Works (144)
2020 conference paper
Pay-per-flight Dynamic Pricing of UAV Operations
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for Air Transportation (AIDA-AT). Presented at the 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for Air Transportation (AIDA-AT), Singapore.
Event: 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for Air Transportation (AIDA-AT) at Singapore on February 3-4, 2020
2019 journal article
Modeling and control of a nonlinear coupled spacecraft-fuel system
Acta Astronautica, 162, 436–446.
2019 conference paper
Robust Nonlinear Output Feedback Control of a 6-DOF Quadrotor UAV
2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). Presented at the 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Kitakyushu-shi, Japan.
Event: 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC) at Kitakyushu-shi, Japan on June 9-12, 2019
2019 conference paper
Robust Nonlinear Tracking Control of a 2- DOF Helicopter Systems
Proceedings of 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). Presented at the 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Kitakyushu-shi, Japan.
Event: 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC) at Kitakyushu-shi, Japan on June 9-12, 2019
2019 journal article
Robust Tracking Control of Aerial Robots Via a Simple Learning Strategy-Based Feedback Linearization
IEEE Access, 8, 1653–1669.
2019 conference paper
Trajectory Tracking Control for a Mobile Robot on a Smooth Manifold
European Conference on Mobile Robots. Presented at the European Conference on Mobile Robots, Prague, Czech Republic.
Event: European Conference on Mobile Robots at Prague, Czech Republic on September 4-6, 2019
2019 conference paper
Trajectory Tracking Control of a Rolling Disk on a Smooth Manifold
Proceedings of 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). Presented at the 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Kitakyushu-shi, Japan.
Event: 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC) at Kitakyushu-shi, Japan on June 9-12, 2019
2019 conference paper
Trajectory tracking of a knife-edge on a flat surface
2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC). Presented at the 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC).
Event: 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC)
2018 conference paper
A Nonlinear Output Feedback Regulation Method for Limit Cycle Oscillation Suppression Using a Sliding Mode Observer
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Presented at the 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).
Event: 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
2018 chapter
Adaptive Nonlinear Regulation Control of Thermoacoustic Oscillations in Rijke-Type Systems
In A. T. Le (Ed.), Adaptive Robust Control Systems (pp. 161–181).
Ed(s): A. Le
2018 book
Computational and Experimental Studies of Acoustic Waves
Ed(s): *
2018 journal article
Control of Rolling Disk Motion on an Arbitrary Smooth Surface
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2(3), 357–362.
2018 conference paper
Differential Geometric Approach to Robust Control of an Oscillatory Base Robot Manipulator
IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Presented at the IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Event: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
2018 journal article
Global Formulation and Motion Planning for a Sphere Rolling on a Smooth Surface
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 16(6), 2709–2717.
2018 conference paper
Motion Planning for a Knife-Edge Moving on the Surface of a Torus
IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Presented at the IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Event: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
2018 book
Nonlinear Systems - Modeling, Estimation, and Stability
Ed(s): *
2018 conference paper
Observer-Based Sliding Mode Control of a 2-DOF Helicopter System
IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Presented at the IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Event: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
2018 conference paper
Observer-Based Sliding Mode Control of a 6-DOF Quadrotor UAV
IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Presented at the IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Event: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
2018 journal article
Quaternion-based Robust Trajectory Tracking Control of a Quadrotor Hover System
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 16(6), 2575–2584.
2017 conference paper
A dynamic neural network-based sliding mode observer method for a class of uncertain dynamic systems
2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). Presented at the 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Mauna Lai, Hawaii.
Event: 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) at Mauna Lai, Hawaii on August 27-30, 2017
2017 conference paper
Dynamic neural network-based sliding mode estimation of quadrotor systems
2017 American Control Conference (ACC). Presented at the 2017 American Control Conference (ACC).
Event: 2017 American Control Conference (ACC)
2017 book
Dynamical Systems: Analytical and Computational Techniques
Ed(s): *
2017 conference paper
Finite-time control of a compliant base robot manipulator
2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). Presented at the 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC).
Event: 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC)
2017 conference paper
Geometric tracking control of a three-dimensional revolute joint robot
2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). Presented at the 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC).
