@article{tzeng_zhang_pongpanich_smith_mccarthy_sale_worrall_hsu_thomas_sullivan_2011, title={Studying Gene and Gene-Environment Effects of Uncommon and Common Variants on Continuous Traits: A Marker-Set Approach Using Gene-Trait Similarity Regression}, volume={89}, ISSN={["1537-6605"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ajhg.2011.07.007}, abstractNote={Genomic association analyses of complex traits demand statistical tools that are capable of detecting small effects of common and rare variants and modeling complex interaction effects and yet are computationally feasible. In this work, we introduce a similarity-based regression method for assessing the main genetic and interaction effects of a group of markers on quantitative traits. The method uses genetic similarity to aggregate information from multiple polymorphic sites and integrates adaptive weights that depend on allele frequencies to accomodate common and uncommon variants. Collapsing information at the similarity level instead of the genotype level avoids canceling signals that have the opposite etiological effects and is applicable to any class of genetic variants without the need for dichotomizing the allele types. To assess gene-trait associations, we regress trait similarities for pairs of unrelated individuals on their genetic similarities and assess association by using a score test whose limiting distribution is derived in this work. The proposed regression framework allows for covariates, has the capacity to model both main and interaction effects, can be applied to a mixture of different polymorphism types, and is computationally efficient. These features make it an ideal tool for evaluating associations between phenotype and marker sets defined by linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks, genes, or pathways in whole-genome analysis.}, number={2}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS}, author={Tzeng, Jung-Ying and Zhang, Daowen and Pongpanich, Monnat and Smith, Chris and McCarthy, Mark I. and Sale, Michele M. and Worrall, Bradford B. and Hsu, Fang-Chi and Thomas, Duncan C. and Sullivan, Patrick F.}, year={2011}, month={Aug}, pages={277–288} } @article{pongpanich_sullivan_tzeng_2010, title={A quality control algorithm for filtering SNPs in genome-wide association studies}, volume={26}, ISSN={["1460-2059"]}, DOI={10.1093/bioinformatics/btq272}, abstractNote={Abstract Motivation: The quality control (QC) filtering of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is an important step in genome-wide association studies to minimize potential false findings. SNP QC commonly uses expert-guided filters based on QC variables [e.g. Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, missing proportion (MSP) and minor allele frequency (MAF)] to remove SNPs with insufficient genotyping quality. The rationale of the expert filters is sensible and concrete, but its implementation requires arbitrary thresholds and does not jointly consider all QC features. Results: We propose an algorithm that is based on principal component analysis and clustering analysis to identify low-quality SNPs. The method minimizes the use of arbitrary cutoff values, allows a collective consideration of the QC features and provides conditional thresholds contingent on other QC variables (e.g. different MSP thresholds for different MAFs). We apply our method to the seven studies from the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium and the major depressive disorder study from the Genetic Association Information Network. We measured the performance of our method compared to the expert filters based on the following criteria: (i) percentage of SNPs excluded due to low quality; (ii) inflation factor of the test statistics (λ); (iii) number of false associations found in the filtered dataset; and (iv) number of true associations missed in the filtered dataset. The results suggest that with the same or fewer SNPs excluded, the proposed algorithm tends to give a similar or lower value of λ, a reduced number of false associations, and retains all true associations. Availability: The algorithm is available at http://www4.stat.ncsu.edu/˜jytzeng/software.php Contact:  jytzeng@stat.ncsu.edu Supplementary information:  Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.}, number={14}, journal={BIOINFORMATICS}, author={Pongpanich, Monnat and Sullivan, Patrick F. and Tzeng, Jung-Ying}, year={2010}, month={Jul}, pages={1731–1737} }