Miguel Sebastian Castillo
Forage management
Dr. Castillo was born in Loja, Ecuador, South America. Dr. Castillo joined the faculty of the Crop and Soil Sciences Department at NC State University in Aug. 2013.
Works (45)
2024 journal article
Risk of weed seed and seedling emergence from poultry litter

2023 journal article
'Newell' bermudagrass: A public release from the USDA Cynodon collection

2023 article
Analysis of alkaloids and reducing sugars in processed and unprocessed tobacco leaves using a handheld near infrared spectrometer
Castillo, M. S., Acosta, J. J., Hodge, G. R., Vann, M. C., & Lewis, R. S. (2023, January 16). JOURNAL OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY, Vol. 1.

2023 article
Evaluation of Assertions from Educational, Outreach and Engagement Programs in Pasture-Based Livestock Systems
Castillo, M. S., & Wallau, M. (2023, May). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101.
2023 article
Stocking method and terminology in grazing management: Evaluation of assertions from educational, outreach, and engagement programs
Castillo, M. S., & Wallau, M. (2023, January 13). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 1.

2022 review
A review of silvopastoral systems in the Peruvian Amazon region

2022 article
Clover frost-seeding rate effects on productivity and nutritive value of tall fescue pastures during the year of establishment
Castillo, M. S., Bekewe, P. E., & Rivera, R. (2022, April 8). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 4.

2022 article
Harvest frequency and harvest timing following a freeze event effects on yield and composition of switchgrass
Rivera-Chacon, R., Castillo, M. S., Gannon, T. W., & Bekewe, P. E. (2022, November 24). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 11.

2022 article
Poultry litter and nitrogen fertilizer effects on productivity and nutritive value of crabgrass
Sosinski, S., Castillo, M. S., Kulesza, S., & Leon, R. (2022, September 7). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 9.

2021 journal article
A combination of Lactobacillus buchneri and Pediococcus pentosaceus extended the aerobic stability of conventional and brown midrib mutants-corn hybrids ensiled at low dry matter concentrations by causing a major shift in their bacterial and fungal community
Contributors: J. Romero*, J. Park *, Y. Joo*, Y. Zhao*, M. Killerby*, D. Reyes *, F. Tiezzi n, E. Gutierrez-Rodriguez*, n

2021 article
Comparison of alfalfa mixed with tall fescue and bermudagrass on forage accumulation, botanical composition, and nutritive value
Quinby, M. P., Nave, R. L. G., Sulc, R. M., Castillo, M. S., Bates, G. E., Schneider, L. G., & McIntosh, D. W. (2021, August 4). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 8.

2021 journal article
Differences among eighteen winter pea genotypes for forage and cover crop use in the southeastern United States
CROP SCIENCE, 61(2), 947–965.

2021 journal article
Evaluation of five bermudagrass cultivars fertigated with swine lagoon effluent
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 113(3), 2567–2577.

2021 journal article
Water use and biomass yield of bioenergy crops in the North Carolina Piedmont
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 113(3), 2463–2473.

2020 journal article
Characterization of Silvopastoral Systems in the livestock basin of Molinopampa, Northwestern Zone of Peru
TEMAS AGRARIOS, 25(1), 23–34.

2020 journal article
Comparison of benchtop and handheld near-infrared spectroscopy devices to determine forage nutritive value
CROP SCIENCE, 60(6), 3410–3422.

2020 journal article
In vitro screening of technical lignins to determine their potential as hay preservatives
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 103(7), 6114–6134.

2020 journal article
Scarification effects on germination of perennial soybean (Nenotonia wightii)

2020 journal article
Tree species effects on understory forage productivity and microclimate in a silvopasture of the Southeastern USA
Contributors: , F. Tiezzi n & A. Franzluebbers* n

2019 journal article
Assessment of silvopasture systems in the northern Peruvian Amazon
Agroforestry Systems.
Contributors: D. Pizarro *, H. Vásquez *, W. Bernal *, E. Fuentes *, J. Alegre *, n , C. Gómez *

2019 journal article
Harvest Management Effects on Canopy Height and Light Interception of ‘Performer’ Switchgrass and its Relationship with Weed Infestation

2019 journal article
Windbreak Wall-Vegetative Strip System to Reduce Air Emissions from Mechanically Ventilated Livestock Barns: Part 2—Swine House Evaluation
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 230(12), 289.
Contributors: A. Ajami *, S. Shah n , L. Wang-Li n, P. Kolar n & n

2019 journal article
Windbreak Wall-Vegetative Strip System to Reduce Air Emissions from Mechanically Ventilated Livestock Barns—Part 3: Layer House Evaluation
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 230(12).
Contributors: A. Ajami *, S. Shah n , L. Wang-Li n, P. Kolar n & n

2019 journal article
Winter Pea, Crimson Clover, and Hairy Vetch Planted in Mixture with Small Grains in the Southeast United States
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 111(2), 805–815.

