@article{nolan_berman_watson-skaggs_quinn_marcus_russell_yoshikawa_olby_gieger_2022, title={Stereotactic radiotherapy (10 Gy X 3) for canine nonlymphomatous intranasal tumors is associated with prolonged survival and minimal risk of severe radiotoxicity}, volume={260}, ISSN={["1943-569X"]}, DOI={10.2460/javma.22.03.0141}, abstractNote={Abstract OBJECTIVE To describe oncologic outcomes following administration of a uniform stereotactic radiotherapy protocol (SRT; 10 Gy X 3) for canine intranasal tumors and to identify whether any clinical or dosimetric factors were predictive of event-free or overall survival time (EFST or OST). ANIMALS 129 dogs. PROCEDURES In this single-institution retrospective study, the medical records database was searched for canine nonlymphomatous intranasal tumors treated with 10 Gy X 3 SRT between August 2013 and November 2020. Findings regarding adverse effects and outcomes were analyzed overall, for dogs grouped on the basis of life stage (mature adult, senior, or end of life), and for treatment-related or tumor-related variables to identify potential predictors of outcome. RESULTS After SRT, most dogs clinically improved with minimal acute radiotoxicity. The median EFST was 237 days; median OST was 542 days. Receipt of other tumor-directed therapies before or after SRT was associated with improved EFST in senior dogs (hazard ratio [HR], 0.416) and improved OST in mature adult (HR, 0.241) and senior dogs (HR, 0.348). In senior dogs, administration of higher near-minimum radiation doses was associated with improved EFST (HR, 0.686) and OST (HR, 0.743). In senior dogs, chondrosarcoma was associated with shorter OST (HR, 7.232), and in dogs at end of life, having a squamous cell or transitional carcinoma was associated with worse EFST (HR, 6.462). CLINICAL RELEVANCE This SRT protocol results in improved quality of life and prolonged OST for dogs of all life stages. Radiation protocol optimization or use of multimodal therapy may further improve outcomes. }, number={12}, journal={JAVMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION}, author={Nolan, Michael W. and Berman, Alyssa R. and Watson-Skaggs, Maegan L. and Quinn, Claire N. and Marcus, Karen L. and Russell, Katharine and Yoshikawa, Hiroto and Olby, Natasha J. and Gieger, Tracy L.}, year={2022}, month={Sep}, pages={1496–1506} } @article{watson-skaggs_gieger_yoshikawa_nolan_2022, title={Endocrine response and outcome in 14 cats with insulin resistance and acromegaly treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (17 Gy)}, volume={83}, ISSN={["1943-5681"]}, DOI={10.2460/ajvr.21.08.0122}, abstractNote={Abstract OBJECTIVE To describe clinical outcomes in cats with insulin resistance and acromegaly treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). ANIMALS 14 client-owned cats. PROCEDURES Medical records of cats with insulin resistance and acromegaly treated with SRS (17 Gy) between August 2013 and November 2019 at a single institution were reviewed. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to evaluate overall survival time. RESULTS Acute adverse effects of SRS included somnolence (n = 2) and alopecia (1). Delayed adverse effects of SRS included unspecified neurologic complications (n = 1; 481 days), seizures (1; 1,541 days), and hypothyroidism (1; 64 days). Exogenous insulin requirements decreased in 10 of the 14 cats, with a median time to lowest insulin dose of 399 days (range, 42 to 879 days). Complete diabetic remission was achieved in 3 cats. The median overall survival time was 741 days (95% CI, 353 to 1,129 days). Six cats were still alive at the end of the study period, with a median follow-up time of 725 days. In 7 of the 8 cats that had died, death was presumptively attributed to acromegaly owing to continued insulin resistance, organ failure, or altered neurologic status. CLINICAL RELEVANCE The SRS protocol was well tolerated and associated with survival times similar to those reported previously. Most cats had decreased exogenous insulin requirements after SRS. Latency to an endocrine response was highly variable, emphasizing the need for careful ongoing diabetic monitoring of acromegalic cats after pituitary gland irradiation. }, number={1}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH}, author={Watson-Skaggs, Maegan L. and Gieger, Tracy L. and Yoshikawa, Hiroto and Nolan, Michael W.}, year={2022}, month={Jan}, pages={64–71} }