@article{shahid_okyay_babaarslan_2024, title={A Comparative Analysis of Denim Fabric Performances from Cotton/Polyester Blended Rigid and Stretched Yarns}, url={https://doi.org/10.3390/fib12100086}, DOI={10.3390/fib12100086}, abstractNote={Cotton and polyester fiber blends are commonly used to improve the aesthetic features of finished items. The denim industry’s growing need for polyester fiber aids in analyzing the performance of denim fabrics woven from rigid and stretched weft yarn combined with cotton and polyester. This study evaluates the weight, dimensional changes, stiffness, tensile and tearing strength, stretch, and comfort properties of denim fabric woven from cotton and polyester in various blended ratios. Here, Ne 14/1 (42 tex) 100% cotton warp yarn and Ne 18/1 (33 tex) weft yarns, consisting of 100% cotton, 75/25, 50/50, and 25/75 cotton/polyester (CO/PES) blends, as well as 100% polyester, were used to produce 3/1 Z twill denim fabric. The weft yarns were categorized into three groups: rigid, core-spun, and dual-core-spun yarns. Experimental results showed a higher polyester content in weft yarn, and denim fabrics’ tensile and tearing strength was improved, whereas fabrics’ weight loss, dimensional changes, and stretch properties were reduced. Furthermore, different statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate the type of weft yarn and blending ratio interaction and correlation with fabric properties. Additionally, a regression model was developed with the weft yarn type and blending ratio as independent variables to predict the fabric properties.}, journal={Fibers}, author={Shahid, Md Abul and Okyay, Neslihan and Babaarslan, Osman}, year={2024}, month={Oct} } @article{babaarslan_shahid_doğan_2023, title={Design of Hybrid Yarn with the Combination of Fiber and Filaments and Its Effect on the Denim Fabric Performance}, url={https://doi.org/10.2478/ftee-2023-0004}, DOI={10.2478/ftee-2023-0004}, abstractNote={Abstract Consumer choice and behavior are changing and focusing on comfortable clothing along with fitting. Elastic yarn or fabric is necessary to achieve this comfortableness. By making elastic yarn and using elastic material in fabric production, elastic cloths are produced with proper stretchability and recovery. For that, core-spun yarn was used, but due to a lack of recovery performance, dual core-spun yarn has been developed. Different elastane ratios, linear density, and filaments were used in the dual core-spun yarn according to achieve desired stretchability. In this study, denim fabric performances were evaluated by designing different composite/hybrid dual core-spun yarn with a combination of cotton fiber and filaments. Different elastane linear densities with different filaments, PET/PTT, PTT, and PET, were used, and it was found that using finer elastane in dual core-spun yarn, strength, and unevenness are increased, and elongation decreased. Using PET/PTT filament increases hairiness, and using PTT filament increases elongation. For fabrics, coarser elastane in the dual core-spun yarns has higher stiffness, elasticity, and shrinkage. Fabric with PTT showed higher weight change and stiffness, whereas PET filament-based fabric samples have good strength and low stiffness. In addition, a multiple regression analysis was carried out for yarn and fabric properties, and mathematical models were developed.}, journal={Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe}, author={Babaarslan, Osman and Shahid, Md Abul and Doğan, Fatma B.}, year={2023}, month={Feb} } @article{babaarslan_shahid_dilek_2022, title={Evaluation of Denim Fabric Performances from Sustainable Yarn}, volume={1063}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/p-7lbx1o}, DOI={10.4028/p-7lbx1o}, abstractNote={Denim fabric is well accepted, and still, now it has appeal for its variation and technological improvement. Denim is mostly produced from cotton, which is concerned with the sustainability issue. In this article, a new generation of sustainable yarn has been developed from lyocell and cellulosic acetate fiber, blended with cotton fiber having the object to alternate and minimize the cotton fiber amount in the denim production. In this study, denim fabric was produced from Lyocell (Tencel®)/Cotton blended warp yarn and Cellulosic acetate (CA(Naia®))/Cotton blended dual core-spun weft yarn then fabric performances have been analyzed. From the analysis, 100% CO fabric weight changes more than other samples due to higher shrinkage than others. Regenerated yarn samples have lower growth percentages with high elasticity than 100% cotton. Regenerated blended yarn fabric samples have lower tear strength on the weft side than 100% CO sample, but they have more tear and tensile strength on the warp side. Denim fabric from sustainable yarns is also wear comfortable.}, journal={Materials Science Forum}, publisher={Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.