Marcelo Mollinari
polyplod genetics; quantitative genetics
Works (47)
2024 journal article
A Public Mid-Density Genotyping Platform for Hexaploid Sweetpotato (<i>Ipomoea batatas</i> [L.] Lam)
2024 journal article
Discovery of a major QTL for resistance to the guava root-knot nematode (<i>Meloidogyne enterolobii</i>) in 'Tanzania', an African landrace sweetpotato (<i>Ipomoea batatas</i>)
2024 journal article
Prediction of blueberry sensory texture attributes by integrating multiple instrumental measurements
2023 journal article
A public mid-density genotyping platform for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
Genetic Resources, 4(8), 55–63.
2023 journal article
Advances in genomic characterization of Urochloa humidicola: exploring polyploid inheritance and apomixis
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 136(11).
2023 article
Advances in genomic characterization of<i>Urochloa humidicola</i>: exploring polyploid inheritance and apomixis
C. L. Moraes Aline, Mollinari, M., Ulbricht, R., Aono, A., Castro Lara, L. A., Pessoa-Filho, M., … Vigna, B. (2023, September 3). (Vol. 9). Vol. 9.
2023 conference paper
Advances in the Development of Chromosome-Scale Haplotype-Resolved Genome Assemblies of Hexaploid Sweetpotatoes
International Plant & Animal Genome 30 Conference. Poster presented at the International Plant & Animal Genome 30 Conference.
2023 journal article
Developing best practices for genotyping-by-sequencing analysis in the construction of linkage maps
GigaScience, 12.

2023 conference paper
Genetic Mapping in Interconnected Hexaploid Sweetpotato Populations
International Plant & Animal Genome 30 Conference. Poster presented at the International Plant & Animal Genome 30 Conference, San Diego, CA.
2023 conference paper
Selecting the Best Bioinformatic Pipeline for Evaluating Diploid and Auto-Tetraploid Garden Rose Genotype-by-Sequencing Data
International Plant & Animal Genome 30 Conference. Poster presented at the International Plant & Animal Genome 30 Conference.
2022 article
Developing best practices for genotyping-by-sequencing analysis using linkage maps as benchmarks
BioRxiv, Vol. 11.
2022 journal article
Polyploid Goes to Genomics
21st Century Pathology, 2(2), 113.
2022 journal article
VIEWpoly: a visualization tool to integrate and explore results of polyploid genetic analysis
Journal of Open Source Software, 7(74), 4242.
2022 conference paper
VIEWpoly: a visualization tool to integrate and explore results of polyploid genetic analysis in
International Plant & Animal Genome XXIX Conference. Poster presented at the International Plant & Animal Genome XXIX Conference.
2021 journal article
Discovery of a major QTL for root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) resistance in cultivated sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas)
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 134(7), 1945–1955.
Contributors: B. Oloka n , G. Silva Pereira *, V. Amankwaah n, n , K. Pecota n , B. Yada *, B. Olukolu*, Z. Zeng n, G. Craig Yencho n

2021 journal article
Meiosis in Polyploids and Implications for Genetic Mapping: A Review
Genes, 12(10), 1517.
Contributors: N. Soares *, n , G. Oliveira *, G. Pereira * & M. Vieira *

2021 journal article
Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping for Common Scab Resistance in a Tetraploid Potato Full-Sib Population
Plant Disease, 105(10), 3048–3054.
Contributors: G. Da Pereira, , X. Qu *, C. Thill*, Z. Zeng n, K. Haynes *, G. Yencho n n

2021 journal article
The recombination landscape and multiple QTL mapping in a Solanum tuberosum cv. ‘Atlantic’-derived F1 population
Heredity, 126(5), 817–830.
Contributors: G. Silva Pereira n, n , M. Schumann n, M. Clough n, Z. Zeng n & G. Yencho n

2020 conference paper
Characterization of Sweetpotato Inheritance Using Ultradense Multilocus Genetic Map
International Plant & Animal Genome XXVIII Conference. Poster presented at the International Plant & Animal Genome XXVIII Conference.
2020 journal article
Multiple QTL Mapping in Autopolyploids: A Random-Effect Model Approach with Application in a Hexaploid Sweetpotato Full-Sib Population
Genetics, 215(3), 579–595.
Contributors: G. Da Silva Pereira n, D. Gemenet n, n , B. Olukolu *, J. Wood *, F. Diaz *, V. Mosquera *, W. Gruneberg *

