Works (23)
2018 journal article
Impact of CRM technology on sales process behaviors: empirical results from US, Europe, and Asia
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 25(1), 1–10.
2017 journal article
An Exploratory Study of Sales Managers' and Sales Professionals' Perceptions of eLearning and Job Performance
Journal of Selling, 16(1), 5–17.
2017 journal article
Examining the role of sales-based CRM technology and social media use on post-sale service behaviors in India
Journal of Business Research, 81, 144–154.
2016 journal article
A conceptual model of the drivers and outcomes of mobile CRM application adoption
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 10(1), 67–84.
Ed(s): D. Shannon Cummins, Dr James W. Peltie
2016 journal article
Social Media in Large Sales Forces: An Empirical Study of the Impact of Sales Process Capability and Relationship Performance
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 24(3), 365–379.
2015 journal article
Preliminary Investigation of Entertainment Strategies Involving Alcohol: Implications for Professional Sales Education and Training in Business Markets
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 22(4), 257–268.
2014 journal article
A review of the interactive marketing literature in the context of personal selling and sales management: A research agenda
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 8(4), 294–308.
2014 journal article
Continuance use intention of enterprise instant messaging: a knowledge management perspective
Behaviour & Information Technology, 33(7), 678–692.
2014 chapter
Crm/Social Media Technology: Impact on Customer Orientation Process and Organizational Sales Performance
In Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old (pp. 636–638).
2014 journal article
Using Technology to Engage and Improve Millennial Students' Presentation Performance
Atlantic Marketing Journal, 3(2), 16–31.
2012 journal article
A Multi-University Empirical Study of Student Perceptions of Sales Education and Careers in Professional Selling
Journal of Selling and Major Account Management, 12(1).
2012 journal article
Culture’s Mediating Role on Global Sales Training
Journal of Selling and Major Account Management, 12(2), 24–32.
2012 journal article
Social Media’s Influence on Business-to-Business Sales Performance
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 32(3), 365–378.
2012 journal article
The role of social CRM and its potential impact on lead generation in business-to-business marketing
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 7(2), 180.
2011 journal article
CRM and Sales Pipeline Management- Empirical Results for Managing Opportunities
Marketing Management Journal, 21(1), 60–70.
2011 journal article
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)'s Impact on B to B Sales Professionals' Collaboration and Sales Performance
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 18(4), 335–356.
2011 journal article
Making Social Media Effective in Real Estate
Keller Research Center Report, 4(3).
2011 journal article
Utilisation of CRM and its impact on sales performance: a study of sales professionals working in a virtual environment
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 5(3/4), 203.
2009 journal article
Efficient utilisation of customer relationship management (CRM) technology: a self-directed learning approach
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 4(1/2), 3.
2009 journal article
The Role of Social CRM and Its Impact on Lead Generation in B2B Sales
Carolina Business Connection.
2009 journal article
The effects of sales supervisor relationships on work meaning: The case of Canadian and Chinese salespersons
Industrial Marketing Management, 39(7), 1069–1077.
2008 report
CRM – Key Competitive Advantage for Relation Based Selling
Brussels, Belgium: The European Institute For Advanced Studies in Management.
2008 journal article
Sales Leaders as Senior Level Managers: A Conceptual Framework for Examining Upper Echelon Theory
Journal of Selling and Major Account Management, 8(4), 23–31.