}, author={Babaarslan, Osman and Shahid, Abul and Dilek, Sarapnal}, year={2022}, month={Jun}, pages={15–23} } @article{babaarslan_shahid_okyay_2022, title={Investigation of the Performance of Cotton/Polyester Blend in Different Yarn Structures}, volume={0}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/aut-2022-0015}, DOI={10.2478/aut-2022-0015}, abstractNote={Abstract The demand for polyester fiber is increasing gradually day by day. Because of its good strength, low manufacturing cost, and ease of modification, polyester fiber has distinct characteristics, whereas cotton is well known for its comfort. Blending these fibers improves the performance of yarns. In this study, cotton/polyester was blended in different ratios to evaluate yarn performance. Three groups of yarn: rigid, core, and dual-core-spun, have been produced to examine the yarn’s performance. From the study, it has been found that increasing the polyester blend ratio increases the yarn strength and elongation but decreases the yarn unevenness and imperfections. Among the group, having more core components decreases yarn strength, unevenness, and imperfection but increases elongation. From the statistical analysis, except strength, all other properties have good interaction on yarn type and blending ratio. Pearson correlation also indicated that elongation and hairiness have a good correlation with yarn type where, except for hairiness, all other properties have shown a strong positive correlation on blending ratio.}, number={0}, journal={Autex Research Journal}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Babaarslan, Osman and Shahid, Md Abul and Okyay, Neslihan}, year={2022}, month={Jun} } @article{begum_tanni_shahid_2021, title={Analysis of Water Absorption of Different Natural Fibers}, volume={07}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jtst.2021.74013}, DOI={10.4236/jtst.2021.74013}, abstractNote={The demand for natural fibers has always been high due to their unique characteristics like strength, lightweight, availability, bio-degradability, etc. In every phase of life, from clothing to technical textiles, natural fibers are used. Water absorption of fibers is considered really important in many aspects, e.g., Sportech, Medtech, Geotech, etc. This work analyses water absorption of raw and alkali-treated cotton, arecas, pineapple leaves, and banana fibers. Fibers were scoured with different concentrations of alkali (2, 4, 6 gm/L NaOH), washed and neutralized with the dilute acetic acid solution, then dried. Later on, the fiber samples were immersed into distilled water, and water absorption percentages of the fibers were determined every 10 minutes within 1 hour in total. It appeared that at untreated conditions, the areca fiber has the highest water absorption capacity compared to the other fibers. Alkali-treated cotton shows the highest water absorption, and areca fibers show approximately 60% water absorption of cotton.}, number={04}, journal={Journal of Textile Science and Technology}, publisher={Scientific Research Publishing, Inc.}, author={Begum, Hosne Ara and Tanni, Tanima Rahman and Shahid, Md Abul}, year={2021}, pages={152–160} } @article{babaarslan_shahid_doğan_2021, title={Comparative analysis of cotton covered elastomeric hybrid yarns and denim fabric properties}, url={https://doi.org/10.1177/15589250211059188}, DOI={10.1177/15589250211059188}, abstractNote={ In recent decades, consumer expectations and behavior have altered, focusing on more comfortable, well-fitting clothes. Wearing a slim-fitting garment helps to move more freely. Different elastomeric polymers are being introduced as a core constituent of the yarn to make denim fabric more comfortable during movement. The use of elastic material ensures that the material is stretchable and recoverable. The performance of several elastomeric hybrid yarns has been investigated in the first section of this study. Here, polyethylene terephthalate/polytrimethylene terephthalate (PET/PTT (T400®)), polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT (Solotex®)), polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), and Lycra® (elastane) were used as the core component of the core and dual core-spun yarns. After that, 3/1 Z twill denim fabrics were made with these as weft yarns, and the fabric’s performance was assessed. It is found that dual core-spun yarns were shown to have lower strength than core-spun yarns, while it had a higher elongation value. PTT/PBT dual core-spun yarn had less unevenness and hairiness than yarn made solely of elastane. PBT in the core of the weft yarns provided strong strength, dimensional change, and stiffness qualities in the fabric. In contrast, elastane in the core of the weft yarns provided good elastic performance. Yarn and fabric performance for the hybrid yarns were statistically significant at a significance level of 0.05. }, journal={Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics}, author={Babaarslan, Osman and Shahid, Md Abul and Doğan, Fatma B}, year={2021}, month={Jan} }