016 journal article
The CRISPR RNA-guided surveillance complex in Escherichia coli accommodates extended RNA spacers
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 44(15), 7385–7394.

2015 journal article
Impact of Residual Inducer on Titratable Expression Systems
PLOS ONE, 10(9).

2015 journal article
Repurposing endogenous type I CRISPR-Cas systems for programmable gene repression

2014 journal article
Programmable Removal of Bacterial Strains by Use of Genome-Targeting CRISPR-Cas Systems
MBIO, 5(1).

2013 journal article
Embedded collagen deformation models for computational modeling of healthy, keratoconic, and crosslinked corneas
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 13(3).