@article{xie_liu_morrison_gao_wang_2013, title={Air-Sea Interactions and Marine Meteorology}, volume={2013}, ISSN={["1687-9317"]}, DOI={10.1155/2013/162475}, abstractNote={Marine meteorology is a subfield of meteorology which deals with the monitoring, analysis, modeling, and forecasting of the weather and associated oceanographic conditions in marine and coastal environments.The fundamental processes which distinguish marine meteorology from other subfields of meteorology are the interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere.The challenges in advancing the understanding and forecasting of marine weather lie in the complexities of different marine environments from the open ocean to the coastal zone and from tropical islands to highlatitude marginal seas and the broad dynamic scales in air-sea interactions from microscales to local, regional, and global scales.This special issue publishes a collection of 12 articles covering a wide range of topics of growing importance in our understanding of "air-sea interactions and marine meteorology" from tropical cyclones to polar lows, from the impact of climate change on the marine environment in the vicinity of the Galapagos islands to deep convections over the Barbados island, from the processes that occur within the ocean skin layer to the entire mixed layer, from typhoons affecting East Asia to landfalling hurricanes affecting the US southeast coast, and from weather support for summer Olympics and Paralympics to weather analysis on oil platforms.These articles reflect the recent advances and applications in "air-sea interactions and marine meteorology" from a set of unique angles.The subject of tropical cyclones has always been a trendy topic in both air-sea interactions and marine meteorology.}, journal={ADVANCES IN METEOROLOGY}, author={Xie, Lian and Liu, Bin and Morrison, John and Gao, Huiwang and Wang, Jianhong}, year={2013} } @article{sweet_morrison_liu_kamykowski_schaeffer_xie_banks_2009, title={Tropical instability wave interactions within the Galapagos Archipelago}, volume={56}, ISSN={["1879-0119"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.dsr.2009.02.005}, abstractNote={Abstract The effects of tropical instability waves (TIW) within the eastern equatorial Pacific during the boreal fall of 2005 were observed in multiple data sets. The TIW cause oscillations of the sea surface temperature (SST), meridional currents ( V ), and 20 °C isotherm (thermocline). A particularly strong 3-wave packet of ∼15-day period TIW passed through the Galapagos Archipelago in Sep and Oct 2005 and their effects were recorded by moored near-surface sensors. Repeat Argo profiles in the archipelago showed that the large temperature (>5 °C) oscillations that occurred were associated with a vertical adjustment within the water column. Numerical simulations report strong oscillations and upwelling magnitudes of ∼5.0 m d −1 near the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) buoy at 0°, 95°W and in the Archipelago at 92°W and 90°W. A significant biological response to the TIW passage was observed within the archipelago. Chlorophyll a measured by the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) increased by >30% above 1998–2007 mean concentrations within the central archipelago. The increases coincide with coldest temperatures and the much larger increases within the archipelago as compared to those of 95°W indicate that TIW induced upwelling over the island platform itself brought more iron-enriched upwelling waters into the euphotic zone.}, number={8}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS}, author={Sweet, W. V. and Morrison, J. M. and Liu, Y. and Kamykowski, D. and Schaeffer, B. A. and Xie, L. and Banks, S.}, year={2009}, month={Aug}, pages={1217–1229} } @article{schaeffer_morrison_kamykowski_feldman_xie_liu_sweet_mcculloch_banks_2008, title={Phytoplankton biomass distribution and identification of productive habitats within the Galapagos Marine Reserve by MODIS, a surface acquisition system, and in-situ measurements}, volume={112}, ISSN={["1879-0704"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.rse.2008.03.005}, abstractNote={The Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Phytoplankton are the base of the ecosystem food chain for many higher trophic organisms, so identifying phytoplankton biomass distribution is the first step in understanding the dynamic environment for effective management of the GMR. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and hyperspectral surface acquisition system derived chlorophyll, in-situ chlorophyll fluorescence, nitrate, salinity, and temperature were collected from March 2005 to the onset of a mild El Niño in November 2006. Islands in the eastern GMR, such as San Cristobal and Espanola, are the first to experience impacts of El Niño and southern migration of the Equatorial Front. Productive habitats were defined as surface waters with salinities > 34, temperatures < 24 °C, and chlorophyll a > 0.4 mg m− 3. Six temporally variable productive habitats identified were: west of Isabela Island, southwest of Floreana Island, south of Santa Cruz, between Santiago and Santa Cruz Islands, and on the eastern side near San Cristobal Island. Model results coupled with surface acquisition system derived chlorophyll indicated productive habitats may also occur for short periods and at a distance from islands such as when the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) and South Equatorial Current (SEC) collide over the seamounts north of Isabela Island. All productive habitats were related to topographic upwelling from the EUC into surface waters.}, number={6}, journal={REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT}, author={Schaeffer, Blake A. and Morrison, John M. and Kamykowski, Daniel and Feldman, Gene C. and Xie, Lian and Liu, Yanyun and Sweet, William and McCulloch, Anita and Banks, Stuart}, year={2008}, month={Jun}, pages={3044–3054} } @article{sweet_morrison_kamykowski_schaeffer_banks_mcculloch_2007, title={Water mass seasonal variability in the Galapagos archipelago}, volume={54}, ISSN={["1879-0119"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.dsr.2007.09.009}, abstractNote={Three hydrographic surveys were conducted within the Galápagos Archipelago during 2005–2006. The surveys captured the surface properties (<80 m) near the extremes and midpoint of the annual cycle of the mean sea surface temperature (SST) and winds. A cooler SST occurs in boreal summer and fall as the southeast trades strengthen. Current data at 110°W show that this coincides with the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) becoming weaker and deeper below a strengthening westward South Equatorial Current (SEC). Opposite conditions are generally found in the spring. Meanwhile, the sea surface salinity (SSS) freshens in late winter/spring when the