Works (6)
2008 book
Discussing Earth
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
2005 book
Dynamic Earth chemistry
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
2005 journal article
Shallow perched groundwater, a flux of deep CO2, and near-surface water-rock interaction in Northeastern Jordan: An example of positive feedback and Darwin's "warm little pond"
PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 137(3-4), 273–280.

2000 journal article
The use of Sino-Japanese characters to identify locations on figures
Computers and Geosciences, 26(5), 603–605.
1989 journal article
Debate about ironstone: Has solute supply been surficial weathering, hydrothermal convection, or exhalation of deep fluids?
Terra Nova (Oxford, England), 6, 116–132.
1989 journal article
Exhalative origins of iron formations
Ore Geology Reviews, 5, 13–145.