Marcela Pierce
Plant Cell biology
Works (27)
2024 journal article
Model-based inference of a dual role for HOPS in regulating guard cell vacuole fusion
Ed(s): X. Zhu
2024 article
Rapid depletion of target proteins in plants by an inducible protein degradation system
Huang, L., & Rojas-Pierce, M. (2024, March 6). PLANT CELL, Vol. 3.
2024 journal article
White LED intensities during co-cultivation affect the <i>Agrobacterium</i>-mediated soybean (<i>Glycine max</i>) transformation using mature half seeds as explants
PLOS ONE, 19(11).
Ed(s): M. Pileggi
2022 journal article
Microgravity enhances the phenotype of Arabidopsis zigzag-1 and reduces the Wortmannin-induced vacuole fusion in root cells
2021 review
Molecular mechanisms of endomembrane trafficking in plants
[Review of ]. PLANT CELL, 34(1), 146–173.
2020 journal article
Plasma agriculture: Review from the perspective of the plant and its ecosystem
Plasma Processes and Polymers.
2018 journal article
A whole-cell electron tomography model of vacuole biogenesis in Arabidopsis root cells
Nature Plants, 5(1), 95–105.
2018 journal article
Phosphoinositides control the localization of HOPS subunit VPS41, which together with VPS33 mediates vacuole fusion in plants
Contributors: C. Brillada n, J. Zheng n, F. Krüger*, E. Rovira-Diaz n, J. Askani *, K. Schumacher *, M. Rojas-Pierce n
2017 review
Vacuolar trafficking and biogenesis: a maturation in the field
[Review of ]. CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY, 40, 77–81.
Contributors: C. Brillada n & M. Rojas-Pierce n
2016 journal article
Modifications to a LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY1 gene are responsible for the major leaf shapes of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(1), E57–66.
2016 journal article
Modifications to a LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY1 gene are responsible for the major leaf shapes of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(1), E57–E66.
Contributors: R. Andres n, V. Coneva *, M. Frank *, J. Tuttle n, L. Samayoa n, S. Han n, B. Kaur n, L. Zhu n
2016 journal article
Wortmannin-induced vacuole fusion enhances amyloplast dynamics in Arabidopsis zigzag1 hypocotyls
Contributors: A. Alvarez n, S. Han n, M. Toyota *, C. Brillada n, J. Zheng n, S. Gilroy *, M. Rojas-Pierce n
2015 journal article
REGULATOR OF BULB BIOGENESIS1 (RBB1) Is Involved in Vacuole Bulb Formation in Arabidopsis
PLOS ONE, 10(4), e0125621.
Contributors: S. Han n, J. Alonso n & M. Rojas-Pierce n
Ed(s): D. Bassham
2014 journal article
Homotypic Vacuole Fusion Requires VTI11 and Is Regulated by Phosphoinositides
MOLECULAR PLANT, 7(6), 1026–1040.
Contributors: J. Zheng n, S. Han n, M. Rodriguez-Welsh n & M. Rojas-Pierce n
2014 journal article
Multiple vacuoles inimpaired tonoplast trafficking3mutants are independent organelles
Plant Signaling & Behavior, 9(10), e972113.
Contributors: J. Zheng n, S. Han n, T. Munnik * & M. Rojas-Pierce n
2014 journal article
PLASTID MOVEMENT IMPAIRED1 mediates ABA sensitivity during germination and implicates ABA in, light-mediated Chloroplast movements
Contributors: M. Rojas-Pierce n, C. Whippo *, P. Davis *, R. Hangarter * & P. Springer *
2013 review
Targeting of tonoplast proteins to the vacuole
[Review of ]. PLANT SCIENCE, 211, 132–136.
Contributors: M. Rojas-Pierce n
2012 journal article
A Small Molecule Inhibitor Partitions Two Distinct Pathways for Trafficking of Tonoplast Intrinsic Proteins in Arabidopsis
PLOS ONE, 7(9).
Contributors: E. Rivera-Serrano n, M. Rodriguez-Welsh n, G. Hicks * & M. Rojas-Pierce n
Ed(s): E. Damme
2012 journal article
Increasing phosphatidylinositol (4,5) bisphosphate biosynthesis affects plant nuclear lipids and nuclear functions
Contributors: C. Dieck n, A. Wood n, I. Brglez n, M. Rojas-Pierce n & W. Boss n
2008 journal article
Arabidopsis P-Glycoprotein19 Participates in the Inhibition of Gravitropism by Gravacin
Chemistry & Biology, 15(1), 87.
2008 journal article
Preparation of methyl ester precursors of biologically active agents
BioTechniques, 44(3), 377–384.
Contributors: Y. Zou *, M. Rojas-Pierce *, N. Raikhel * & M. Pirrung *
2007 journal article
Arabidopsis P-Glycoprotein19 Participates in the Inhibition of Gravitropism by Gravacin
Chemistry & Biology, 14(12), 1366–1376.
Contributors: M. Rojas-Pierce *, B. Titapiwatanakun*, E. Sohn*, F. Fang *, C. Larive *, J. Blakeslee *, Y. Cheng *, S. Cuttler*
2007 journal article
The shoot meristem identity gene TFL1 is involved in flower development and trafficking to the protein storage vacuole
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(47), 18801–18806.
Contributors: J. Eun*, M. Rojas-Pierce *, S. Pan*, C. Carter*, A. Serrano-Mislata *, F. Madueño *, E. Rojo *, M. Surpin*, N. Raikhel *
2006 journal article
Quantitative Trait Loci for Root Architecture Traits Correlated with Phosphorus Acquisition in Common Bean
Crop Science, 46(1), 413.
Contributors: S. Beebe *, M. Rojas-Pierce *, X. Yan *, M. Blair *, F. Pedraza *, F. Muñoz *, J. Tohme *, J. Lynch *
2005 journal article
The power of chemical genomics to study the link between endomembrane system components and the gravitropic response
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(13), 4902–4907.
Contributors: M. Surpin*, M. Rojas-Pierce *, C. Carter*, G. Hicks *, J. Vasquez* & N. Raikhel *
2003 article
Gene and Enhancer Traps for Gene Discovery
Rojas-Pierce, M., & Springer, P. S. Plant Functional Genomics, pp. 221–240.
2003 journal article
Gene and enhancer traps for gene discovery.
Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.), 236, 221–240.
Contributors: M. Rojas-Pierce & P. Springer
Updated: December 19th, 2019 12:18
2015 - present
2008 - 2015
2003 - 2008
Updated: December 19th, 2019 12:18
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: December 19th, 2019 12:12