archipelago receives large rainfalls as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) shifts southward, or in late fall when receiving large influxes from the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC). As a result, Tropical Surface Waters (TSW) with salinity (S) <34 fill the archipelago from the late fall through early spring. The SSS becomes saltiest in late spring/early summer as the EUC strengthens, resulting in Equatorial Surface Waters (ESW), S>34, throughout the archipelago. Equatorial Surface Waters are present west of Isabela, where the EUC upwells as it interacts with the Galápagos platform. They also are found east of the archipelago in the cold tongue, which extends westward from South America, and therefore may be advected by the SEC into the archipelago. The upwelling west of Isabela creates a consistently shallow 20 °C isotherm (thermocline), which remains elevated across the archipelago. Linear extrapolation of the thermocline depth along the equator from 110 to 95°W gives a good approximation of the thermocline depth within the archipelago from 92 to 89°W.}, number={12}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS}, author={Sweet, W. V. and Morrison, J. M. and Kamykowski, D. and Schaeffer, B. A. and Banks, S. and McCulloch, A.}, year={2007}, month={Dec}, pages={2023–2035} } @article{xie_yan_pietrafesa_morrison_karl_2005, title={Climatology and interannual variability of North Atlantic hurricane tracks}, volume={18}, ISSN={["0894-8755"]}, DOI={10.1175/jcli3560.1}, abstractNote={Abstract The spatial and temporal variability of North Atlantic hurricane tracks and its possible association with the annual hurricane landfall frequency along the U.S. East Coast are studied using principal component analysis (PCA) of hurricane track density function (HTDF). The results show that, in addition to the well-documented effects of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and vertical wind shear (VWS), North Atlantic HTDF is strongly modulated by the dipole mode (DM) of Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) as well as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Arctic Oscillation (AO). Specifically, it was found that Atlantic SST DM is the only index that is associated with all top three empirical orthogonal function (EOF) modes of the Atlantic HTDF. ENSO and tropical Atlantic VWS are significantly correlated with the first and the third EOF of the HTDF over the North Atlantic Ocean. The second EOF of North Atlantic HTDF, which represents the “zonal gradient” of North Atlantic hurricane track density, showed no significant correlation with ENSO or with tropical Atlantic VWS. Instead, it is associated with the Atlantic SST DM, and extratropical processes including NAO and AO. Since for a given hurricane season, the preferred hurricane track pattern, together with the overall basinwide hurricane activity, collectively determines the hurricane landfall frequency, the results provide a foundation for the construction of a statistical model that projects the annual number of hurricanes striking the eastern seaboard of the United States.}, number={24}, journal={JOURNAL OF CLIMATE}, author={Xie, L and Yan, TZ and Pietrafesa, LJ and Morrison, JM and Karl, T}, year={2005}, month={Dec}, pages={5370–5381} } @article{shi_subrahmanyam_morrison_2003, title={Estimation of heat and salt storage variability in the Indian Ocean from TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry}, volume={108}, ISSN={["2169-9291"]}, DOI={10.1029/2001jc001244}, abstractNote={Heat and salt storage variability in the upper 1000 m of the Indian Ocean is investigated using a combination of sea level anomalies derived from TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry (1993–2000), Reynold's sea surface temperature and monthly climatological hydrographic data (World Ocean Atlas 1998) [Antonov et al., 1998; Boyer et al., 1998]. This new technique allows extension of surface information from altimetric observations to study subsurface variability. Hydrographic data collected in the Indian Ocean during the World Ocean Circulation Experiment are used to evaluate and validate this technique. The results show that the Indian Ocean experienced larger changes in heat storage than in salt storage. Significant differences are found between the 8‐year mean seasonal heat storage and the climatological seasonal heat storage, which are attributed to interannual variability, while the 8‐year mean seasonal salt storage agrees well with the climatological seasonal salt storage. The variabilities of heat and salt storages are not synchronized in either space or time because of different control mechanisms. The first four empirical orthogonal function (EOF) modes explain nearly 60% of total variance of heat storage variability with the Indian Ocean dipole outweighing the other processes. The dominant first EOF mode for salt storage, which is attributed to the seasonal variability, explains 33% of its total variance. The heat (salt) storage dipole index, representing the heat (salt) storage difference between the west and east equatorial Indian Ocean during the 1994–1995 and 1997–1998 dipole periods, is of the same order as that of the seasonal heat (salt) storage variability.}, number={C7}, journal={JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS}, author={Shi, W and Subrahmanyam, B and Morrison, JM}, year={2003}, month={Jul} } @article{manghnani_subrahmanyam_xie_morrison_2003, title={Numerical simulation of seasonal and interannual Indian Ocean upper layer circulation using Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model}, volume={108}, number={C7}, journal={Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans}, author={Manghnani, V. and Subrahmanyam, B. and Xie, L. and Morrison, J. M.}, year={2003} } @article{gordon_giulivi_takahashi_sutherland_morrison_olson_2002, title={Bay of Bengal nutrient-rich benthic layer}, volume={49}, ISSN={["0967-0645"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00161-8}, abstractNote={A nutrient- and carbon-rich, oxygen-poor benthic layer is observed in the lower 100 m of the central and western Bay of Bengal, at depths between 3400 to 4000 m. The observed ratios for the biogeochemical anomalies in the benthic layer water are similar to those observed for phytoplankton blooms in open oceans and hence suggest that the source of the high silica, phosphate, nitrate and carbon is likely to be due to decomposition of marine plankton deposited on the Ganges fan. While similar sediment types are expected to exist across a more extensive area of the Bay of Bengal, accumulation of nutrients only within a confined pool of bottom water is due to a greater degree of ventilation elsewhere. To the north of the nutrient-rich benthic pool, in shallower water, inflow of water from West Australian Basin minimizes anomalous benthic properties. To the south, in deeper water, ventilation by bottom water of the Central Indian Basin lifts the Bay of Bengal nutrient-rich benthic water off the sea floor. Thus the nutrient-rich benthic layer occupies zone between better ventilated regions. A counter-clockwise flow of bottom water is suggested for the Bay of Bengal, with nutrient-rich bottom water flowing westward south of Sri Lanka.