Works (10)
2012 journal article
Innovative Use of FRP for the Precast Industry
Advances in Structural Engineering Journal, 15(4), 565–574.

2010 conference paper
Natural fiber reinforced concrete: Microstructure, internal curing, and mechanical properties from nanoindentation and macroscopic testing
ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference.
2010 journal article
Two-way bending behavior of 3-D GFRP sandwich panels with through-thickness fiber insertions

2009 journal article
Effective Splices for a Carbon Fiber–Reinforced Polymer
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2131(1), 125–133.

2008 journal article
Development of a carbon fiber reinforced polymer system for strengthening steel structures
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 39(2), 388–397.

2008 journal article
Flexural strength design of concrete beams reinforced with high-strength steel bars
ACI Structural Journal, 105(5), 570–577.
2007 journal article
Fatigue and overloading Behavior of steel-concrete composite flexural members strengthened with high modulus CFRP materials
Journal of Composites for Construction, 11(6), 659–669.

2007 personal communication
Galvanic corrosion rare with proper detailing
2007 journal article
Proposed design guidelines for strengthening of steel bridges with FRP materials

2006 article
Bond behavior of CFRP strengthened steel structures
Schnerch, D., Dawood, M., Rizkalla, S., Sumner, E., & Stanford, K. (2006, December). ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 9, pp. 805–817.