Melissa Schuster Merrill
Works (96)
2020 book
Agricultural Genetics
(3rd ed.). Kendall-Hunt Publishing Company.
2020 journal article
Physiological response, function of sweat glands, and hair follicle cycling in cattle in response to fescue toxicosis and hair genotype
Journal of Animal Science, 98(3).

2020 article
miRNAs explain the variation in muscle and blood transcriptomes of beef calves born from dams with or without energy restriction during late gestation
Carvalho, E. B., Sanglard, L. P., Nascimento, M., Moriel, P., Sommer, J., Merrill, M., … Serao, N. (2020, November). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 98, pp. 165–165.

2019 journal article
Characterization of gene expression in naturally occurring feline degenerative joint disease-associated pain
The Veterinary Journal, 243, 42–47.

2018 journal article
Articular cartilage gene expression patterns in the tissue surrounding the impact site following applications of shear and axial loads
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 19(1).

2018 conference paper
Effect of energy restriction during late gestation in the skeletal muscle and blood transcriptome of Angus calves after preconditioning
Proceedings of the World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, 11(646).
2018 journal article
Genetic Parameter Estimates for Metabolizing Two Common Pharmaceuticals in Swine
Frontiers in Genetics, 9(FEB).
Contributors: J. Howard n, M. Ashwell n, R. Baynes n , J. Brooks n, J. Yeatts n & C. Maltecca n

2018 journal article
Impact of energy restriction during late gestation on the muscle and blood transcriptome of beef calves after preconditioning
BMC Genomics, 19(1).

2017 journal article
Gene co-expression network analysis identifies porcine genes associated with variation in metabolizing fenbendazole and flunixin meglumine in the liver
Contributors: J. Howard n, M. Ashwell n, R. Baynes n , J. Brooks n, J. Yeatts n & C. Maltecca n

2015 speech
Animal Science Biotechnology in the Classroom
Merrill, M. S. (2015, July). Presented at the Agricultural Biotechnology in the Classroom Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2015 journal article
Differential Gene Expression across Breed and Sex in Commercial Pigs Administered Fenbendazole and Flunixin Meglumine
PLOS ONE, 10(9), e0137830.
Contributors: J. Howard n, . A.T. O'Nan n, C. Maltecca n , R. Baynes n & M. Ashwell n
Ed(s): F. Kobeissy

2015 speech
Do breed and gender affect how pigs respond to drugs?
Merrill, M. S. (2015, May). Presented at the NC State University Swine Research Day, Clinton, NC.
2015 article
Effect of dietary copper amount and source on copper metabolism and oxidative stress of weanling pigs in short-term feeding
Huang, Y. L., Ashwell, M. S., Fry, R. S., Lloyd, K. E., Flowers, W. L., & Spears, J. W. (2015, June). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 93, pp. 2948–2955.

2014 book
Agricultural Genetics
(2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Pub. Co.
2014 conference paper
Characterisation of gene expression in naturally occurring feline degenerative joint disease associated pain
Presented at the NC Cartilage and Arthritis Research Alliance.
2014 journal article
Fecal microbial diversity and putative function in captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) and binturongs (Arctictis binturong)

2014 journal article
Progression of Gene Expression Changes following a Mechanical Injury to Articular Cartilage as a Model of Early Stage Osteoarthritis
Arthritis, 2014, 1–9.

2014 journal article
The effect of breed and gender on drug depletion and differential gene expression associated with drug metabolism after flunixin and fenbendazole administration
Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine, 8, 67.
2014 conference paper
The effect of breed and gender on drug depletion and differential gene expression associated with drug metabolism after flunixin and fenbendazole administration
Swine in Biomedical Research 2014 International Conference, 31.
2014 conference paper
The effect of breed and sex on drug depletion and differential gene expression associated with drug metabolism after fenbendazole and flunixin administration
Plant and Animal Genome XXII Conference Proceedings, 262.
2014 journal article
The effect of breed and sex on sulfamethazine, enrofloxacin, fenbendazole and flunixin meglumine pharmacokinetic parameters in swine
Contributors: J. Howard n, R. Baynes n , J. Brooks n, J. Yeatts n, B. Bellis n, M. Ashwell n, P. Routh n, . A.T. O'Nan n, C. Maltecca n