}, number={7-8}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Gordon, AL and Giulivi, CF and Takahashi, T and Sutherland, S and Morrison, J and Olson, D}, year={2002}, pages={1411–1421} } @article{kamykowski_zentara_morrison_switzer_2002, title={Dynamic global patterns of nitrate, phosphate, silicate, and iron availability and phytoplankton community composition from remote sensing data}, volume={16}, number={4}, journal={Global Biogeochemical Cycles}, author={Kamykowski, D. and Zentara, S. J. and Morrison, J. M. and Switzer, A. C.}, year={2002}, pages={1077–1} } @article{manghnani_morrison_xie_subrahmanyam_2002, title={Heat transports in the Indian Ocean estimated from TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry and model simulations}, volume={49}, ISSN={["1879-0100"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00153-9}, abstractNote={Estimates of the heat budget of the Indian Ocean computed using TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) sea-level anomalies and the Miami Isopycnal Coordinate Ocean Model are compared to study the redistribution of heat in the Indian Ocean. In particular, the horizontal heat transport and heat storage are used because they typically change on time scales of months or years or longer, and are therefore a predictable element of the climate system. The results show that T/P-derived heat storage is weaker than that derived from the model but has similar spatial structure and temporal evolution. Complex principal component analysis shows that there are two main modes of heat content redistribution in the Indian Ocean. The most dominant mode has an annual signal peaking in the boreal summer, and depicts the response to strong southwest monsoon winds. This involves offshore propagation of heat in the northern Indian Ocean and southward propagation of heat across the equator. The other main mode of heat content redistribution in the Indian Ocean results from westward propagating equatorial Rossby waves. This process is prominent in the boreal fall to spring, and represents the dynamic readjustment of the Indian Ocean to near-equatorial wind forcing. This mode indirectly relates to the dipole mode index in the Indian Ocean. The minima of this time series coincide with the occurrence of the anomalous dipole structure in the equatorial Indian Ocean.}, number={7-8}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Manghnani, V and Morrison, JM and Xie, LA and Subrahmanyam, B}, year={2002}, pages={1459–1480} } @article{pietrafesa_flagg_xie_weatherly_morrison_2002, title={The winter/spring 1996 OMP current, meteorological, sea state and coastal sea level fields}, volume={49}, ISSN={["0967-0645"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(02)00166-2}, abstractNote={The time series of atmospheric winds, coastal sea level, surface gravity waves, currents, water temperature, and salinity for the period February–May 1996 across the OMP moored array defined a well-organized physical oceanographic system. The M2 tide, a frictionally modified Poincare wave, was manifested as a clockwise-rotating, elliptically polarized wave, with predominantly cross-shelf orientation of the ellipse, and an axis ratio of ∼0.6 in upper layer waters and in offshore waters. However, bottom friction compressed and rotated the tidal ellipses in shallow and near-bottom waters. Elliptically polarized, clockwise-rotating motions were evident at near-inertial (∼20 h) and diurnal (∼24 h) periods. The wind field was dominated by 2–14 day events centered about 4–8 days. Due to the location and track of mesoscale atmospheric events, the wind field over the southern portion of the array was far more energetic than over the northern portion. The winds prior to 17 April had higher variances than after 17 April. Sub-diurnal frequency currents were dynamically responsive to the wind field at all locations and were stronger in the southern portion of the array. The shelf-wide, southward drift of Middle Atlantic Bight waters contributed to the weekly to monthly scales of motion. Shelf-wide, the record length means were generally southward, with an offshore component in near-bottom waters. However, a significant finding was that near the 21 m isobath on the north line of moorings, just south of the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, the mean flow was into the Bay, providing a means for the import of marine sediment into the estuary. In the southeastern-most corner of the array, north of Diamond Shoals in 36 m of water, the flows were persistently directed offshore. Following southward wind events, an inability to propagate Kelvin waves northward along the coast traps a buildup of water against Diamond Shoals such that the only way for it to relax is through a geostrophically balanced offshore transport of shelf waters. The Chesapeake Bay Plume and Middle Atlantic Bight Waters often breached Diamond Shoals and invaded the South Atlantic Bight during the passage of movement northward with southward-directed wind events, particularly extra-tropical cyclones. Following the mid-April transition to persistent northward winds, Carolina Capes Water moved northward across Diamond Shoals and induced a transition from well-mixed wintertime to vertically stratified summertime hydrographic conditions.}, number={20}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Pietrafesa, LJ and Flagg, CN and Xie, L and Weatherly, GL and Morrison, JM}, year={2002}, pages={4331–4354} } @article{shi_morrison_bryden_2002, title={Water, heat and freshwater flux out of the northern Indian Ocean in September-October 1995}, volume={49}, ISSN={["1879-0100"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00154-0}, abstractNote={World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Transindian Hydrographic Section I1 (I1) is the northernmost of the zonal sections carried out during the WOCE Indian Ocean Expedition of 1994–1995. It crosses the southern boundaries of both the Bay of Bengal (I1e) in the east and the Arabian Sea (I1w) in the west. From I1, heat, freshwater and water-mass budgets are computed for the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Unfortunately, unlike the flow in the Atlantic and Pacific, the flow through I1 experiences considerable seasonal variability due to the annual reversal of the monsoonal winds. Therefore, at best we can expect to compute a “snapshot” of the heat and freshwater flux at the end of the SW Monsoon. But at least the timing of this section was