2020 article
Quantitative trait locus mapping for common scab resistance in a tetraploid potato full-sib population
Silva Pereira, G., Mollinari, M., Qu, X., Thill, C., Zeng, Z.-B., Haynes, K., & Yencho, G. C. (2020, October 25). BioRxiv.
Contributors: G. Silva Pereira *, n , X. Qu *, C. Thill*, Z. Zeng n, K. Haynes *, G. Yencho n
2020 journal article
Sequencing depth and genotype quality: accuracy and breeding operation considerations for genomic selection applications in autopolyploid crops
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 133(12), 3345–3363.
Contributors: D. Gemenet *, H. Lindqvist-Kreuze *, B. De Boeck *, G. Silva Pereira n, n , Z. Zeng n, G. Craig Yencho n, H. Campos *

2020 article
fullsibQTL: An R package for QTL mapping in biparental populations of outcrossing species
Contributors: R. Gazaffi *, R. Amadeu *, n , J. Rosa *, C. Taniguti *, G. Margarido *, A. Garcia *
2019 journal article
Linkage Analysis and Haplotype Phasing in Experimental Autopolyploid Populations with High Ploidy Level Using Hidden Markov Models
G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 9(10), 3297–3314.
Contributors: & A. Garcia * n

2019 content posted
Multiple QTL mapping in autopolyploids: a random-effect model approach with application in a hexaploid sweetpotato full-sib population
Contributors: G. Silva Pereira n, D. Gemenet *, n , B. Olukolu *, J. Wood *, F. Diaz *, V. Mosquera *, W. Gruneberg *

2019 conference paper
Progress in the Implementation of Genomic Selection and Marker-Assisted Breeding in Sweetpotato
International Plant & Animal Genome 30 Conference. Poster presented at the International Plant & Animal Genome 30 Conference, San Diego, CA.
2019 journal article
Quantitative trait loci and differential gene expression analyses reveal the genetic basis for negatively associated β-carotene and starch content in hexaploid sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 133(1), 23–36.
Contributors: D. Gemenet *, G. Silva Pereira n, B. De Boeck *, J. Wood *, n , B. Olukolu n, F. Diaz *, V. Mosquera *

2019 journal article
Unraveling the Hexaploid Sweetpotato Inheritance Using Ultra-Dense Multilocus Mapping
G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 10(1), 281–292.
Contributors: , B. Olukolu *, G. Da Pereira, A. Khan *, D. Gemenet *, G. Craig Yencho n, Z. Zeng n n

2018 conference paper
B.Construction of an Ultradense Genetic Map in Hexaploid Sweetpotato
International Plant & Animal Genome XXVI Conference. Poster presented at the International Plant & Animal Genome XXVI Conference.
2016 conference paper
Construction of Genetic Maps in Complex Autopolyploids
International Conference in Quantitative Genetics 5. Poster presented at the International Conference in Quantitative Genetics 5, Madison, WI, USA.
2016 journal article
Evidence of Allopolyploidy in Urochloa humidicola Based on Cytological Analysis and Genetic Linkage Mapping
PLOS ONE, 11(4), e0153764.
Contributors: B. Vigna *, J. Santos*, L. Jungmann*, C. Valle *, * , M. Pastina *, M. Pagliarini*, A. Garcia *, A. Souza *
Ed(s): T. Yin
2016 journal article
QTL mapping including codominant SNP markers with ploidy level information in a sugarcane progeny
Euphytica, 211(1), 1–16.
Contributors: E. Costa *, C. Anoni*, M. Mancini *, F. Santos, T. Marconi *, R. Gazaffi *, M. Pastina *, D. Perecin *