2018 journal article
Bacterial and fungal communities, fermentation, and aerobic stability of conventional hybrids and brown midrib hybrids ensiled at low moisture with or without a homo- and heterofermentative inoculant
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 101(4), 3057–3076.
Contributors: J. Romero*, Y. Joo*, J. Park n, F. Tiezzi n, E. Gutierrez-Rodriguez n & n

2018 journal article
Defoliation management affects productivity, leaf/stem ratio, and tiller counts of ‘performer’ switchgrass
Agronomy Journal, 110(4), 1467–1472.
Contributors: P. Bekewe n, n & R. Rivera n

2018 journal article
Near-infrared spectroscopic models for analysis of winter pea (Pisum sativum L.) quality constituents
Contributors: U. Saha *, R. Vann n , S. Chris Reberg-Horton n, n , S. Mirsky *, R. McGee, L. Sonon*

2018 journal article
Stem, Leaf, and Panicle Yield and Nutrient Content of Biomass and Sweet Sorghum
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 110(5), 1659–1665.
Contributors: A. Heitman n, n , T. Smyth n & C. Crozier n

2018 journal article
Winter Pea Cultivar/Breeding Line Screening for Grain Crop Potential in the Southeastern United States
Agronomy Journal, 110(4), 1217–1225.
Contributors: R. Vann n, S. Reberg-Horton n, n , S. Mirsky & R. McGee

2017 journal article
Biomass and sweet sorghum fertilized with swine lagoon effluent for bioenergy
Agronomy Journal, 109(6), 2521–2529.
Contributors: A. Heitman n, n , T. Smyth n, C. Crozier, Z. Wang n & R. Gehl*

2017 journal article
Laboratory silo type and inoculation effects on nutritional composition, fermentation, and bacterial and fungal communities of oat silage
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 100(3), 1812–1828.
Contributors: J. Romero n, Y. Zhao *, M. Balseca-Paredes n, F. Tiezzi n, E. Gutierrez-Rodriguez n & n

2017 journal article
Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Yield and Nutrient Removal of Biomass and Sweet Sorghum
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 109(4), 1352–1358.

2015 journal article
Grazing management strategies affect year-after establishment performance of a legume strip-planted into warm-season grass pasture
Crop Sci, 55(5), 2384–2389.
Contributors: , L. Sollenberger *, M. Mullenix *, A. Blount*, M. Williams* & C. Mackowiak * n

2015 journal article
Management of Perennial Warm-Season Bioenergy Grasses. II. Seasonal Differences in Elephantgrass and Energycane Morphological Characteristics Affect Responses to Harvest Frequency and Timing
BIOENERGY RESEARCH, 8(2), 618–626.
Contributors: C. Na *, L. Sollenberger *, J. Erickson *, K. Woodard*, n , M. Mullenix *, J. Vendramini *, M. Silveira *

2014 journal article
Growth Habit of Rhizoma Peanut Affects Establishment and Spread when Strip Planted in Bahiagrass Pastures
CROP SCIENCE, 54(6), 2886–2892.
Contributors: M. Kimberly Mullenix, L. Sollenberger *, A. Blount*, J. Vendramini, M. Silveira & n

2014 journal article
Invasive populations of elephantgrass differ in morphological and growth characteristics from taxa selected for biomass production
Bioenergy Research, 7(4), 1382–1391.
Contributors: L. Sollenberger *, K. Woodard*, J. Vendramini, J. Erickson *, K. Langeland*, M. Mullenix, C. Na *, n

2014 journal article
Seedbed Preparation Techniques and Weed Control Strategies for Strip-Planting Rhizoma Peanut into Warm-Season Grass Pastures
CROP SCIENCE, 54(4), 1868–1875.
Contributors: , L. Sollenberger *, A. Blount*, J. Ferrell *, C. Na *, M. Williams*, C. Mackowiak * *

2013 journal article
Strategies to control competition to strip-planted legume into a warm-season grass pasture
Crop Sci, 53(5), 2255–2263.
Contributors: , L. Sollenberger *, J. Ferrell *, A. Blount*, M. Williams* & C. Mackowiak * *

2013 journal article
Strip planting legume into a warm-season grass pasture: defoliation effects during the year of establishment
Crop Science, 53(2), 724–731.
Contributors: , L. Sollenberger *, A. Blount*, J. Ferrell *, M. Williams* & C. Mackowiak * *
2011 journal article
Incorporation of municipal biosolids affects organic N mineralization and elephantgrass biomass production
Agronomy Journal, 103(3), 899–905.
Contributors: , L. Sollenberger *, J. Vendramini, K. Woodard*, . G.A. O'Connor, M. Silveira, J. Sartain* *

2010 journal article
Municipal biosolids as an alternative nutrient source for bioenergy crops: I. Elephantgrass biomass production and soil responses
Agronomy Journal, 102(4), 1308–1313.
Contributors: , L. Sollenberger *, J. Vendramini, K. Woodard*, . G.A. O'Connor, Y. Newman *, M. Silveira, J. Sartain* *
2010 journal article
Municipal biosolids as an alternative nutrient source for bioenergy crops: II. Decomposition and organic nitrogen mineralization
Agronomy Journal, 102(4), 1314–1320.
Contributors: , L. Sollenberger *, J. Vendramini, K. Woodard*, J. Gilmour, . G.A. O'Connor, Y. Newman *, M. Silveira, J. Sartain *
2008 journal article
Microbial activity and phosphorus availability in a subtropical soil under different land uses
World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4, 314–320.
2008 journal article
Soil phosphorus pools in Histosols under sugarcane and pasture in the Everglades, Florida
Geoderma, 145(1-2), 130–135.

2006 journal article
Producción y composición de los cultivares Mulato I y II de Brachiaria híbridos inoculados con Micorriza y Trichoderma harzianum
Ceiba, 47, 25–32.
Updated: June 21st, 2024 14:13
2013 - present
Updated: February 19th, 2019 11:56
2016 - 2017
2009 - 2013
2007 - 2009
2003 - 2006