chosen to coincide in the period where the mean circulation is most like the “normal” subtropical gyres found at mid-latitudes in the other oceans. During WOCE I1 both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal acted as heat sources. The mechanisms of the heat exportation in these two basins differed slightly from each other with the deep-ocean flow playing an important role in exporting heat from the Arabian Sea. The total heat transport out of the Arabian Sea was 0.60±0.27 PW. Of the 0.60 PW heat transport, a total of 0.28 PW was exported below 2000 m. The monsoonally driven southward surface flow accounted for the remaining 50% of the total heat export. Meanwhile, the Bay of Bengal was exporting heat at a rate of 0.63±0.16 PW, with half of the heat export due to surface flow and the other half due to meridional overturning at mid-depths. Meanwhile, the Arabian Sea was importing freshwater at a rate of 0.38±0.09×106 m3 s−1 while the Bay of Bengal was exporting freshwater at a rate of 0.38±0.08×106 m3 s−1. The mechanisms for the freshwater transport from the two basins were fundamentally different. In the Arabian Sea, vertical recirculation cells in the upper and deep ocean contributed to the freshwater import across I1w with the deep cell accounting for ∼25% of the total freshwater transport. In the Bay of Bengal, most of the freshwater export occurred in the surface layer because of strong southward Ekman surface flow and fresh surface waters from river runoff and monsoon rainfall. The role the horizontal circulation plays in the heat and freshwater transport across I1 was different in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. The horizontal circulation contributed 0.06 PW of the total heat transport in contrast to −0.60 PW of the total heat transport crossing I1w and ∼30% of the freshwater transport across I1w in the Arabian Sea. In the Bay of Bengal, the horizontal circulation contributed ∼20% heat transport and ∼45% of the freshwater transport across I1e. The difference in horizontal circulation between the two basins is predominately due to the role of the Somali Current in the Arabian Sea.}, number={7-8}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Shi, W and Morrison, JM and Bryden, HL}, year={2002}, pages={1231–1252} } @article{morrison_gaurin_codispoti_takahashi_millero_gardner_richardson_2001, title={Seasonal evolution of hydrographic properties in the Antarctic circumpolar current at 170 degrees W during 1997-1998}, volume={48}, ISSN={["1879-0100"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00075-3}, abstractNote={This paper discusses the seasonal evolution of the hydrographic and biogeochemical properties in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) during the US Joint Global Ocean Flux (JGOFS) Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS) in 1997–1998. The location of the study region south of New Zealand along ∼170°W was selected based on the zonal orientation and meridional separation of the physical and chemical fronts found in that region. Here we endeavor to describe the seasonal changes of the macronutrients, fluorescence chlorophyll, particulate organic carbon (POC), and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the upper 400 m of the ACC during the evolution of the seasonal phytoplankton bloom found in this area. While the ACC has extreme variability in the meridional sense (due to fronts, etc.), it appears to be actually quite uniform in the zonal sense. This is reflected by the fact that a good deal of the seasonal zonal changes in nutrients distributions at 170°W follow a pattern that reflects what would be expected if the changes are associated with seasonal biological productivity. Also at 170°W, the productivity of the upper waters does not appear to be limited by availability of phosphate or nitrate. While there is a significant decrease (or uptake) of inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and silicate associated with the seasonal phytoplankton bloom, none of the nutrients, except perhaps silicate (north of the silicate front) are actually depleted within the euphotic zone. At the end of the growing season, nutrient concentrations rapidly approached their pre-bloom levels. Inspection of the ratios of apparent nutrient drawdown near 64°S suggests N/P apparent drawdowns to have a ratio of ∼10 and N/Si apparent drawdowns to have a ratio of >4. These ratios suggest a bloom that was dominated by Fe limited diatoms. In addition, the surface water in the Polar Front (PF) and the Antarctic Zone (AZ) just to the south of the PF take up atmospheric CO2 at a rate 2–3 times as fast as the mean global ocean rate during the summer season but nearly zero during the rest of year. This represents an important process for the transport of atmospheric CO2 into the deep ocean interior. Finally, the net CO2 utilization or the net community production during the 2.5 growing months between the initiation of phytoplankton blooms and mid-January increase southward from 1.5 mol C m−2 at 55°S to 2.2 mol C m−2 to 65°S across the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) into the AZ.}, number={19-20}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Morrison, JM and Gaurin, S and Codispoti, LA and Takahashi, T and Millero, FJ and Gardner, WD and Richardson, MJ}, year={2001}, pages={3943–3972} } @article{manghnani_raman_niyogi_parameswara_morrison_ramana_raju_2000, title={Marine boundary-layer variability over the Indian Ocean during INDOEX (1998)}, volume={97}, ISSN={["0006-8314"]}, DOI={10.1023/A:1002730405170}, number={3}, journal={BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY}, author={Manghnani, V and Raman, S and Niyogi, DS and Parameswara, V and Morrison, JM and Ramana, SV and Raju, JVSS}, year={2000}, month={Dec}, pages={411–430} } @article{logan_morrison_pietrafesa_hopkins_churchill_2000, title={Physical oceanographic processes affecting inflow/outflow through Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina}, volume={16}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Coastal Research}, author={Logan, D. G. and Morrison, J. M. and Pietrafesa, L. J. and Hopkins, T. S. and Churchill, J.