2014 journal article
A model for quantitative trait loci mapping, linkage phase, and segregation pattern estimation for a full-sib progeny
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 10(4), 791–801.
Contributors: R. Gazaffi *, G. Margarido *, M. Pastina *, * & A. Garcia *
2014 conference paper
A new method to construct genetic maps in complex autopolyploids using quantitative SNP genotyping
Kansas State Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. Poster presented at the Kansas State Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, Manhattan, KS, USA.
2014 chapter
Quantitative SNP Genotyping of Polyploids with MassARRAY and Other Platforms
In Methods in Molecular Biology (Vol. 1245, pp. 215–241).
Contributors: & O. Serang * *
2013 journal article
SNP genotyping allows an in-depth characterisation of the genome of sugarcane and other complex autopolyploids
Scientific Reports, 3(1).
Contributors: A. Garcia *, * , T. Marconi *, O. Serang *, R. Silva*, M. Vieira *, R. Vicentini *, E. Costa*
2012 journal article
A novel linkage map of sugarcane with evidence for clustering of retrotransposon-based markers
BMC Genetics, 13(1).
Contributors: A. Palhares*, T. Rodrigues-Morais*, M. Van Sluys *, D. Domingues *, W. Maccheroni Jr, H. Jordão Jr, A. Souza *, T. Marconi *
2012 conference paper
A novel method to construct genetic linkage maps in high autopolyploid species using hidden Markov models, with applications in sugarcane
International Plant & Animal Genome XX Conference. Poster presented at the International Plant & Animal Genome XX Conference, San Diego, CA, USA.
2012 journal article
Efficient Exact Maximum a Posteriori Computation for Bayesian SNP Genotyping in Polyploids
PLoS ONE, 7(2), e30906.
Contributors: O. Serang *, * & A. Garcia *
Ed(s): F. Rapallo
2012 journal article
Studying the genetic basis of drought tolerance in sorghum by managed stress trials and adjustments for phenological and plant height differences
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 124(8), 1389–1402.
Contributors: P. Sabadin*, M. Malosetti *, M. Boer *, F. Tardin *, F. Santos *, C. Guimarães *, R. Gomide*, C. Andrade*

2011 journal article
A mixed model QTL analysis for sugarcane multiple-harvest-location trial data
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 124(5), 835–849.
Contributors: M. Pastina *, M. Malosetti *, R. Gazaffi *, * , G. Margarido *, K. Oliveira*, L. Pinto, A. Souza *, F. Eeuwijk *, A. Garcia *
2011 journal article
Functional markers for gene mapping and genetic diversity studies in sugarcane
BMC Research Notes, 4(1).
Contributors: T. Marconi *, E. Costa*, H. Miranda*, M. Mancini *, C. Cardoso-Silva *, K. Oliveira*, L. Pinto, * , A. Garcia *, A. Souza *
2010 journal article
Mendelian inheritance, linkage and linkage disequilibrium in microsatellite loci of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf.
Conservation Genetics Resources, 2(1), 201–204.
Contributors: R. Tarazi *, A. Sebbenn *, * & R. Vencovsky*
2010 journal article
The Biotechnology Roadmap for Sugarcane Improvement
Tropical Plant Biology, 3(2), 75–87.
Contributors: C. Hotta *, C. Lembke *, D. Domingues *, E. Ochoa*, G. Cruz*, D. Melotto-Passarin*, T. Marconi *, M. Santos*
2009 journal article
Characterization of new polymorphic functional markers for sugarcane
Genome, 52(2), 191–209.
Contributors: K. Oliveira*, L. Pinto *, T. Marconi *, * , E. Ulian*, S. Chabregas*, M. Falco*, W. Burnquist*, A. Garcia *, A. Souza *
Ed(s): B. Golding

2009 journal article
Evaluation of algorithms used to order markers on genetic maps
Heredity, 103(6), 494–502.
Contributors: , G. Margarido *, R. Vencovsky* & A. Garcia * *
2008 journal article
Comparison of algorithms rapid chain delineation and seriation, for the construction of genetic linkage maps,Comparação dos algoritmos delineação rápida em cadeia e seriação, para a construção de mapas genéticos
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 43(4), 505–512.
Updated: January 29th, 2024 14:43
2021 - present
2018 - 2021
2016 - 2018
2012 - 2015
2014 - 2015
Updated: August 30th, 2017 12:11
2008 - 2012
2006 - 2008
2001 - 2006
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: October 24th, 2023 13:40