Works (48)
2024 chapter
Co-Designing a Science Lesson with VR in Middle School Science
In Leveraging Embodied Cognition Using Virtual Reality in Middle School Science Education (related paper set). National Association of Research in Science Teaching.
2024 conference paper
Does Shrinking and Growing in VR Induce Awe among Young Students?
In R. Lindgren, T. Asino, E. A. Kyza, C. Look, D. T. Keifert, & E. Suárex (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Ed(s): R. Lindgren, T. Asino, E. Kyza, C. Look, D. Keifert & E. Suárex
Event: Conference of the Learning Sciences. International Society of the Learning Sciences
2024 conference paper
Impact of VR Science Lesson on Students’ Knowledge of Scale
Leveraging Embodied Cognition Using Virtual Reality in Middle School Science Education (related paper set). National Association of Research in Science Teaching 2024. Presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching.
Event: National Association of Research in Science Teaching
2024 chapter
Impact of a VR Science Lesson on Reform-Oriented Nature of Science Instruction
In T. Harper-Gampp, C. Delgado, & R. Mathenge (Eds.), Leveraging Embodied Cognition Using Virtual Reality in Middle School Science Education (related paper set). National Association of Research in Science Teaching 2024. National Association of Research in Science Teaching.
Ed(s): T. Harper-Gampp, C. Delgado & R. Mathenge
2024 chapter
Student Impressions about a VR Science Lesson
In T. Harper-Gampp, C. Delgado, & R. Mathenge (Eds.), Leveraging Embodied Cognition Using Virtual Reality in Middle School Science Education (related paper set). National Association of Research in Science Teaching 2024. National Association of Research in Science Teaching.
Ed(s): T. Harper-Gampp, C. Delgado & R. Mathenge
2023 conference paper
Designing and Developing an Instrument to Assess Scale Cognition
National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching.
Event: National Association for Research in Science Teaching
2023 article proceedings
Preserving theoretically-grounded functions across media platforms in interaction design
Presented at the IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design.
Event: IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design
2023 conference paper
Refining a Panel of Experts Validation Methodology for Instrument Development
American Education Research Association. Presented at the American Education Research Association.
Event: American Education Research Association
2023 journal article
Scale Worlds: Iterative refinement, evaluation, and theory-usability balance of an immersive virtual learning environment
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1), 2382–2388.
2023 article
Shrink or grow the kids? Scale cognition in an immersive virtual environment for K-12 summer camp

2023 journal article
The Pictorial Trapezoid: Adapting McCloud’s Big Triangle for Creative Semiotic Precision in Generative Text-to-Image AI
Visible Language, 57(3), 6–51.
2023 article proceedings
Virtual Reality Induces Awe but Possibly Not Accommodation
Presented at the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2023.
Event: 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2023
2022 journal article
Design Exploration as a Research Discovery Phase: Integrating the Graduate Design Thesis with Research in the Social Sciences
Dialectic, 3(1).
2022 conference paper
Embodied Cognition in Virtual Reality to Support Learning of Scale
In C. Chinn, E. Tan, C. Chan, & Y. Kali (Eds.), International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practice (pp. 1900–1901). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Ed(s): C. Chinn, E. Tan, C. Chan & Y. Kali
2022 journal article
How to Do Things with Pictures: Imagery in Visual Media as Workspace
Visual Communication Quarterly, 29(1), 3–16.
2022 journal article
Immersive virtual environment for scale cognition and learning: Expert-based evaluation for balancing usability versus cognitive theories
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 66(1), 1972–1976.

2022 journal article
Persistent Failure and Occasional Success: The Realities of Evidence-Based Interdisciplinary Scholarship by Design Faculty at Research Universities
Visible Language, 56(2), 8–53.
2021 journal article
A taxonomy of cognitive image functions for science curriculum materials: identifying and creating 'performative' visual displays

2020 journal article
Anticipating Gaze-Based HCI Applications with the Tech Receptivity Interval: Eye Tracking as Input
Visible Language, 54(1/2), 99–127.
2020 conference paper
Easy on the Eye: An Eye-Tracking Analysis of Attention to and Comprehension of Visual Metaphor Structures in Advertising
International Communication Association 70th Annual Conference Proceedings. Presented at the International Communication Association 70th Annual Conference.
Event: International Communication Association 70th Annual Conference
2020 chapter
Vertical Studio
In M. M. Lane & R. Tegtmeyer (Eds.), Collaboration and Design Education (pp. 142–151). Bloomsbury Academic.
Ed(s): M. Lane & R. Tegtmeyer
2019 journal article
The 2020 MGD Final Project (and Other Endings
MGD Bulletin, 52–57.
2018 conference paper
An Enhanced Framework for Scale Cognition Leveraging Visual Metaphor Theory and Analogical Reasoning Theory
In J. Kay & R. Luckin (Eds.), Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count; 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (Vol. 3, pp. 1607–1608). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Ed(s): J. Kay & R. Luckin
Event: 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences at London, United Kingdom on June 23-27, 2018
2018 journal article
Aspects of visual metaphor: an operational typology of visual rhetoric for research in advertising