}, year={2000}, pages={1111–1125} } @article{gordon_codispoti_jennings_millero_morrison_sweeney_2000, title={Seasonal evolution of hydrographic properties in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, 1996-1997}, volume={47}, ISSN={["0967-0645"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(00)00060-6}, abstractNote={This paper briefly describes hydrographic and chemical results from four seasonal process cruises in the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS) in the Ross Sea. The data include temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients (NO3−, NO2−, NH4+, PO4−3, Si(OH)4), titration alkalinity (TA), and total inorganic CO2 (TCO2). In early spring (mid-October to early November 1996) ice cover was near 100%. The water column exhibited only small ranges of potential temperature, salinity, nutrients, TA and TCO2. These nearly uniform conditions observed during this cruise were used as initial conditions from which to evaluate seasonal changes in biogeochemical properties. Later in the spring (November/December) of the following year (1997), an expanded polynya was present. In the summer (January) 1997, the sea-ice cover was minimal. Meltwater dilution and warming of exposed surface waters were at their maximum. Finally, in early austral autumn (April 1997) rapid cooling and freezing of surface waters and intensified vertical mixing of the water column resulted in a return toward winter conditions, but with significant depletion of nutrients still evident in surface waters. Modified circumpolar deep water (MCDW) was observed at ∼175°E., varying in location zonally with time. Beneath the MCDW, near the eastern end of the section at ∼180°, northward intrusion of ice shelf water (ISW) was persistent though variable. Among the biogeochemical changes observed along this section were: (1) Significant ammonium accretion at about 100 m; (2) appreciable nitrate drawdowns throughout the upper 20–40 m of the water column; (3) silicic acid depletions during the summer in the surface waters, which were largest at the western end of the study area; (4) an increase in TA largely due to the loss of NO3−; and (5) decreases in TCO2 close to expected values for consumption of carbon and nitrogen in “Redfield” proportions. Consistent with previous observations, N, P and Si never approached limiting concentrations during any of the cruises.}, number={15-16}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Gordon, LI and Codispoti, LA and Jennings, JC and Millero, FJ and Morrison, JM and Sweeney, C}, year={2000}, pages={3095–3117} } @article{shi_morrison_bohm_manghnani_2000, title={The Oman upwelling zone during 1993, 1994 and 1995}, volume={47}, ISSN={["0967-0645"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(99)00142-3}, abstractNote={Satellite-derived sea-surface temperature, TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) sea-level anomalies (SLAs), model wind data, and hydrographic data are used to characterize the upwelling along the Oman coast during the US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (US JGOFS) Arabian Sea Process Study (ASPS) in 1995 as well as to look at interannual variability in the upwelling over the period 1993–1995. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of the satellite-derived sea-surface temperature (SST) at the locations of the US JGOFS standard stations shows the first mode, which represents a biannual variability, contributes 67% of the total variance. In addition, the SST shows the upwelling “front” moving offshore with the development of Southwest (SW) Monsoon in early June 1995, reaching a maximum distance of approximately 120 km by late August 1995. Finally, SST shows the persistence of cold upwelling waters for nearly a month after the end of the SW Monsoon within the bays along the Oman coast. TOPEX/POSEIDON SLAs indicate that with the onset of the SW Monsoon, a 30-cm drop in steric height is observed along the Oman coast associated the presence of the cool upwelled waters. This drop in steric height sets up a horizontal pressure gradient and results in a compensating along-shore, northeastward-flowing, geostrophic current (East Arabian Current; EAC) during the SW Monsoon. Similarly, the altimeter data slow an offshore decrease in steric height during the Northeast (NE) Monsoon, indicating a seasonal reversal in direction of the EAC with flow to the southwest. Subsurface temperature data indicate that the actual uplifting of isotherms associated with the upwelling can be found to a distance of approximately 260 km from the shore and to a depth of 150–200 m. Using along-track altimetry data, we estimate that, for a region 260 km in offshore distance and 600 km alongshore, 2.2×106, 1.4×106 and 0.55×106 m3 s−1 were upwelled through the 100 m level with upwelling velocities O (2.0×10−5 m s−1), during the SW Monsoons of 1993, 1994 and 1995, respectively. The reduced upwelling in the summer of 1995 is attributed to a reduction in wind-stress curl along the Arabian coast when compared to 1993 and 1994.}, number={7-8}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Shi, W and Morrison, JM and Bohm, E and Manghnani, V}, year={2000}, pages={1227–1247} } @article{smith_anderson_moore_codispoti_morrison_2000, title={The US Southern Ocean Joint Global Ocean Flux Study: an introduction to AESOPS}, volume={47}, ISSN={["1879-0100"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(00)00059-X}, abstractNote={The United States Southern Ocean Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), also known as AESOPS (Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study), focused on two distinct regions. The first was the Ross-Sea continental shelf, where a series of six cruises collected a variety of data from October 1996 through February 1998. The second area was the southwest Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, spanning the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) at ∼170°W. Data were collected within this region during five cruises from September 1996 through March 1998, as well as during selected transits between New Zealand and the Ross Sea. The first results of these cruses are described in this issue. The Ross-Sea investigation extensively sampled the area along 76°30′S to elucidate the temporal patterns and processes that contribute to making this one of the Antarctic's most productive seas. Hydrographic distributions confirm that stratification is initiated early in October within the polynya, generating an environment that is favorable for phytoplankton growth. Significant spatial variations in mixed-layer depths, the timing of the onset of stratification, and the strength of the stratification existed throughout the growing season. Nutrient concentrations reflected phytoplankton uptake, and reached their seasonal minimal in early February. Chlorophyll concentrations were maximal in early January, whereas productivity was maximal in late November, which reflects the temporal uncoupling between growth and biomass accumulation in the region. Independent estimates of biogenic export suggest that majority of the flux occurred in late summer and was strongly uncoupled from phytoplankton growth. The ACC region exhibited seasonal changes that in some cases were greater than those observed in the Ross Sea. Sea ice covered much of the region south of the Polar Front in winter, and retreated rapidly in late spring and early summer. Mixed layers throughout the region shoaled in summer due to surface heating, while the addition of freshwater from melting sea ice enhanced stratification in the Seasonal Ice Zone, creating conditions favorable for phytoplankton growth. For example, silicic acid concentrations decreased from initial values as high as 65 to less than 2 μM within approximately 100 km (from 65.7 to 64.8°S). Fluorescence values, however, showed less than a two-fold variation over the same distance. The vertical flux of carbon in the Polar Front area is substantial, and marked variations in the composition of exported material exited over the region. The results provide a means whereby the controls of phytoplankton growth and organic matter flux and remineralization can be analyzed in great detail. Additional results of the AESOPS project are discussed.