2013 journal article
Changes in chondrocyte gene expression following in vitro impaction of porcine articular cartilage in an impact injury model
Contributors: M. Ashwell n, M. Gonda n, K. Gray n, C. Maltecca n , . A.T. O'Nan n, J. Cassady n, P. Mente n

2013 chapter
Characterization of gene expression in naturally occurring feline degenerative joint disease associated pain
Presented at the 12th Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations—Spanish Association of Laboratory Animal Science, Barcelona, Spain.
2013 journal article
Early postnatal kinetics of colostral immunoglobulin G absorption in fed and fasted piglets and developmental expression of the intestinal immunoglobulin G receptor
Journal of Animal Science, 91(1), 211–218.
Contributors: R. Cabrera n, X. Lin n, M. Ashwell n, A. Moeser n & J. Odle n

2013 journal article
Effect of dietary copper and breed on gene products involved in copper acquisition, distribution, and use in Angus and Simmental cows and fetuses

2013 conference paper
Exploring cellular trace mineral metabolism in bovine and porcine tissues
Fry, R. S., Spears, J. W., Ashwell, M. S., & Hansen, S. L. (2013, July 8). Presented at the 2013 Joint Annual Meeting of ASDA and ASAS, Indianapolis, IN.
2012 book
Agricultural Genetics
(1st ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishing Company.
2012 journal article
Amount and source of dietary copper affects small intestine morphology, duodenal lipid peroxidation, hepatic oxidative stress, and mRNA expression of hepatic copper regulatory proteins in weanling pigs
JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 90(9), 3112–3119.

2012 journal article
Identification of stable normalization genes for quantitative real-time PCR in porcine articular cartilage
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 3(1).

2011 journal article
A genome-wide association study of direct gestation length in US Holstein and Italian Brown populations
ANIMAL GENETICS, 42(6), 585–591.
Contributors: C. Maltecca n , K. Gray n, K. Weigel *, J. Cassady n & M. Ashwell n

2011 conference paper
Articular cartilage chondrocyte gene expression alterations following shear and axial impactions
Presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society.
2011 journal article
Investigation of breed and sex effects on cytochrome P450 gene expression in cattle liver
Contributors: M. Ashwell n, R. Fry n, J. Spears n, . A.T. O'Nan n & C. Maltecca n

2010 speech
Animal functional genomics at NC State University
Merrill, M. S. (2010, February). Presented at the NC A&T University, Department of Animal Sciences.
2010 journal article
Dietary iron affects mRNA expression of porcine copper transporters
The FASEB Journal, 24(S1).

2010 conference paper
Differential gene expression of chrondocytes from a porcine impact injury model using suitable reference genes
Transactions of the 56th annual meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society. Presented at the 56th annual meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society.
2010 journal article
Duodenal copper transporters in cattle are affected by breed
Journal of Animal Science, 88(Supplement 2), 11.
2010 journal article
Effect of level and source of dietary copper on copper metabolism in the small intestine of weanling pigs
Journal of Animal Science, 88(Supplement 1), 499.
2010 journal article
Effects of dietary iron and age on cellular copper metabolism in liver of weanling pigs
Journal of Animal Science, 88(Supplement 1), 499.
2010 conference paper
Evaluating the QiaAMP DNA stool kit for metagenomic studies in Arctictis binturong
McKenney, E. A., O’Nan, A. T., Fellner, V., & Ashwell, M. S. (2010, August). Presented at the Comparative Nutrition Society Annual Conference, Tucson, AZ.
2010 journal article
High dietary iron reduces transporters involved in iron and manganese metabolism and increases intestinal permeability in calves

2010 journal article
Proteins involved in iron metabolism in beef cattle are affected by copper deficiency in combination with high dietary manganese, but not by copper deficiency alone

2010 journal article
Trans-10, cis-12-conjugated linoleic acid alters hepatic gene expression in a polygenic obese line of mice displaying hepatic lipidosis
Contributors: M. Ashwell n, R. Ceddia n, R. House n, J. Cassady n, E. Eisen n, T. Eling*, J. Collins*, S. Grissom*, J. Odle n

