@article{andersen_clark_mcginty_hopper_kenter_salger_schilling_hodson_kovach_berlinsky_et al._2021, title={Volitional tank spawning of domestic striped bass (Morone saxatilis) using human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa)- induced 'pace-setting' females}, volume={532}, ISSN={["1873-5622"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.aquaculture.2020.735967}, abstractNote={Seventy-one tank spawning trials were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of exogenous hormone compounds and a novel “pace-set” strategy for inducing volitional tank spawning behavior in 5th generation domestic striped bass. Female fish (4.74 ± 0.73 kg; mean ± standard deviation) were treated with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG; 29 trials), gonadotropin releasing hormone analog (GnRHa; 39 trials) or received no hormone treatment (control; 3 trials). Spawning trials were conducted using single females placed in spawning tanks with two (12 trials) or three (38 trials) males or with paired females placed in spawning tanks with three (4 trials) males. Significant differences in egg production, fry production, hatching rate, and fry/kg female body weight were generally not observed between exogenous hormone treatment groups (alpha = 0.05), with the exception of egg production differing between paired females spawning with three males (Student's t-test, p = 0.0255). However, a trend suggesting that increasing the number of males or females within the tanks improves yield of larvae (fry/kg female body weight) was observed. The untreated control females failed to spawn within 7 days. The pace-set spawning was conducted whereby one female treated with either hCG (7 trials) or GnRHa (7 trials) was placed in a spawning tank with one untreated female and multiple males. The results of these trials show for the first time that a hormone-induced female striped bass can be used to stimulate successful volitional spawning of an untreated female in the same tank with fry/kg female body weight production similar to that of hormone-treated fish. Microsatellite-based parentage of select tank spawns and four additional trials conducted with an increased number of males (19 trials total) showed that female striped bass typically spawn with at least two males; a single pair mating was only observed for one spawning trial. These data allowed for the determination of effective broodstock size (Nb) of each tank spawning trial at between 2.00 and 5.60 when considering all male contributions. The Nb generally increased as the number of males and female fish in the tank increased (from 2.53 for one female and two males to 5.52 for two females and six males). These results indicate that domestic striped bass are promiscuous and will generally reproduce in captivity using tank spawning procedures that allow for a high level of genetic diversity to be retained among the offspring. The pace-set method reduces hormone use and may be applied to commercial striped bass production as well as captive spawning of other fish species.}, journal={AQUACULTURE}, author={Andersen, L. K. and Clark, R. W. and McGinty, A. S. and Hopper, M. S. and Kenter, L. W. and Salger, S. A. and Schilling, J. and Hodson, R. G. and Kovach, A. I. and Berlinsky, D. L. and et al.}, year={2021}, month={Feb} } @article{clarke_harms_law_flowers_williams_ring_mcginty_hopper_sullivan_2012, title={Clinical and Pathological Effects of the Polyopisthocotylean Monogenean, Gamacallum macroura in White Bass}, volume={24}, ISSN={["0899-7659"]}, DOI={10.1080/08997659.2012.713889}, abstractNote={AbstractAn aquaculture research facility experienced high mortality rates in white bass Morone chrysops associated with a monogenean infestation of the gills, but not in striped bass Morone saxatilis in the same facility. All mortalities had pale gills. Monogeneans, identified as Gamacallum macroura (MacCallum and MacCallum 1913) Unnithan 1971, were found on the gills. Pale‐gilled and healthy white bass were selected with no particular attention to condition for venipuncture and euthanasia for postmortem examination, including parasite counts from gills. The median packed cell volume (PCV) of fish with gill pallor was 12.5% (range 9–37%) while PVC of fish with more normal color was 30% (27–33%). Association between the PCV and gill pallor score was statistically significant, as was the association between PCV and the number of monogeneans found on the gills of each fish. Median estimated white blood cell count of fish with gill pallor, at 12.05 × 103/μL (range 3.8–24.7), was significantly lower than of apparently healthy fish: 24.7 × 103/μL (17.3–31.5). Histopathology of the gill arches of pale‐gilled fish revealed multifocal moderate to severe branchitis, focal areas of dilated hyperplastic lamellae occluded by fibrin, and monogeneans attached to the lamellae. Fish that were apparently healthy had grossly similar histologic lesions, but at lower frequency and severity.Received May 27, 2011; accepted July 12, 2012}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF AQUATIC ANIMAL HEALTH}, author={Clarke, Elsburgh O., III and Harms, Craig A. and Law, J. McHugh and Flowers, James R. and Williams, Valerie N. and Ring, Brad D. and McGinty, Andrew S. and Hopper, Michael and Sullivan, Craig V.}, year={2012}, month={Dec}, pages={251–257} }