}, number={15-16}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Smith, WO and Anderson, RF and Moore, JK and Codispoti, LA and Morrison, JM}, year={2000}, pages={3073–3093} } @article{li_morrison_pietrafesa_ochadlick_1999, title={Analysis of oceanic internal waves from airborne SAR images}, volume={15}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Coastal Research}, author={Li, X. F. and Morrison, J. and Pietrafesa, L. and Ochadlick, A.}, year={1999}, pages={884–891} } @article{shi_morrison_bohm_manghnani_1999, title={Remotely sensed features in the US JGOFS Arabian Sea Process Study}, volume={46}, ISSN={["0967-0645"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(99)00035-1}, abstractNote={TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data and wind data are used to calculate the geostrophic transport and Ekman transport in the northern Arabian Sea within the upper 500 m. In the summer, the upper 500-m layer in the northern Arabian Sea is horizontally divergent, with a transport going out of the northern Arabian Sea across 15.75°N reaching a maximum of 10×106 m3 s−1 in late June. In the winter, it is horizontally convergent, with a transport within the upper 500 m layer across 15.75°N reaching about 5×106 m3 s−1 into the northern Arabian Sea. The mean net transport for 1993–1995 out of the northern Arabian Sea across 15.75°N within the upper 500 m is estimated to be 0.74×106 m3 s−1. Most of the deep water upwelling across the 500 m depth, which compensates for the loss of waters in the upper 500-m layer, occurs in the eastern part of the northern Arabian Sea. The North Equatorial Current is found to deflect into the Arabian Sea during the NE Monsoon and the Spring Intermonsoon periods. In addition, estimates are made of the net transport into and out of the region encompassed by the US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) Arabian Sea Process Study. The total transport out of the US JGOFS region is approximately 3.5–4.0×106 m3 s−1 in July of 1995 in the upper 500 m. Analysis of the mean sea surface height for the Arabian Sea shows a periodic change with the seasonal monsoon, with a typical depression of the ocean surface during the summer indicative of Arabian Sea cooling. The yearly change of the averaged sea surface height at 15.75°N is of the order of 15 cm. Rossby wave propagation also was observed at 15.75°N in the sea surface height fields.}, number={8-9}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Shi, W and Morrison, JM and Bohm, E and Manghnani, V}, year={1999}, pages={1551–1575} } @article{bohm_morrison_manghnani_kim_flagg_1999, title={The Ras al Hadd Jet: Remotely sensed and acoustic Doppler current profiler observations in 1994-1995}, volume={46}, ISSN={["0967-0645"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(99)00034-X}, abstractNote={The existence of a surface barotropic front-jet system at the confluence region off the eastern tip of Oman (Ras Al Hadd or RAH) is documented for 1994–1995 through advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) and acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) observations. The thermal signature of this confluence is visible in 1995 between early May and the end of October, i.e., throughout the SW Monsoon and into the transition period between SW and NE Monsoons. The thermal characteristics are those of a NE-oriented front between cooler water of southern (upwelled) origin and warmer waters of northern Gulf of Oman origin. During the period when the thermal front is absent, ADCP data suggest that the confluence takes a more southward direction with Gulf of Oman waters passing RAH into the southeastern Oman coastal region. The thermal gradient is initially small (June–July) but later increases (August–October) into a front that exhibits small-scale instabilities. Surface current velocities within the jet, estimated by tracking these features in consecutive satellite images, are 0.5–0.7 m s−1 and in remarkable agreement with concurrent ADCP retrievals in which the seasonal maximum in velocity is 1 m s−1. ADCP observations collected during several US JGOFS cruises reveal a weakly baroclinic current in the confluence region that drives the waters into the offshore system. The fully developed jet describes a large meander that demarcates two counter-rotating eddies (cyclonic to the north and anticyclonic to the south of the jet) of approximately 150–200 km diameter. The southern eddy of this pair is resolved by the seasonally averaged, sea-level anomaly derived from TOPEX/Poseidon observations. During the SW Monsoon, the RAH Jet advects primarily cold waters along its path, but as soon as the wind system reverses with the transition to the intermonsoonal period, a warm current is rapidly established that advects the surface coastal waters of the Gulf of Oman offshore. In accordance with the interannual variation of the wind forcing phase, the reversal of the currents from NE to SW occurred earlier in 1994 than in 1995, confirming that the RAH Jet is integral part of the East Arabian Current. The transport of the Jet, estimated by combining SST information on the width with ADCP data on the velocity's vertical structure, is found to fluctuate between 2–8×106 m3 s−1 and its thickness between 150–400 m. These significant fluctuations are due to the time-variable partition of horizontal transport between eddies and the RAH Jet and are potentially important to the nutrient and phytoplankton budgets of the Arabian Sea.