@article{sthapit_thomas_brock_barnes_2024, title={Cracking the Cultural Code: Understanding the Cultural Barriers for International CS Students in the US}, DOI={10.1145/3653666.3656078}, abstractNote={In computer science, cultural assumptions are embedded in programming languages and problem prompts. This paper investigates the impact of cultural assumptions on international computer science students in the US. By performing thematic analysis on semi-structured interviews with 12 international graduate students at North Carolina State University, the authors found six main themes. Analyzing these themes provided insight into what barriers international students face and how they can be alleviated. By shedding light on this topic, the authors hope to inform computer science educators and researchers on the importance of creating inclusive and culturally relevant learning environments that accommodate the needs of diverse students.}, journal={PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE FOR RESEARCH ON EQUITABLE AND SUSTAINED PARTICIPATION IN ENGINEERING, COMPUTING, AND TECHNOLOGY, RESPECT 2024}, author={Sthapit, Sandeep and Thomas, Madison and Brock, Janet and Barnes, Tiffany}, year={2024}, pages={293–301} } @article{thomas_elmore_chavez_ruth_avery_cukier_catete_2024, title={Equitable Access to Cybersecurity Education: A Case Study of Underserved Middle School Students}, url={https://doi.org/10.1145/3649217.3653581}, DOI={10.1145/3649217.3653581}, abstractNote={Existing research has primarily delved into the realm of computer science outreach aimed at K-12 students, with a focus on both informal and non-formal approaches. However, a noticeable research gap exists when it comes to cybersecurity outreach tailored specifically for underserved secondary school students. This article addresses this void by presenting an iterative pilot of a cybersecurity curriculum. This innovative curriculum integrates a one-week summer camp and a series of 1.5-hour workshops designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity.}, journal={PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2024 CONFERENCE INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, VOL 1, ITICSE 2024}, author={Thomas, Madison and Elmore, Erynn and Chavez, Brenda and Ruth, Ronaisha and Avery, Charlotte and Cukier, Michel and Catete, Veronica}, year={2024}, pages={625–632} }