Event: 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC)
2017 journal article
Knife-Edge Motion on a Surface as a Nonholonomic Control Problem
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 1(1), 26–31.
2017 journal article
Learning Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Fuzzy Neural Networks
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 1–12.
2017 conference paper
Motion planning for a knife-edge on the surface of a hyperboloid
2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). Presented at the 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC).
Event: 2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC)
2017 chapter
Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Aerial Robots
In Aerial Robots - Aerodynamics, Control and Applications.
2017 conference paper
Robust quaternion-based nonlinear output feedback control of a quadrotor hover system
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Presented at the 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Event: 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on December 12-15, 2017
2017 journal article
Synthetic Jet Actuator-Based Aircraft Tracking Using a Continuous Robust Nonlinear Control Strategy
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 1–13.
2016 conference paper
Modeling and control of a flexible-structure-mounted manipulator
2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). Presented at the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM).
Event: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)
2016 conference paper
Nonlinear control of thermoacoustic oscillations in Rijke-type systems
2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). Presented at the 2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS).
Event: 2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS)
2016 conference paper
Nonlinear modeling and control of a two-link hybrid manipulator
2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV). Presented at the 2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV).
Event: 2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV)
2016 conference paper
Nonlinear output feedback tracking control of a quadrotor UAV in the presence of uncertainty
2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV). Presented at the 2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV).
Event: 2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV)
2016 conference paper
Nonlinear tracking control and structural vibration suppression for aircraft using synthetic jet actuators
2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV). Presented at the 2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV).
Event: 2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV)
2016 conference paper
Observer-based sliding mode control of a 3-DOF hover system
2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV). Presented at the 2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV).
Event: 2016 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV)
2016 conference paper
Passivity-based quaternion feedback control of a hover system
2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). Presented at the 2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS).
Event: 2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS)
2016 conference paper
Robust and adaptive nonlinear regulation of thermoacoustic oscillations in Rijke-type systems
2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). Presented at the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM).
Event: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)
2015 journal article
A Sliding Mode LCO Regulation Strategy for Dual-Parallel Underactuated UAV Systems Using Synthetic Jet Actuators
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2015, 1–7.
2015 journal article
Controllability and stabilizability of a class of systems with higher-order nonholonomic constraints
Automatica, 54, 229–234.
2015 journal article
Feedback Error Learning Control of Magnetic Satellites Using Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks With Elliptic Membership Functions
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 45(4), 858–868.
2015 journal article
Nonlinear Control of a Robot Manipulator with a Nonholonomic Jerk Constraint
Asian Journal of Control, 18(4), 1566–1573.
2015 journal article
Nonlinear control of fixed-wing UAVs in presence of stochastic winds
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 33, 57–69.
2015 journal article
Nonlinear feedback control of self-sustained thermoacoustic oscillations
Aerospace Science and Technology, 41, 209–215.
2015 journal article
Observer-Based Sliding Mode Control of Rijke-Type Combustion Instability
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 34(2), 201–217.
2015 conference paper
Sliding mode control of Rijke-type thermoacoustic systems
2015 International Workshop on Recent Advances in Sliding Modes (RASM). Presented at the 2015 International Workshop on Recent Advances in Sliding Modes (RASM 2015).
Event: 2015 International Workshop on Recent Advances in Sliding Modes (RASM 2015)
2015 conference paper
Sliding mode control-based limit cycle oscillation suppression for UAVs using synthetic jet actuators
2015 International Workshop on Recent Advances in Sliding Modes (RASM). Presented at the 2015 International Workshop on Recent Advances in Sliding Modes (RASM 2015).
Event: 2015 International Workshop on Recent Advances in Sliding Modes (RASM 2015)
2014 conference paper
Automatic landing control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on moving platforms
2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). Presented at the 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE).
Event: 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)
2014 conference paper
Feedback Control of Transient Growth of Thermoacoustic Oscillations
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference. Presented at the 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
Event: 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
2014 journal article
Feedback control of acoustic disturbance transient growth in triggering thermoacoustic instability
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333(16), 3639–3656.
2014 journal article
Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Control of Rijke-Type Combustion Instability
Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace, 5(4), 445–456.
