Michael Spencer
Works (7)
2024 article
Participation of electrochemically inserted protons in the hydrogen evolution reaction on tungsten oxides
Spencer, M. A., Holzapfel, N. P., You, K.-E., Mpourmpakis, G., & Augustyn, V. (2024, March 14). CHEMICAL SCIENCE.

2023 article
Choice of Electrolyte Impacts the Selectivity of Proton-Coupled Electrochemical Reactions on Hydrogen Titanate
Fortunato, J., Shin, Y. K., Spencer, M. A. A., Duin, A. C. T., & Augustyn, V. (2023, June 14). JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C.

2022 journal article
Electrochemical proton insertion modulates the hydrogen evolution reaction on tungsten oxides

2021 journal article
Sulfidation and selenidation of nickel nanoparticles
CARBON ENERGY, 3(4), 582–589.

2021 journal article
Toward Deterministic 3D Energy Storage Electrode Architectures via Electrodeposition of Molybdenum Oxide onto CNT Foams
ENERGY & FUELS, 35(19), 16183–16193.

2020 journal article
Electrochemical Reactivity under Confinement Enabled by Molecularly Pillared 2D and Layered Materials
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 32(8), 3325–3334.

2019 review
Free-standing transition metal oxide electrode architectures for electrochemical energy storage
[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 54(20), 13045–13069.