@article{vassh_mclaughlin_mumpower_surman_2021, title={Markov Chain Monte Carlo Predictions of Neutron-rich Lanthanide Properties as a Probe of r-process Dynamics}, volume={907}, ISSN={["1538-4357"]}, DOI={10.3847/1538-4357/abd035}, abstractNote={Abstract Lanthanide element signatures are key to understanding many astrophysical observables, from merger kilonova light curves to stellar and solar abundances. To learn about the lanthanide element synthesis that enriched our solar system, we apply the statistical method of Markov Chain Monte Carlo to examine the nuclear masses capable of forming the r-process rare-earth abundance peak. We describe the physical constraints we implement with this statistical approach and demonstrate the use of the parallel chains method to explore the multidimensional parameter space. We apply our procedure to three moderately neutron-rich astrophysical outflows with distinct types of r-process dynamics. We show that the mass solutions found are dependent on outflow conditions and are related to the r-process path. We describe in detail the mechanism behind peak formation in each case. We then compare our mass predictions for neutron-rich neodymium and samarium isotopes to the latest experimental data from the CPT at CARIBU. We find our mass predictions given outflows that undergo an extended (n,γ)⇄(γ,n) equilibrium to be those most compatible with both observational solar abundances and neutron-rich mass measurements.}, number={2}, journal={ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL}, author={Vassh, Nicole and McLaughlin, Gail C. and Mumpower, Matthew R. and Surman, Rebecca}, year={2021}, month={Feb} } @article{holmbeck_surman_frebel_mclaughlin_mumpower_sprouse_kawano_vassh_beers_2020, title={Characterizing r-Process Sites through Actinide Production}, volume={1668}, ISSN={["1742-6596"]}, DOI={10.1088/1742-6596/1668/1/012020}, abstractNote={Abstract Of the variations in the elemental abundance patterns of stars enhanced with r-process elements, the variation in the relative actinide-to-lanthanide ratio is among the most significant. We investigate the source of these actinide differences in order to determine whether these variations are due to natural differences in astrophysical sites, or due to the uncertain nuclear properties that are accessed in r-process sites. We find that variations between relative stellar actinide abundances is most likely astrophysical in nature, owing to how neutron-rich the ejecta from an r-process event may be. Furthermore, if an r-process site is capable of generating variations in the neutron-richness of its ejected material, then only one type of r-process site is needed to explain all levels of observed relative actinide enhancements.}, journal={NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN ASTROPHYSICS IX (NPA-IX)}, author={Holmbeck, Erika M. and Surman, Rebecca and Frebel, Anna and McLaughlin, G. C. and Mumpower, Matthew R. and Sprouse, Trevor M. and Kawano, Toshihiko and Vassh, Nicole and Beers, Timothy C.}, year={2020} } @article{tsuruta_klauber-demore_streeter_samples_patterson_mumper_ketelsen_dayton_2014, title={Ultrasound Molecular Imaging of Secreted Frizzled Related Protein-2 Expression in Murine Angiosarcoma}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1932-6203"]}, DOI={10.1371/journal.pone.0086642}, abstractNote={Angiosarcoma is a biologically aggressive vascular malignancy with a high metastatic potential. In the era of targeted medicine, knowledge of specific molecular tumor characteristics has become more important. Molecular imaging using targeted ultrasound contrast agents can monitor tumor progression non-invasively. Secreted frizzled related protein 2 (SFRP2) is a tumor endothelial marker expressed in angiosarcoma. We hypothesize that SFRP2-directed imaging could be a novel approach to imaging the tumor vasculature. To develop an SFRP2 contrast agent, SFRP2 polyclonal antibody was biotinylated and incubated with streptavidin-coated microbubbles. SVR angiosarcoma cells were injected into nude mice, and when tumors were established the mice were injected intravenously with the SFRP2 -targeted contrast agent, or a control streptavidin-coated contrast agent. SFRP2 -targeted contrast agent detected tumor vasculature with significantly more signal intensity than control contrast agent: the normalized fold-change was 1.6±0.27 (n = 13, p = 0.0032). The kidney was largely devoid of echogenicity with no significant difference between the control contrast agent and the SFRP2-targeted contrast agent demonstrating that the SFRP2-targeted contrast agent was specific to tumor vessels. Plotting average pixel intensity obtained from SFRP2-targeted contrast agent against tumor volume showed that the average pixel intensity increased as tumor volume increased. In conclusion, molecularly-targeted imaging of SFRP2 visualizes angiosarcoma vessels, but not normal vessels, and intensity increases with tumor size. Molecular imaging of SFRP2 expression may provide a rapid, non-invasive method to monitor tumor regression during therapy for angiosarcoma and other SFRP2 expressing cancers, and contribute to our understanding of the biology of SFRP2 during tumor development and progression.}, number={1}, journal={PLOS ONE}, author={Tsuruta, James K. and Klauber-DeMore, Nancy and Streeter, Jason and Samples, Jennifer and Patterson, Cam and Mumper, Russell J. and Ketelsen, David and Dayton, Paul}, year={2014}, month={Jan} } @article{mumpower_mclaughlin_surman_2012, title={Formation of the rare-earth peak: Gaining insight into late-time r-process dynamics}, volume={85}, ISSN={["1089-490X"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevc.85.045801}, abstractNote={We study the formation and final structure of the rare-earth peak ($A\ensuremath{\sim}160$) of the $r$-process nucleosynthesis. Under high-entropy conditions ($Sg100{k}_{B}$), the rare-earth peak forms at late times in the $r$-process after neutron exhaustion (neutron-to-seed ratio $R=1$) as matter decays back to stability. Since rare-earth peak formation does not occur during $(n,\ensuremath{\gamma})\ensuremath{\rightleftarrows}(\ensuremath{\gamma},n)$ equilibrium it is sensitive to the strong interplay between late-time thermodynamic evolution and nuclear physics input. Depending on the conditions, the peak forms either because of the pattern of the neutron capture rates or because of the pattern of the separation energies. We analyze three nuclear data sets under different thermodynamic conditions. We find that the subtleties of each nuclear data set, including separation energies and neutron capture rates, influence not only the final shape of the peak but also when it forms. We identify the range of nuclei which are influential in rare-earth peak formation.}, number={4}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW C}, author={Mumpower, Matthew R. and McLaughlin, G. C. and Surman, Rebecca}, year={2012}, month={Apr} } @article{mumpower_mclaughlin_surman_2012, title={Influence of neutron capture rates in the rare earth region on the r-process abundance pattern}, volume={86}, ISSN={["1089-490X"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevc.86.035803}, abstractNote={We study the sensitivity of the $r$-process abundance pattern to neutron capture rates along the rare earth region ($A\ensuremath{\sim}150$ to $A\ensuremath{\sim}180$). We introduce the concepts of large nuclear flow and flow saturation, which determine the neutron capture rates that are influential in setting the rare earth abundances. We illustrate the value of the two concepts by considering high entropy conditions favorable for rare earth peak production and identifying important neutron capture rates among the rare earth isotopes. We also show how these rates influence nuclear flow and specific sections of the abundance pattern.}, number={3}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW C}, author={Mumpower, Matthew R. and McLaughlin, Gail C. and Surman, Rebecca}, year={2012}, month={Sep} }