2014 conference paper
Nonlinear automatic landing control of unmanned aerial vehicles on moving platforms via a 3D laser radar
2014 conference paper
Nonlinear feedback control of thermoacoustic oscillations in a Rijke tube
2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). Presented at the 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE).
Event: 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)
2014 conference paper
Observer-based control of Rijke-type combustion instability
2014 conference paper
Observer-based nonlinear control of space vehicles with multi-mass fuel slosh dynamics
2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). Presented at the 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE).
Event: 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)
2014 conference paper
Sliding mode control of fixed-wing UAVs in windy environments
2014 13th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision (ICARCV). Presented at the 2014 13th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision (ICARCV), Singapore.
Event: 2014 13th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision (ICARCV) at Singapore on December 10-12, 2014
2014 journal article
Thrust-vector control of a three-axis stabilized upper-stage rocket with fuel slosh dynamics
Acta Astronautica, 98, 120–127.
2013 conference paper
Control and stabilization of a third-order nonholonomic system
Proceedings of the 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013), 17–22.
Event: 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013) at Gwangju, South Korea on October 20-23, 2013
2013 conference paper
Controllability and stabilizability of higher-order nonholonomic systems
2013 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). Presented at the 2013 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC).
Event: 2013 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC)
2013 journal article
Estimation of debris dispersion due to a space vehicle breakup during reentry
Acta Astronautica, 86, 211–218.
2013 conference paper
Estimation of debris hazard areas due to a space vehicle breakup at high altitudes
2013 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). Presented at the 2013 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC).
Event: 2013 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC)
2013 conference paper
Observer-based nonlinear control of slosh in liquid container transfer via a PPR robot
2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013). Presented at the 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automaton and Systems (ICCAS), Gwangju, South Korea.
Event: 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automaton and Systems (ICCAS) at Gwangju, South Korea on October 20-23, 2013
2013 conference paper
On the nonlinear modeling of systems with higher-order nonholonomic constraints
2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013). Presented at the 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automaton and Systems (ICCAS).
Event: 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automaton and Systems (ICCAS)
2013 conference paper
Robust nonlinear aircraft tracking control using synthetic jet actuators
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).
Event: 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
2013 conference paper
Thrust-vector control of a three-axis stabilized spacecraft with fuel slosh dynamics
2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2013). Presented at the 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automaton and Systems (ICCAS), Gwangju, South Korea.
Event: 2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automaton and Systems (ICCAS) at Gwangju, South Korea on October 20-23, 2013
2012 conference paper
Control of a Spacecraft with Time-Varying Propellant Slosh Parameters
Proceedings of the 2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 1621–1626. New Jersey: IEEE.
Event: 2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems at Je Ju Island, South Korea on October 17-21, 2012
2012 conference paper
Magnetic attitude control design for small satellites via slowly-varying systems theory
IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Presented at the IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics.
Event: IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics
2012 journal article
Nonlinear dynamics and control of space vehicles with multiple fuel slosh modes
Control Engineering Practice, 20(9), 912–918.
2012 journal article
Nonlinear modeling and control of slosh in liquid container transfer via a PPR robot
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 18(6), 1481–1490.
2012 conference paper
Orbital and Attitude Control of a Spacecraft Around an Asteroid
Proceedings of the 2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 1627–1632. New Jersey: IEEE.
Event: 2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems at Je Ju Island, South Korea on October 17-21, 2012
2012 conference paper
Partial-state feedback control design for liquid container transfer with sloshing suppression
IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Presented at the IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics.
Event: IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics
2012 conference paper
Point-to-point liquid container transfer via a PPR robot with sloshing suppression
2012 American Control Conference (ACC). Presented at the 2012 American Control Conference - ACC 2012.
Event: 2012 American Control Conference - ACC 2012
2012 journal article
Robotically controlled sloshing suppression in point-to-point liquid container transfer
Journal of Vibration and Control, 19(14), 2137–2144.
2012 conference paper
Robust and adaptive maximum power point tracking for standalone photovoltaic systems using a sliding mode control approach
2012 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA). Presented at the 2012 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA).
Event: 2012 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA)
2012 journal article
Thrust Vector Control of an Upper-Stage Rocket with Multiple Propellant Slosh Modes
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012, 848741.