}, number={8-9}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Bohm, E and Morrison, JM and Manghnani, V and Kim, HS and Flagg, CN}, year={1999}, pages={1531–1549} } @article{morrison_codispoti_smith_wishner_flagg_gardner_gaurin_naqvi_manghnani_prosperie_et al._1999, title={The oxygen minimum zone in the Arabian Sea during 1995}, volume={46}, ISSN={["0967-0645"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(99)00048-X}, abstractNote={This paper focuses on the characteristics of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) as observed in the Arabian Sea over the complete monsoon cycle of 1995. Dissolved oxygen, nitrite, nitrate and density values are used to delineate the OMZ, as well as identify regions where denitrification is observed. The suboxic conditions within the northern Arabian Sea are documented, as well as biological and chemical consequences of this phenomenon. Overall, the conditions found in the suboxic portion of the water column in the Arabian Sea were not greatly different from what has been reported in the literature with respect to oxygen, nitrate and nitrite distributions. Within the main thermocline, portions of the OMZ were found that were suboxic (oxygen less than ∼4.5 μM) and contained secondary nitrite maxima with concentrations that sometimes exceeded 6.0 μM, suggesting active nitrate reduction and denitrification. Although there may have been a reduction in the degree of suboxia during the Southwest monsoon, a dramatic seasonality was not observed, as has been suggested by some previous work. In particular, there was not much evidence for the occurrence of secondary nitrite maxima in waters with oxygen concentrations greater than 4.5 μM. Waters in the northern Arabian Sea appear to accumulate larger nitrate deficits due to longer residence times even though the denitrification rate might be lower, as evident in the reduced nitrite concentrations in the northern part of the basin. Organism distributions showed string relationships to the oxygen profiles, especially in locations where the OMZ was pronounced, but the biological responses to the OMZ varied with type of organism. The regional extent of intermediate nepheloid layers in our data corresponds well with the region of the secondary nitrite maximum. This is a region of denitrification, and the presence and activities of bacteria are assumed to cause the increase in particles. ADCP acoustic backscatter measurements show diel vertical migration of plankton or nekton and movement into the OMZ. Daytime acoustic returns from depth were strong, and the dawn sinking and dusk rise of the fauna were obvious. However, at night the biomass remaining in the suboxic zone was so low that no ADCP signal was detectable at these depths. There are at least two groups of organisms, one that stays in the upper mixed layer and another that makes daily excursions. A subsurface zooplankton peak in the lower OMZ (near the lower 4.5 μM oxycline) was also typically present; these animals occurred day and night and did not vertically migrate.}, number={8-9}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Morrison, JM and Codispoti, LA and Smith, SL and Wishner, K and Flagg, C and Gardner, WD and Gaurin, S and Naqvi, SWA and Manghnani, V and Prosperie, L and et al.}, year={1999}, pages={1903–1931} } @article{manghnani_morrison_hopkins_bohm_1998, title={Advection of upwelled waters in the form of plumes off Oman during the Southwest Monsoon}, volume={45}, ISSN={["0967-0645"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(98)00062-9}, abstractNote={Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery of sea-surface-temperature, TOPEX/POSEIDON measurements of sea-level-anomaly (SLA), and modeled surface winds and wind-stress fields are used in concert with other ancillary data to describe the influence of the 1995 Southwest Monsoon on the distribution of upwelled waters off the coast of Oman. The Oman upwelling zone is characterized by the entrainment of cold upwelled waters into plumes extending from the coast into the deep ocean unaffected by the steep bottom gradients. The most prominent of these plumes is found offshore of Ras al Madraka. A mechanism for the entrainment of upwelled water into plumes is hypothesized, and validated by observational data. It is proposed that the location of the plume is primarily governed by the sea level structure away from the coast and that coastally upwelled water is passively advected offshore through regions of low sea level. Analysis of the surface wind-stress fields show significant spatial variability associated with the predominantly cyclonic mean wind-stress curl, with relatively weak curl observed in the region south of Ras al Madraka and north of Ras Marbat. Decomposition of the surface wind-stress fields through Principal Component Analysis shows that, at certain periods, the development of strong along-shore winds and cyclonic wind-stress curl in the region north of Ras al Madraka. This information, combined with concurrent observations of TOPEX/POSEIDON sea-level-anomalies (SLAs), satellite derived sea-surface-temperatures (SST), and surface current measurements, shows that the combined effects of a strong along-shore wind field and positive wind-stress curl forces a depression in sea level in the region north of Ras al Madraka. The sea level gradient, caused by the presence of a sustained high sea level to the south of Ras al Madraka, causes geostrophic advection of coastally upwelled waters away from the shelf. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) velocity measurements along with SST maps further prove that the upwelled water is geostrophically advected offshore as opposed to being an offshore deflection of a wind-driven coastal current. Comparison of interannual features in the TOPEX/POSEIDON SLAs suggest that the plumes coming off coast in the Oman upwelling zone may not be directly linked to the coastal topography or bathymetry but are a result of interaction between mesoscale variations in the wind field and the underlying ocean. The strong along-shore winds and cyclonic wind-stress curl to the north of Ras al Madraka becomes enhanced when the Findlater Jet moves closer to the Oman coast than its mean position.}, number={10-11}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Manghnani, V and Morrison, JM and Hopkins, TS and Bohm, E}, year={1998}, pages={2027–2052} } @article{morrison_codispoti_gaurin_jones_manghnani_zheng_1998, title={Seasonal variation of hydrographic and nutrient fields during the US JGOFS Arabian Sea Process Study}, volume={45}, ISSN={["0967-0645"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(98)00063-0}, abstractNote={Between September 1994 and December 1995, the US JGOFS Arabian Sea Process Experiment collected extensive, high quality hydrographic data (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients) during all seasons in the northern Arabian Sea. An analysis of this unique data suite suggests the presence of many features that are described in the canonical literature, but these new data provided the following insights. Although the seasonal evolution of mixed-layer depths was in general agreement with previous descriptions, the deepest mixed-layer depths in our data occurred during the late NE Monsoon instead of the SW Monsoon. The region exhibits considerable mesoscale variability resulting in extremely variable temperature-salinity (TS) distributions in the upper 1000 db. This mesoscale variability is readily observed in satellite imaging, in the high resolution data taken by