2018 journal article
Can Eyes Be Windows to the Soul-ution?
MGD Bulletin, 14–21.
2018 journal article
The First Year of the MGD III Program
MGD Bulletin, 22–26.
2018 journal article
The production of narrative through static imagery: examples from a peculiar medieval illustration

2017 conference paper
How Different Visual Metaphors Influence Resource Allocation and Memory for Advertisements
Interventions: Communication Research and Practice (ICA 2017 Conference) Proceedings. Presented at the Interventions: Communication Research and Practice (ICA 2017 Conference), San Diego, CA.
Event: Interventions: Communication Research and Practice (ICA 2017 Conference) at San Diego, CA on May 25-29, 2017
2017 journal article
How Imagery Models Interpretation: The Classification of Image Function
MGD Bulletin, 44–47.
2017 journal article
How to Do Things with Pictures: The Experience of Challenging Imagery in Visual Media
Dialectic, I(2).
2016 journal article
Memorable Metaphor: How Different Elements of Visual Rhetoric Affect Resource Allocation and Memory for Advertisements
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 38(1), 65–74.
2016 journal article
Schemes for Integrating Text and Image in the Science Textbook: Effects on Comprehension and Situational Interest
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(6), 1365–1385.
2015 conference paper
How Imagery Can Directly Model the Reader’s Construction of Narrative (Including an Extraordinary Medieval Illustration
13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities Proceedings. Presented at the 13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, HI.
Event: 13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities at Honolulu, HI on January 10-13, 2015
2015 conference paper
How Imagery Models Interpretation: The Classification of Image Function
13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities Proceedings. Presented at the 13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, HI.
Event: 13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities at Honolulu, HI on January 10-13, 2015
2015 report
Understanding and Implementing Visual Metaphor
Illinois Learning Sciences Design Initiative (ILSDI).
2014 conference paper
An Update on the Vertical Studio Implementation at the University of Illinois
2014 UCDA Design Education Summit Abstracts and Proceedings. Presented at the 2014 UCDA Design Education Summit, Madison, WI.
Event: 2014 UCDA Design Education Summit at Madison, WI
2014 conference paper
Institutionalizing the Vertical Studio: Curriculum, Pedagogy, and the Logistics of Core Classes with Mixed-Level Students
Connecting Dots Conference Proceedings. AIGA Design Educators Conference. Presented at the AIGA Design Educators Conference, Sentinel, Portland, Oregon.
Event: AIGA Design Educators Conference at Sentinel, Portland, Oregon
2014 journal article
The Integration of Text and Image and Its Impact on Reader Interest
Visible Language, 48(1), 22–39.
2014 conference paper
The Integration of Text and Image, Its Cognitive Impacts for Learning with Media, and Science Instruction: A Ph.D in Design Study
Connecting Dots Conference Proceedings. AIGA Design Educators Conference. Presented at the AIGA Design Educators Conference, Sentinel, Portland.
Event: AIGA Design Educators Conference at Sentinel, Portland
2014 conference paper
To Teach Image by Its Function: Structuring Image Making for Graphic Design Students According to Cognitive Outcomes
2014 UCDA Design Education Summit Abstracts and Proceedings. Presented at the 2014 UCDA Design Education Summit, Madison, WI.
Event: 2014 UCDA Design Education Summit at Madison, WI
2013 conference paper
One-on-One with iPads in a ‘Vertical’ Graphic Design Studio Course
2013 UCDA Design Education Summit Abstracts and Proceedings. Presented at the 2013 UCDA Design Education Summit, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Event: 2013 UCDA Design Education Summit at Chattanooga, Tennessee
2010 chapter
Gaining Flexibility through Special Topics
In M. Davis (Ed.), Designing Flexible Curricula / Synopsis of the 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning.
Ed(s): M. Davis
Event: New Contexts / New Practices, AIGA Design Educators Conference
2008 weblog post
The Cuckoo Bird and the Keyboard
Peterson, M. (2008, March 28).
2008 journal article
Utilizing the Performative Nature of Print Media for Active Learning
The International Journal of Learning: Annual Review, 15(7), 19–26.

2007 journal article
Artifact, 1(3), 142–148.
2007 magazine article
The Emerging Pattern of Species Loss: An Interactive Pattern that (Nearly) Doesn’t Repeat
Speak Up.
Comprehension with Instructional Media for Middle School Science: Holistic Performative Design Strategy and Cognitive Load
Peterson, M. (Ph.D. dissertation). North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
conference paper
Scale Reasoning in Immersive Virtual Reality: Capturing Middle School Students' Learning
Harper-Gampp, T., Delgado, C., Peterson, M., Chen, K. B., Mathenge, R., Planchart, R., … Wu, L. American Educational Research Association Symposium. Presented at the American Educational Research Association.
Event: American Educational Research Association
Updated: March 24th, 2023 15:22
2016 - present
Updated: November 12th, 2020 18:01
2007 - 2011