2011 conference paper
Feasibility of Space Vehicle Debris Hazard Airspace Stratification
AIAA SPACE 2011 Conference & Exposition. Presented at the AIAA SPACE 2011 Conference & Exposition, Long Beach, CA.
Event: AIAA SPACE 2011 Conference & Exposition at Long Beach, CA on September 27-29, 2011
2011 conference paper
Feedback Control of a Nonholonomic Vehicle among Moving Obstacles using Variable Structure Observer
Infotech@Aerospace 2011. Presented at the Infotech@Aerospace 2011.
Event: Infotech@Aerospace 2011
2011 chapter
Modeling and Control of Space Vehicles with Fuel Slosh Dynamics
In J. Hall (Ed.), Advances in Spacecraft Technologies (pp. 549–562). Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.
Ed(s): J. Hall
2011 conference paper
Nonlinear control of a spacecraft with multiple fuel slosh modes
Proceedings of the 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference. Presented at the 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC 2011), Orlando, FL.
Event: 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC 2011) at Orlando, FL on December 12-15, 2011
2011 conference paper
Nonlinear control of space vehicles with multi-mass fuel slosh dynamics
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies - RAST2011. Presented at the 2011 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST).
Event: 2011 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST)
2011 conference paper
Nonlinear estimation of fluid flow velocity fields
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference. Presented at the 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC 2011).
Event: 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC 2011)
2011 conference paper
Three-axis magnetic attitude control algorithms for small satellites
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies - RAST2011. Presented at the 2011 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST).
Event: 2011 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST)
2010 chapter
Control of Nonholonomic and Underactuated Systems
In The Control Systems Handbook, Second Edition (pp. 42–41-42–36).
2010 journal article
Hierarchical sliding mode observers for distributed parameter systems
Journal of Vibration and Control, 17(10), 1441–1453.
2009 journal article
Attitude Stabilization of a Nadir-Pointing Small Satellite Using Only Magnetic Actuators
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(19), 292–297.
2009 journal article
Novel Three-Axis Attitude Control Algorithms for Small Satellites Using only Magnetic Actuators
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 134, 2279–2290.
2009 conference paper
Planar Maneuvering of a Spacecraft with Propellant Sloshing Using Switched Feedback
In A. M. Segerman, P. C. Lai, M. P. Wilkins, & M. E. Pittelkau (Eds.), Spaceflight Mechanics 2009 (pp. 2291–2302). San Diego, CA: American Astronautical Society/Univelt.
Ed(s): A. Segerman, P. Lai, M. Wilkins & M. Pittelkau
Event: Proceedings of the 19th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Meeting at Savannah, Georgia on February 8-12, 2009
2009 journal article
Sliding Mode Control of DC-DC Power Converters
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(19), 237–242.
2008 conference paper
Attitude stabilization of small satellites using only magnetic actuation
2008 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics. Presented at the IECON 2008 - 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Event: IECON 2008 - 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
2008 conference paper
Control system design and simulation of spacecraft formations
2008 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics. Presented at the IECON 2008 - 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Orlando, FL.
Event: IECON 2008 - 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society at Orlando, FL on November 10-13, 2008
2008 conference paper
Slewing maneuver of a flexible spacecraft using finite time control
2008 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics. Presented at the IECON 2008 - 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Event: IECON 2008 - 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
2006 conference paper
Rest-to-rest Maneuvering of a Nonholonomic Control Moment Gyroscope
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. Presented at the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics.
Event: 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2006 conference paper
State Feedback Tracking of a Nonholonomic Control Moment Gyroscope
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Event: Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
2006 conference paper
Switched Feedback Tracking Control of a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot
IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics. Presented at the IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics.
Event: IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics
2006 conference paper
Tracking Control of an Underactuated Autonomous Surface Vessel Using Switched Feedback
Proceedings of IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics. Presented at the IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, Paris, France.
Event: IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics at Paris, France on November 6-10, 2006
2005 conference paper
Attitude stabilization of a rigid spacecraft using gas jet actuators operating in a failure mode
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tucson, AZ.