2009 conference paper
Differential chondrocyte gene expression following in vitro shear and axial impactions to porcine articular cartilage
BMES 2009 Annual Fall Meeting, 134.
2009 journal article
Effects of a long-term copper deficiency on gene expression profiles of copper transporters and chaperones in the intestine and liver of cattle
Journal of Animal Science, 87(Supplement 2), 561.
2009 journal article
Gene expression in chicken and turkey tibia growth plates is affected by oxygen concentrations during the plateau stage of incubation
Journal of Poultry Science, 88(Suppl 1), 61.
2009 journal article
High dietary iron negatively impacts gene products important in iron and manganese metabolism in young calves
Journal of Animal Science, 87(Suppl 2), 516.
2009 conference paper
Temporal differences in chondrocyte gene expression following an in vitro cartilage injury
Presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV.
2009 journal article
The addition of high manganese to a copper-deficient diet further depresses copper status and growth of cattle

2008 conference paper
Effects of long-term copper deficiency on gene profiles of copper transporters and chaperones in the liver of cattle
Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals, 79–80.
2008 journal article
Gene expression profiling of chondrocytes from a porcine impact injury model

2007 speech
Using genomic tools to improve health and reproduction traits
Merrill, M. S. (2007, September). Presented at the Department of Dairy Science, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
2006 journal article
Characterization of a line of pigs previously selected for increased litter size for RBP4 and follistatin

2006 journal article
Comparative mapping of bovine chromosome 27 with human chromosome 8 near a dairy form QTL in cattle

2006 journal article
Refinement of quantitative trait loci on bovine chromosome 18 affecting health and reproduction in US Holsteins
ANIMAL GENETICS, 37(3), 273–275.

2006 speech
Transcript profiling of chondrocytes in a porcine impact injury model of osteoarthritis
Merrill, M. S. (2006, August). Presented at the International Society of Animal Genetics conference, Porto Seguro, Brazil.
2005 journal article
Detection of quantitative trait loci influencing conformation traits and calving ease in Holstein-Friesian cattle
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 88(11), 4111–4119.

2005 journal article
Fine-mapping milk production quantitative trait loci on BTA6: Analysis of the bovine osteopontin gene
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102(19), 6896–6901.
2005 journal article
Whole-genome scan to detect QTL for milk production, conformation, fertility and functional traits in two US Holstein families
ANIMAL GENETICS, 36(5), 408–416.

2004 journal article
An expanded comparative map of bovine chromosome 27 targeting dairy form QTL regions
Animal Genetics, 35(4), 265–269.
2004 journal article
Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Milk Production, Health, and Reproductive Traits in Holstein Cattle
Journal of Dairy Science, 87(2), 468–475.
2004 journal article
Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Dairy Conformation to Chromosome 27 in Two Holstein Grandsire Families
Journal of Dairy Science, 87(2), 450–457.
2004 journal article
Physical and linkage mapping of mammary-derived expressed sequence tags in cattle
Genomics, 83(1), 148–152.
2003 journal article
Genetic Diversity and Background Linkage Disequilibrium in the North American Holstein Cattle Population
Journal of Dairy Science, 86(12), 4137–4147.
2003 speech
Genetic approaches to improving health and reproduction in cattle
Merrill, M. S. (2003, November). Presented at the National Pork Board’s Genetics of Pig Health Symposium, Des Moines, IA.
2002 journal article
A radiation hybrid map of bovine chromosome 27
Animal Genetics, 33(1), 75–76.
2002 journal article
Characterization and expression of the bovine growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor
Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 22(4), 189–200.
2002 conference paper
Fine-mapping of QTL affecting protein percent and fat percent on BTA6 in a popular U.S. Holstein family.
World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production Proceedings, 31, 123–126.
2002 chapter
Genetics, Cattle Genomics
In H. Roginski, J. W. Fuquay, & P. F. Fox (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (Vol. 2, pp. 1219–1224).
Ed(s): H. Roginski, J. Fuquay & P. Fox
2002 speech
Genomic tools and techniques used in livestock species
Merrill, M. S. (2002, May). Presented at the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.
2002 conference paper
Genomic tools and techniques used in livestock species
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum Proceedings, 20, 261–263.
2002 conference paper
Isolation of DNA from buccal and vaginal samples using the BuccalAmp kit
Epicentre Forum, 9, 13.
2002 conference paper
Mapping genes related to disease resistance and milk production in Holsteins
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum Proceedings, 20, 264–266.
2002 speech
Mapping genes related to disease resistance and milk production in US Holsteins
Merrill, M. S. (2002, May). Presented at the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.
2002 speech
Molecular approaches to improved disease resistance in dairy cattle
Merrill, M. S. (2002, November). Presented at the National Animal Disease Center, Ames, IA.
2001 journal article
A Genome Scan To Identify Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Economically Important Traits in a US Holstein Population
Journal of Dairy Science, 84(11), 2535–2542.
2001 journal article
Dairy cattle genomics: Tools to accelerate genetic improvement?
Journal of Animal Science, 79(E-Suppl), E307.
2001 speech
Identification of QTL affecting milk production traits on bovine chromosome 6
Merrill, M. S. (2001, March). Presented at the Penn State University, Animal Science department, University Park, PA.
2001 journal article
Isolation, characterization and mapping of the bovine signal peptidase subunit 18 gene
Animal Genetics, 32(4), 232–233.
2001 speech
Mapping genes related to disease resistance and milk production in dairy cattle
Merrill, M. S. (2001, October). Presented at the Eastern Regional Research Center Health Food Challenges conference, Hunt Valley, MD.
2000 speech
A genome scan to identify QTL affecting economically important traits in dairy cattle
Merrill, M. S. (2000, December). Presented at the W.E. Peterson Dairy Genomics Mini-Symposium, Minneapolis, MN.
2000 journal article
Comparative map alignment of BTA27 and HSA4 and 8 to identify conserved segments of genome containing fat deposition QTL
Mammalian Genome, 11(8), 682–688.