a companion ONR funded project, and in underway ADCP data. The densest water reaching the sea surface during coastal upwelling appeared to have maximum offshore depths of ∼150 m and σθ’s close to the core value (∼25) for the saline Arabian Sea Water (ASW), but salinities in these upwelling waters were relatively low. The densest water found at the sea surface during late NE Monsoon conditions has σθ’s>24.8 and relatively high salinities, suggesting that they are a source for the ASW salinity maximum. Persian Gulf Water (PGW) with a core σθ of 26.6 forms a widespread salinity maximum. Despite the considerable extent of this feature, Persian Gulf outflow water, with a salinity (4) of ∼39 at its source, can only be a minor contributor. Within the standard US JGOFS sampling grid, maximum salinities on this surface are ∼36.8 at stations near the Gulf, falling to values as low as ∼35.3 at the stations farthest removed from its influence. Even at our standard stations closest to the Gulf (N-1 and N-2), the high-salinity, low-nutrient Persian Gulf water has only a modest direct effect on nutrient concentrations. This PGW salinity maximum is associated with the suboxic portions of the Arabian Sea’s oxygen minimum zone. The salinity maximum associated with Red Sea Water (RSW, core σθ=27.2) in the JGOFS study region is clearly evident at the southermost sampling site at 10′N (S-15). Elsewhere, this signal is weak or absent and salinity on the 27.2 σθ surface tends to increase towards the Persian Gulf, suggesting that the disappearance of this salinity maximum is due, at least in part, to the influence of the Persian Gulf outflow. Inorganic nitrogen-to-phosphate ratios were lower (frequently much lower) than the standard Redfield ratio of 15/1–16/1 (by atoms) at all times and all depths suggesting that inorganic nitrogen was more important than phosphate as a limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth, and that the effects of denitrification dominated the effects of nitrogen fixation. The water upwelling off the Omani coast during the SW Monsoon has inorganic nitrogen to silicate ratios that were higher (∼2/1) than the ∼1/1 ratio often assumed as the ratio of uptake during diatom growth. The temporal evolution of inorganic nitrogen-to-silicate ratios suggests major alteration by diatom uptake only during the late SW Monsoon cruise (TN050) in August–September 1995. Widespread moderate surface layer nutrient concentrations occurred during the late NE Monsoon. A zone of high offshore nutrient concentrations was encountered during the SW Monsoon, but instead of being associated with offshore upwelling it may represent offshore advection from the coastal upwelling zone, the influence of an eddy, or both. Although our data do not contradict previous suggestions that the volume of subtoxic water may be reduced the SW Monsoon, they suggest a weaker re-oxygenation than indicated by some previous work. Similarly, they do not confirm results suggesting that secondary nitrite maxima may be common in waters with oxygen concentrations >5 μM.}, number={10-11}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Morrison, JM and Codispoti, LA and Gaurin, S and Jones, B and Manghnani, V and Zheng, Z}, year={1998}, pages={2053–2101} } @article{smith_codispoti_morrison_barber_1998, title={The 1994-1996 Arabian Sea Expedition: An integrated, interdisciplinary investigation of the response of the northwestern Indian Ocean to monsoonal forcing}, volume={45}, ISSN={["0967-0645"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0967-0645(98)00058-7}, number={10-11}, journal={DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY}, author={Smith, SL and Codispoti, LA and Morrison, JM and Barber, RT}, year={1998}, pages={1905–1915} } @article{liu_morrison_xie_1997, title={A numerical study of the response of Tropical Pacific SST to atmospheric forcing}, volume={45}, number={4}, journal={Mausam}, author={Liu, X. and Morrison, J.M. and Xie, L.}, year={1997}, pages={657–668} } @article{morrison_1997, title={Inter-monsoonal changes in the T-S properties of the near-surface waters of the northern Arabian Sea}, volume={24}, ISSN={["0094-8276"]}, DOI={10.1029/97GL01876}, abstractNote={The Arabian Sea experiences extremes in atmospheric forcing that lead to the greatest seasonal variability in any ocean. During 1995, 6 cruises were carried out within the northern Arabian Sea. The data collected represent the first consistent dataset covering an entire monsoonal cycle. Ocean soundings of temperature and salinity from these cruises are used to characterize variability of water masses in the surface layers associated with monsoonal forcing. This paper documents the role of advection versus local water mass modification on seasonal extremes in T‐S in near‐surface waters of the Arabian Sea. Seasonal changes are associated with seasonal heating, advection of waters from the Oman upwelling zone, varying of mixed‐layer depth due to Ekman pumping in the central basin and mixing of high‐salinity waters from Persian Gulf.}, number={21}, journal={GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}, author={Morrison, JM}, year={1997}, month={Nov}, pages={2553–2556} } @article{chereskin_wilson_bryden_ffield_morrison_1997, title={Observations of the Ekman balance at 8 degrees 30' N in the Arabian Sea during the 1995 southwest monsoon}, volume={24}, ISSN={["0094-8276"]}, DOI={10.1029/97GL01057}, abstractNote={The Ekman transport is estimated from two sets of hydrographic and shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) velocity observations made during June and September 1995, during the southwest monsoon in the Arabian Sea. Both sets of measurements were made along latitude 8°30′ N, designated as World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) line I1W, from Somalia to Sri Lanka. The Ekman transport estimates calculated from ageostrophic velocity were southward: 17.6 ± 2.4 106 m³ s−1 in June and 7.9 ± 2.7 106 m³ s−1 in September. These direct estimates were in good agreement with those predicted by the Ekman balance using both shipboard and climatological winds. The vertical structure of the ageostrophic velocity and the stratification were quite different between the two occupations of the transect. The wind‐driven momentum was confined to a very shallow layer in June (about 50 m) and the surface layer was strongly stratified, with a maximum salinity layer at depths between 50 and 70 m. The ageostrophic velocity penetrated much deeper in September (to about 160 m) and the pycnocline was correspondingly deeper. In both cases, the Ekman transport penetrated beneath the mixed layer, to the top of the pycnocline.}, number={21}, journal={GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}, author={Chereskin, TK and Wilson, WD and Bryden, HL and Ffield, A and Morrison, J}, year={1997}, month={Nov}, pages={2541–2544} }