Matthew Morse Booker
urban environmental history, history of aquaculture, food history, oyster aquaculture, maritime environmental history, agricultural history, digital humanities, spatial history
Matthew Morse Booker is Professor of History at North Carolina State University. He received teaching and research awards, directed the Science, Technology & Society program, co-founded the interdisciplinary Visual Narrative faculty research cluster, co-founded an oral history archive on genetic engineering in agriculture, collaborated with faculty in Applied Ecology, Computer Science, Design, Electrical Engineering, and Entomology, and served on graduate student committees in Biology, Design, Entomology, Forestry, History, and Public History. He teaches and publishes in environmental history, food history, and agricultural history. From 2020-2024 Booker was Vice President of the National Humanities Center where he directed the fellowship program.
Works (66)
2025 journal article
Seed Oyster Inspection, Matsushima Bay (circa 1958)
Environmental History.
2023 conference paper
The Seed Oyster Inspectors: Labor and Power in Trans-Pacific Tidelands, 1945-1970s
The Pacific Circle: History and Studies of Pacific Science. Presented at the The Pacific Circle: History and Studies of Pacific Science, Kyoto University.
2022 article
Filth into Food? Lessons from the Past
Booker, M. (2022, August 11).
2022 chapter
Sweetness, Power, Yeasts, and Entomo-terroir
In V. Bienvenue & N. Chare (Eds.), Animals, Plants and Afterimages: The Art and Science of Representing Extinction.
Ed(s): V. Bienvenue & N. Chare
2021 journal article
The diversity and function of sourdough starter microbiomes
ELife, 10.
Contributors: E. Landis *, A. Oliverio *, E. McKenney n , L. Nichols n , N. Kfoury *, M. Biango-Daniels *, L. Shell n, A. Madden n

2021 journal article
The status of striped bass, <scp><i>Morone saxatilis</i>,</scp> as a commercially ready species for U.S. marine aquaculture
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 52(3), 710–730.
Contributors: L. Andersen n, J. Abernathy *, D. Berlinsky*, G. Bolton n, n , R. Borski n , T. Brown *, D. Cerino*

2021 conference paper
The ‘Pacific’ Oyster Trade and the Possibilities of Trans-Pacific Environmental History
Sixth Biennial Conference of East Asian Environmental History. Presented at the Sixth Biennial Conference of East Asian Environmental History, Kyoto, Japan.
2021 chapter
Visualizing San Francisco Bay’s Forgotten Past
In K. Coulter, W. Graf von Hardenburg, & F. A. Jorgensen (Eds.), Ant, Spider, Bee: Chronicling Digital Transformations in the Humanities (pp. 117–126). Munich: Spider & Cloud.
Ed(s): K. Coulter, W. Graf von Hardenburg & F. Jorgensen
2020 book
Down By the Bay: San Francisco's History Between the Tides
In University of California Press.
2020 chapter
Integrating History into the Restoration of Coho Salmon in the Siuslaw River, Oregon
In Sustainable Fisheries Management (pp. 625–636).
2020 weblog post
Loss, Grief, and the Humanities in the Time of Pandemic
Booker, M. (2020, April).
2020 journal article
Scenario analysis on the use of rodenticides and sex-biasing gene drives for the removal of invasive house mice on islands
Biological Invasions, 22(4), 1235–1248.
Contributors: M. Serr n, R. Valdez *, K. Barnhill-Dilling n, J. Godwin n, T. Kuiken n & n

2020 chapter
Why do People Care for Sourdough?
Why Do People Care for Sourdough?
Ed(s): R. Dunn, M. Vandegrift, K. Dufresne , K. Ciccone, L. Nichols & M. Jewell
2019 conference paper
Beyond Despair: Theory and Practice in Environmental Humanities
National Humanities Center. Presented at the National Humanities Center, Durham, NC.
2019 book
Food Fights: How History Matters to Contemporary Food Debates
In University of North Carolina Press.
2019 chapter
In Food Fights (pp. 1–12).