Event: 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at Tucson, AZ on December 16-18, 1992
2005 journal article
Controllability and Point-to-Point Control of 3-DOF Planar Horizontal Underactuated Manipulators
International Journal of Control, 78(1), 1–13.
2005 conference paper
Nonlinear Control Of Wheeled Mobile Robots
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Presented at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Raleigh, NC.
Event: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems at Raleigh, NC on July 7-10, 1992
2004 conference paper
Maneuvering control problems for a spacecraft with unactuated fuel slosh dynamics
Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 2003. CCA 2003. Presented at the 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 2003. CCA 2003., Istanbul, Turkey.
Event: 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 2003. CCA 2003. at Istanbul, Turkey on June 25, 2003
2003 journal article
Applied Linear Optimal Control: Examples and Algorithms
Applied Mechanics Reviews, 56(4), B55–B56.
2003 conference paper
Discontinuous feedback control of a 3 link planar PPR underactuated manipulator
Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No.01CH37228). Presented at the 40th Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL.
Event: 40th Conference on Decision and Control at Orlando, FL on December 4-7, 2001
2003 conference paper
Feedback control of a planar manipulator with an unactuated elastically mounted end effector
Proceedings 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 4, 2805–2810.
Event: 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation at Detroit, MI on May 10-15, 1999
2003 conference paper
Feedback control of an underactuated system with two unactuated degrees of freedom
Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No.01CH37228). Presented at the 40th Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL.
Event: 40th Conference on Decision and Control at Orlando, FL on December 4-7, 2001
2003 conference paper
Feedback stabilization for a special class of underactuated mechanical systems
Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2, 1658–1663.
Event: 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at Phoenix, AZ on December 7-10, 1999
2003 journal article
Mechatronic control of distributed noise and vibration: A Lyapunov approach
Automatica, 39(9), 1664–1666.
2002 conference paper
A general nonholonomic motion planning strategy for Caplygin systems
Proceedings of 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Event: 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at Lake Buena Vista, FL on December 14-16, 1994
2002 conference paper
Control and stabilization of a general class of nonholonomic dynamic systems
Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, TX.
Event: 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at San Antonio, TX on December 15-17, 1993
2002 conference paper
Control and stabilization of an underactuated surface vessel
Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan.
Event: 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at Kobe, Japan on December 13, 1996
2002 conference paper
Control and stabilization of nonholonomic Caplygin dynamic systems
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Brighton, UK.
Event: 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at Brighton, UK on December 11-13, 1991
2002 conference paper
Discontinuous feedback control of a planar rigid body with an unactuated degree of freedom
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No.98CH36171). Presented at the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, FL.
Event: 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at Tampa, FL on December 18, 1998
2002 conference paper
Discontinuous feedback stabilization of nonholonomic systems in extended power form
Proceedings of 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Event: 1994 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at Lake Buena Vista, FL on December 14-16, 1994
2002 conference paper
Discontinuous feedback stabilization of the angular velocity of a rigid body with two control torques
Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan.
Event: 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at Kobe, Japan on December 13, 1996
2002 conference paper
Hybrid closed loop systems: a nonlinear control perspective
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA.
Event: 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at San Diego, CA on December 12, 1997
2002 conference paper
Nonholonomic motion planning for wheeled mobile systems using geometric phases
Proceedings of 1994 9th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control. Presented at the 1994 9th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Columbus, OH.
Event: 1994 9th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control at Columbus, OH on August 16-18, 1994
2002 conference paper
Nonlinear control of a class of underactuated systems
Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan.
Event: 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at Kobe, Japan on December 13, 1996
2002 conference paper
Nonsmooth stabilization of an underactuated unstable two degrees of freedom mechanical system
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA.
Event: 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at San Diego, CA on December 12, 1997
2002 conference paper
On the stabilization of a class of nonholonomic systems using invariant manifold technique
Proceedings of 1995 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 1995 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA.
Event: 1995 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control at New Orleans, LA on December 13-15, 1995
2000 conference paper
Control Problems for Planar Maneuvers of a Spacecraft with Fuel Slosh
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation, 579–584.
Event: International Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aviation at Daytona Beach, FL
2000 journal article
Discontinuous feedback control of a special class of underactuated mechanical systems
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 10(4), 265–281.
