Mahmoud A Sharara
Waste management; value-added products; LCA; techno-economic assessment
Works (52)
2025 journal article
Simulation model for swine lagoon sludge drying in solar-assisted greenhouse systems
2024 journal article
Characterizing value-added pellets obtained from blends of miscanthus, corn stover, and switchgrass

2024 journal article
Engineered Miscanthus Biochar Performance as a Broiler Litter Amendment
AGRIENGINEERING, 6(4), 4911–4924.
2024 article
Implications of current soil phosphorus levels for manureshed analysis in North Carolina
Miller, S., Kulesza, S., Gatiboni, L., Hardy, D., & Sharara, M. (2024, May 16). SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL, Vol. 5.

2024 article
Manure nutrient cycling in US animal agriculture basins-North Carolina case study
Huezo, L., Jones, D., Edwards, E., & Sharara, M. (2024, February 10). JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Vol. 2.

2024 journal article
Nth-plant scenario for blended pellets of Miscanthus, Switchgrass, and Corn Stover using multi-modal transportation: Biorefineries and depots in the contiguous US

2023 journal article
Impacts of utilizing swine lagoon sludge as a composting ingredient
Journal of Environmental Management, 327, 116840.

2022 review
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF THE ASABE, 65(2), 235–249.

2022 review
Can Biochar Improve the Sustainability of Animal Production?
[Review of ]. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 12(10).

2022 journal article
Impacts of sonication on biomethane potential (BMP) and degradation kinetics of pig lagoon sludge

2022 journal article
Reconstructing the historical expansion of industrial swine production from Landsat imagery

2021 journal article
Microbial Contamination in Environmental Waters of Rural and Agriculturally-Dominated Landscapes Following Hurricane Florence
ACS ES&T WATER, 1(9), 2012–2019.
Contributors: A. Harris n , E. Fidan n, N. Nelson n , R. Emanuel n , T. Jass n, S. Kathariou n, J. Niedermeyer n, n

2020 article
Evaluating anaerobic digestion kinetics for swine manure using BMP assay tests
2020 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting, July 13-15, 2020.
2020 journal article
Planning methodology for anaerobic digestion systems on animal production facilities under uncertainty
WASTE MANAGEMENT, 104, 262–269.

2020 review
Sludge management in anaerobic swine lagoons: A review

2020 journal article
Sustainable Swine Manure Management: A Tale of Two Agreements
Sustainability, 13(1), 15.
Contributors: A. Deviney n , J. Classen n , J. Bruce n & n

2020 journal article
Sustainable feedstock for bioethanol production: Impact of spatial resolution on the design of a sustainable biomass supply-chain

2019 journal article
Anaerobic digestion, solid-liquid separation, and drying of dairy manure: Measuring constituents and modeling emission

2019 journal article
Consequential Life Cycle Assessment of Swine Manure Management within a Thermal Gasification Scenario
ENERGIES, 12(21).

2019 journal article
Coordinated management of organic waste and derived products
2019 journal article
Integration in a depot-based decentralized biorefinery system: Corn stover-based cellulosic biofuel
GCB Bioenergy.
2018 journal article
A Coordinated Multi-Product Market for Organic Waste Management
2018 article
Comparison of Dairy Manure Pelletization to Granulation for Facilitating Farm Nutrient Export
2018 Detroit, Michigan July 29 - August 1, 2018.
2018 journal article
Coordinated markets for scalable management of organic waste and derived products
Under Review.
2018 journal article
Corn stover cannot simultaneously meet both the volume and GHG reduction requirements of the renewable fuel standard
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 12(2), 203–212.
2018 journal article
Nutrient Variability Following Dairy Manure Storage Agitation
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 34(6), 908–917.
2018 journal article
Opportunities and Barriers to Bioenergy Conversion Techniques and Their Potential Implementation on Swine Manure
Energies, 11(4), 957.
2018 journal article
Techno-economic optimization of community-based manure processing
Agricultural Systems, 161, 117–123.
2017 journal article
A Mixed-Integer Framework for Operational Decision-Making in Sustainable Nutrient Management
Available at SSRN 2417062.
2017 journal article
Life cycle comparison of petroleum-and bio-based paper binder from distillers grains (DG)
Industrial Crops and Products, 96, 1–7.
2017 journal article
Spatially explicit methodology for coordinated manure management in shared watersheds
Journal of Environmental Management, 192, 48–56.
2017 article
Techno-economic optimization of community-based manure processing
2017 Spokane, Washington July 16 - July 19, 2017.
2016 journal article
Carbon Footprint - Tips for Arkansas Producers
2016 journal article
Combustion kinetics of swine manure and algal solids
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 123(1), 687–696.
2016 journal article
Effects of large-scale manure treatment processes on pathogen reduction, protein distributions, and nutrient concentrations
Transactions of the ASABE, 59(2), 695–702.
2016 conference paper
Spatially-explicit methodology for manure management at the watershed level
2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting, 1.
2016 conference paper
Techno-economic assessment of dairy manure granulation
2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting, 1.
2015 journal article
Gasification of phycoremediation algal biomass
BioResources, 10(2), 2609–2625.
2015 journal article
Transformation of Swine Manure and Algal Consortia to Value-added Products
2014 journal article
Characterization of biochar from switchgrass carbonization
Energies, 7(2), 548–567.
2014 journal article
Influence of pyrolysis temperature and production conditions on switchgrass biochar for use as a soil amendment
BioResources, 9(4), 7622–7635.
2014 journal article
Performance assessment of an allothermal auger gasification system for on-farm grain drying
Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, 4(1), 19.
2014 journal article
Pyrolysis kinetics of algal consortia grown using swine manure wastewater
Bioresource Technology, 169, 658–666.

2014 journal article
Thermogravimetric Analysis of Swine Manure Solids Obtained from Farrowing, and Growing-Finishing Farms
Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, 04(01), 75–86.
2012 chapter
An overview of biorefinery technology
In Biorefinery Co-Products: Phytochemicals. Primary Metabolites and Value-Added Biomass Processing (pp. 1–18). Wiley.
2012 article
Auger Reactor Gasification of Algal Blooms Produced In a Waste Water Treatment Facility
2012 Dallas, Texas, July 29 - August 1, 2012.

2012 conference paper
Auger reactor gasification of algal blooms produced in a waste water treatment facility
2012 Dallas, Texas, July 29-August 1, 2012, 1.
2012 journal article
Influence of Aeration Rate on the Physio-Chemical Characteristics of Biodried Dairy Manure - Wheat Straw Mixture
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 28(3), 407–415.

2011 journal article
Composting for biodrying organic materials
2010 thesis
Biodrying-gasification of dairy manure-wheat straw mixture
University of Arkansas.
2010 journal article
Partial Composting for Biodrying Organic Materials
journal article
Conversion System and Heating Value Influence on Switchgrass Biochars for use as a Soil Amendment
Ashworth, A. J., Allen, F. L., Sadaka, S. S., Sharara, M. A., & Keyser, P. D.
Updated: December 19th, 2019 15:43
2019 - present
2017 - 2019
2015 - 2017
Updated: December 19th, 2019 15:45
2010 - 2015