@article{herry_rodan_martin_sanjak_mulvey_2024, title={White American transgender adults' retrospective reports on the social and contextual aspects of their gender identity development}, volume={3}, ISSN={0261-510X 2044-835X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bjdp.12480}, DOI={10.1111/bjdp.12480}, abstractNote={AbstractA growing body of research has attended to the experiences of transgender and gender non‐conforming (TGN) youth's gender identity development. However, practical and ethical concerns have impeded our ability to understand the experiences of TGN youth. Thus, the aim of this study was to utilize one‐on‐one semi‐structured interviews to explore White American TGN adults' (N = 15) retrospective accounts of their gender identity development in childhood and adolescence. Findings demonstrate considerable heterogeneity in TGN adults' retrospective accounts of their gender identity development. However, TGN adults consistently highlighted the role of social (e.g. friends, family and teachers) and contextual (e.g. online, offline, educational and geographical) factors in their gender identity journeys. This study provides new insight into the role of social and contextual factors in TGN adults' retrospective accounts of their gender identity development, demonstrating the importance of continuing to examine these factors in gender diversity research.}, journal={British Journal of Developmental Psychology}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Herry, Emily and Rodan, S. M. and Martin, Madeline and Sanjak, Mariam M. and Mulvey, Kelly Lynn}, year={2024}, month={Mar} }