2019 webpage
Sourdough Cultures
(2019, August 29).
2019 chapter
Who Should Be Responsible for Food Safety? Oysters as a Case Study
In Food Fights: How History Matters to Contemporary Food Debates.
2018 journal article
Before The Jungle: The Atlantic origins of US food safety regulation
Global Environment, 11(1), 12–35.
2018 conference paper
What Sourdough Bread Tells Us About the Anthropocene
Anthropocene and Citizen Science: Evidence Gained through the “Opening-up” of Academic Knowledge Production? Presented at the Anthropocene and Citizen Science: Evidence Gained through the “Opening-up” of Academic Knowledge Production?, Deutsches Museum, Munich.
2017 report
Humanities Moment: China Camp State Park
National Humanities Center.
2017 report
Oysters in the City
Raleigh, NC: Center for Geospatial Analysis, NC State University.
2016 report
150 Years of Observing San Francisco Bay
In Fisher Bay Observatory Essay #3 (Fisher Bay Observatory Essay No. 3). San Francisco: Exploratorium Science Center.
2016 conference paper
Modifying Tradition: Food safety in the 20th century U.S.
Consuming the World: Eating and Drinking in Culture, History, and Environment. Presented at the Consuming the World: Eating and Drinking in Culture, History, and Environment, Rachel Carson Center, Munich.
2015 conference paper
Placing responsibility for food safety in the twentieth century
American Society for Environmental History. Presented at the American Society for Environmental History, Washington, D.C.
2015 journal article
What Should We Eat?
RCC Perspectives, (1), 45–50.
Ed(s): M. Pimbert, R. Shindelar & H. Schösler
2015 report
Why Did Americans Stop Eating Locally?
In Rachel Carson Center Blog.
2014 conference paper
Comment, panel on public history and environmental history
American Society for Environmental History. Presented at the American Society for Environmental History, San Francisco, CA.
2014 conference paper
Lessons from the boom and bust of an Atlantic fishery
Post-collapse: Ecology and Environmental Humanities conference. Presented at the Post-collapse: Ecology and Environmental Humanities conference, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
2014 conference paper
Organizer and Chair, roundtable on urban environmental history
American Society for Environmental History. Presented at the American Society for Environmental History, San Francisco, CA.
2014 article
The nature of borders: Salmon, boundaries, and bandits on the Salish Sea
Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 83, pp. 534–535.

2013 review
A negotiated landscape: The transformation of San Francisco's waterfront since 1950
[Review of ]. Pacific Historical Review, 82(2), 325–326.
2013 book
Down by the bay: San Francisco's history between the tides
In Down by the Bay: San Francisco's History between the Tides.
2013 journal article
Garone, P. 2011. The Fall and Rise of the Wetlands of California’s Great Central Valley
Wetlands, 33(2), 379–380.
2013 report
No Illusions, No Fantasy, No Melodrama: The Legacy of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring
In 50th Anniversary of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, College of Natural Resources. Raleigh, NC: NC State University.
2013 report
Why I wrote Down by the Bay
In Save the Bay Blog.
2012 conference paper
Assessing the spatial turn in US history
Organization of American Historians/National Council of Public Historians. Presented at the Organization of American Historians/National Council of Public Historians, Milwaukee, WI.
2012 conference paper
Digital urban environmental histories
American Society for Environmental History. Presented at the American Society for Environmental History, Madison, WI.
2012 conference paper
Making Use of Nature: How resources became commodities in America during the Nineteenth Century
Organization of American Historians/National Council of Public Historians. Presented at the Organization of American Historians/National Council of Public Historians, Milwaukee, WI.
2012 article
The Fall and Rise of the Wetlands of California's Great Central Valley
2012 journal article
Visualizing San Francisco Bay's Forgotten Past
Journal of Digital Humanities, 1(3).
2011 article
urban farming in the west: A new deal experiment in subsistence homesteads.
[Review of ]. Western Historical Quarterly, 42(3), 407–408.
2010 report
From Salt Ponds to Refuge in San Francisco Bay
In Spatial History Project. Stanford.
2010 conference paper
How did the Japanese oyster become American?
Society for the History of Technology. Presented at the Society for the History of Technology, Tacoma, WA.
2010 article
Our Better Nature: Environment and the Making of San Francisco
Booker, M. M. (2010, August). PACIFIC HISTORICAL REVIEW, Vol. 79, pp. 465–466.
2010 conference paper
Visualizing the Story of San Francisco Bay
Narrating the Visual Conference. Presented at the Narrating the Visual Conference, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
2009 conference paper
Looking Backward to Look Ahead: San Francisco Bay Environmental History and Impending Climate Change
San Francisco Estuary Institute. Presented at the San Francisco Estuary Institute.
2009 report
Shell Mounds in San Francisco Bay Area
In Spatial History Project.
2009 article
The Country in the City: The Greening of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Booker, M. M. (2009, February). PACIFIC HISTORICAL REVIEW, Vol. 78, pp. 129–U142.