2000 conference paper
Dynamics of multibody vehicles and their formulation as nonlinear control systems
Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No.00CH36334). Presented at the 2000 American Control Conference (ACC 2000), Chicago, IL.
Event: 2000 American Control Conference (ACC 2000) at Chicago, IL on June 28-30, 2000
2000 conference paper
Feedback control of a space vehicle with unactuated fuel slosh dynamics
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit. Presented at the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit.
Event: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit
1999 journal article
Dynamics and control of a class of underactuated mechanical systems
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44(9), 1663–1671.
1999 conference paper
Feedback control for planar maneuvers of an aerospace vehicle with an unactuated internal degree of freedom
Proceedings of the 1999 American Control Conference (Cat. No. 99CH36251). Presented at the 1999 American Control Conference, San Diego, CA.
Event: 1999 American Control Conference at San Diego, CA on June 2-4, 1999
1998 conference paper
Control problems for planar motion of a rigid body with an unactuated internal degree of freedom
Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No.98CH36207). Presented at the Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference (ACC).
Event: Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference (ACC)
1998 journal article
Regulation and tracking of the nonholonomic double integrator: A field-oriented control approach
Automatica, 34(1), 125–131.
1997 journal article
Exponential stabilization of an underactuated autonomous surface vessel
Automatica, 33(12), 2249–2254.
1997 conference paper
Feedback control of a flexible joint robot
1997 European Control Conference (ECC). Presented at the 1997 European Control Conference (ECC).
Event: 1997 European Control Conference (ECC)
1996 conference paper
Control of a Super-Articulated Robot Manipulator with Joint Elasticity
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 1, 172–176. Singapore: NTU.
Event: 4th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision at Singapore on December 3-6, 1996
1996 journal article
Switched mode feedback control laws for nonholonomic systems in extended power form
Systems & Control Letters, 27(1), 29–36.
1996 conference paper
Velocity Stabilization of an Underactuated Rigid Body
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 3, 2065–2069. Singpaore: NTU.
Event: 4th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision at Singapore on December 3-6, 1996
1995 journal article
Attitude stabilization of a rigid spacecraft using two momentum wheel actuators
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 18(2), 256–263.
1995 journal article
Control of nonholonomic systems with extended base space dynamics
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 5(4), 325–330.
1994 journal article
Attitude stabilization of a rigid spacecraft using two control torques: A nonlinear control approach based on the spacecraft attitude dynamics
Automatica, 30(6), 1023–1027.
1993 conference paper
A General Motion Planning Approach for Wheeled Mobile Systems
Proceedings of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) Conference, 1, 308–318.
Event: Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) Conference
1993 chapter
Motion Planning for Nonholonomic Dynamic Systems
In Nonholonomic Motion Planning (pp. 201–234).
1993 journal article
Nonholonomic Motion Planning for Caplygin Systems
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 18(4), 515–531.
1993 other
Nonlinear attitude control of planar structures in space using only internal controls
1993 conference paper
Time-Optimal Control of Rolling Motion
Proceedings of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AIEC) Conference, 1, 284–295.
Event: Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AIEC) Conference
1992 journal article
Control and stabilization of nonholonomic dynamic systems
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 37(11), 1746–1757.
1992 conference paper
On the Attitude Stabilization of a Rigid Spacecraft Using Two Control Torques
Proceedings of the 1992 American Control Conference. Presented at the 1992 American Control Conference, Chicago, IL.
Event: 1992 American Control Conference at Chicago, IL on June 24-26, 1992
1992 journal article
Planar reorientation maneuvers of space multibody systems using internal controls
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 15(6), 1475–1480.
1991 conference paper
Controllability and Stabilizability of Planar Multibody Systems with Angular Momentum Preserving Control Torques
1991 American Control Conference. Presented at the 1991 American Control Conference.
Event: 1991 American Control Conference
1991 conference paper
Reorientation of space multibody systems maintaining zero angular momentum
Proceedings of the Navigation and Control Conference. Presented at the Navigation and Control Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Event: Navigation and Control Conference at New Orleans, LA on August 12-14, 1991
1990 conference paper
Controllability and stabilizability properties of a nonholonomic control system
29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Presented at the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Event: 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control