2000 journal article
Detection of Putative Loci Affecting Milk, Health, and Conformation Traits in a US Holstein Population Using 105 Microsatellite Markers
Journal of Dairy Science, 83(8), 1865–1872.
1999 journal article
Detection of Putative Loci Affecting Milk, Health, and Type Traits in a US Holstein Population Using 70 Microsatellite Markers in a Genome Scan
Journal of Dairy Science, 82(11), 2497–2502.
1999 journal article
Mapping of the bovine growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRH-R) gene to chromosome 4 by linkage analysis using a novel PCR-RFLP.
Journal of Animal Science, 77(3), 793.
1999 journal article
RFLP markers in the bovine butyrophilin gene
Animal Genetics, 30(5), 385–386.

1998 journal article
Detection of Putative Loci Affecting Conformational Type Traits in an Elite Population of United States Holsteins Using Microsatellite Markers
Journal of Dairy Science, 81(4), 1120–1125.
1998 journal article
Detection of Putative Loci Affecting Milk Production and Composition, Health, and Type Traits in a United States Holstein Population
Journal of Dairy Science, 81(12), 3309–3314.
1997 journal article
Detection of loci affecting milk production and health traits in an elite US Holstein population using microsatellite markers
Animal Genetics, 28(3), 216–222.
1996 journal article
Mapping economic trait loci for somatic cell score in Holstein cattle using microsatellite markers and selective genotyping
Animal Genetics, 27(4), 235–242.
1996 speech
State of the art in animal genome mapping
Presented at the 8th annual mini-symposium of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists, Washington, D.C.
1996 journal article
The bovine butyrophilin gene maps to chromsome 23
Animal Genetics, 27(3), 171–173.
1995 speech
Current techniques used in gene mapping
Presented at the University of Maryland, Animal and Avian Sciences department, College Park, MD.
1994 journal article
D10S681, a microsatellite polymorphism near the RET locus
Human Molecular Genetics, 3(4), 677–677.
1994 journal article
Development of 124 Sequence-Tagged Sites and Cytogenetic Localization of 217 Cosmids for Human Chromosome 10
Genomics, 22(1), 55–67.
1994 journal article
Germline RET mutations in MEN 2A and FMTC and their detection by simple DNA diagnostic tests
Human Molecular Genetics, 3(4), 635–638.

1992 journal article
Characterization of radiation/fusion hybrids containing parts of human chromosome 10 and their use in mapping chromosome 10-specific probes
Genomics, 13(1), 25–34.
Updated: August 6th, 2014 07:33
2003 - present
1994 - 2003
Updated: August 6th, 2014 07:32