2009 report
The Production of Space in San Francisco Bay: San Francisco Bay’s Atlantic Oyster Industry, 1869-1920s
In Spatial History Project.
2009 report
The Struggle for Ownership of the San Francisco Bay Area, 1769-1972
In Spatial History Project.
2009 conference paper
Visualizing San Francisco Bay, Doing Spatial History
Western History Association. Presented at the Western History Association.
2009 report
Visualizing Sea Level Rise and Early Bay Habitation, 6000BP to Present: The Emeryville Shellmound
In Spatial History Project.
2008 report
Morgan Oyster Company’s Bay Holdings, 1930
In Spatial History Project.
2008 report
San Mateo County Bay Ownership, 1877-1927
In Spatial History Project.
2007 review
Crab wars: A tale of horseshoe crabs, bioterrorism, and human health
[Review of ]. Journal of the History of Biology, 40(2), 382–383.
2007 conference paper
San Francisco Bay’s Immigrant Oysters
European Society for Environmental History meeting. Presented at the European Society for Environmental History meeting, Amsterdam.
2006 conference paper
Centering Nature: Humans, History and the Environment
Method and Meaning: A Workshop in Historical Meaning and Interpretation. Presented at the Method and Meaning: A Workshop in Historical Meaning and Interpretation, Department of History, Duke University.
2006 review
Oyster growers and oyster pirates in San Francisco Bay
[Review of ]. PACIFIC HISTORICAL REVIEW, 75(1), 63–88.
2006 conference paper
Oysters and Marine History
Sea Educational Association Marine Environmental History Workshop. Presented at the Sea Educational Association Marine Environmental History Workshop, Key West, FL.
2005 conference paper
The Chao Praya, Arakawa, and Thames: Re-Engineering Rivers and Societies in Bangkok, Tokyo, and London
American Society for Environmental History. Presented at the American Society for Environmental History, Houston, Texas.
2004 conference paper
Foraging, Private Property, and Environmental Inequality on Bay Area Shorelines
American Society for Environmental History. Presented at the American Society for Environmental History, Victoria BC.
2001 chapter
Pacific Northwest
In C. Miller, M. Cioc, & K. Showers (Eds.), History in Dispute (Vol. 7). New York: St. James Press/Gale Publications.
Ed(s): C. Miller, M. Cioc & K. Showers
2001 chapter
Pacific Salmon
In C. Miller, M. Cioc, & K. Showers (Eds.), History in Dispute (Vol. 7). New York: St. James Press/Gale Publications.
Ed(s): C. Miller, M. Cioc & K. Showers
How to Think in the Environmental Humanities
Booker, M., & Gilman, K. In Humanities in Class, National Humanities Center. Humanities in Class, National Humanities Center.
Updated: February 27th, 2024 13:44
2023 - present
2020 - present
2012 - 2023
2017 - 2020
2004 - 2012
2008 - 2011
2008 - 2009
Updated: August 31st, 2020 10:55
1998 - 2005
1995 - 1997
1986 - 1991
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: February 6th, 2025 11:21