Works (34)
2019 speech
Into the Dataspace
(2019, December).
2018 speech
High Technology Spaces for Research, Teaching, and Learning
Nutt, M., Fragola, M., & Lynema, E. (2018, October). In Our Library of the Future: An NCSU Libraries Symposium. Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Research Support for PhD Students at North Carolina State University Libraries
Presented at the University of Oslo. University of Oslo.
Event: at University of Oslo
2017 speech
Visualization at North Carolina State
Presented at the University of Oslo. University of Oslo.
Event: at University of Oslo
2017 speech
Visualizing Digital Scholarship Across Institutions
Nutt, M., & Hallman, S. (2017, October). Presented at the University of Wyoming.
Event: at University of Wyoming
2016 speech
Collaboration Deconstructed
Presented at the New York, NY. New York, NY.
Event: at New York, NY
2016 speech
Digital Displays for Visualization, Engagement, and Learning
Presented at the Calgary, Alberta. Calgary, Alberta.
Event: at Calgary, Alberta
2016 speech
Visualizing a New Kind of Library
Nutt, M. (2016, February). Presented at the SAGE, ER&L, and Library Journal webcast series.
Event: at SAGE, ER&L, and Library Journal webcast series
2015 speech
Beyond Likes: Data-driven Social Media Evaluation
Nutt, M. (2015, July). Presented at the Wake Technical Community College - Western Campus. Wake Technical Community College - Western Campus.
Event: at Wake Technical Community College - Western Campus
2015 speech
Code+Art for a Different Kind of Data Experience
Nutt, M. (2015, May). In NCSU Libraries.
2015 speech
Managing Public Video Walls in an Academic Library
Nutt, M., Sadler, S., & Reaume, R. (2015, April). Presented at the Seattle, WA.
Event: at Seattle, WA
2015 speech
New Models of Content Creation and Scholarship in Library Spaces
Presented at the Washington, DC. Washington, DC.
Event: at Washington, DC
2015 speech
Visualizing Research and Collaboration at NC State University's James B. Hunt Jr. Library
Nutt, M. (2015, October).
2015 speech
Visualizing a New Kind of Library
Nutt, M. (2015, September). Presented at the Raleigh, NC.
Event: at Raleigh, NC
2014 speech
Creating Sustainable Multimedia Content
Nutt, M., & Wust, M. (2014, July). Presented at the Chapel Hill, NC.
Event: at Chapel Hill, NC
2014 speech
Recipes for Engagement: A Cookbook for Interactive Spaces
Nutt, M., & Ronallo, J. (2014, October). Presented at the Atlanta, GA.
Event: at Atlanta, GA
2014 speech
The Hunt Library: A Storytelling Building
Nutt, M. (2014, November). Presented at the Durham, North Carolina. Durham, North Carolina.
Event: at Durham, North Carolina
2013 speech
Content Planning for a Storytelling Building
Nutt, M., & Casden, J. (2013, November). Presented at the Austin, TX.
Event: at Austin, TX
2013 speech
Crowdsourcing Content
Nutt, M. (2013, October). Presented at the San Jose, CA. San Jose, CA.
Event: at San Jose, CA
2013 speech
Engaging the Academic Community: Library as Storytelling Platform
Presented at the Monterey, CA. Monterey, CA.
Event: at Monterey, CA
2013 conference paper
Informe Apei sobre Bibliotecas ante el Siglo XXI: Nuevos Medios y Caminos
Presented at the Gijón, Spain. Gijón, Spain.
Event: at Gijón, Spain
2013 speech
Instagram Insights
Nutt, M. (2013, May). Presented at the Durham, North Carolina.
Event: at Durham, North Carolina
2013 speech
My #HuntLibrary: A Platform for User Engagement
Nutt, M., & Garrett, J. (2013, May). Presented at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Event: at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2013 article
My #HuntLibrary: Using Instagram to Crowdsource the Story of a New Library
ACRL TechConnect Blog.
2013 speech
Strategy Drivers: Diversity of Content
Presented at the San Jose, CA. San Jose, CA.
Event: at San Jose, CA
2013 speech
The Storified Website: How Patrons Told Our Story
Presented at the Chapel Hill, NC. Chapel Hill, NC.
Event: at Chapel Hill, NC
2013 speech
The Storytelling Building
Nutt, M. (2013, October). Presented at the San Jose, CA. San Jose, CA.
Event: at San Jose, CA
2013 speech
Viral Outreach: Blending Online and Offline Social Networks
Presented at the Winston-Salem, NC. Winston-Salem, NC.
Event: at Winston-Salem, NC
2013 speech
Visualization and Video in Research and Teaching
Presented at the Austin, TX. Austin, TX.
Event: at Austin, TX
2012 speech
Using Large Video Walls in Libraries for the Humanities
Nutt, M., & Wust, M. (2012, June). Presented at the University of Victoria, Canada.
Event: at University of Victoria, Canada
2012 speech
Video Collections and Visualization Environments
Presented at the Chapel Hill, NC. Chapel Hill, NC.
Event: at Chapel Hill, NC
2011 speech
Community Collecting: Building a Social Archive Site
Presented at the Chapel Hill, NC. Chapel Hill, NC.
Event: at Chapel Hill, NC
2011 speech
Digital Storymakers: Social Digital Archiving.
Presented at the Chapel Hill, NC. Chapel Hill, NC.
Event: at Chapel Hill, NC
2008 journal article
The Story Economy: Digital Storytelling in Economic and Community Development. Co-author with Gilson Schwartz
Centre for Community Networking Research.
Updated: August 22nd, 2023 16:08
2023 - present
2011 - 2023
Updated: August 10th, 2018 14:14
2009 - 2011
2001 - 2004
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: August 10th, 2018 14:10