Works (44)
2024 chapter book
Byzantine Chronicles and Antiquity
2021 chapter book
Translatio studii: Stelae Traditions in Second Temple Judaism and Their Legacy in Byzantium
2018 review
Classifying Christians. Ethnography, heresiology, and the limits of knowledge in late antiquity
[Review of ]. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 69(2), 381–383.
2017 chapter
The story of Abraham and Melchizedek in the palaea historica
In Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha (Vol. 26, pp. 47–63).
2015 book
Parabiblical traditions and their use in the palaea historica
In Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah (Vol. 113, pp. 1–39).
2014 review
Iota will pass: The understanding of the law of the sayings source against the background of early Jewish theology
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 76(4), 800–801.
2014 journal article
Michele Renee Salzman, Marvina A. Sweeney & William Adler (eds.), The Cambridge History of Religions in the Ancient World (2 vols.) (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013)
Nordicum-Mediterraneum, 9(1).
2012 review
Apocalypse against empire: Theologies of resistance in early Judaism
[Review of ]. Journal of Religion, 92(2), 301–302.
2012 book review
Portier-Young, Anathea. Apocalypse against Empire: Theologies of Resistance in Early Judaism. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2011. xxiii+462 pp. $50.00 (cloth).
[Review of Apocalypse against Empire: Theologies of Resistance in Early Judaism, by A. Portier-Young]. The Journal of Religion, 92(2), 301–302.
2011 book
Alexander polyhistor's peri ioudaion and literary culture in republican Rome
In Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements (Vol. 107, pp. 225–240).

2010 review
By the same word: Creation and salvation in Hellenistic Judaism and early Christianity
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 72(1), 140–141.
2010 journal article
The Chronographiae of Julius Africanus and its Jewish Antecedents
2009 chapter
Early Christian Historians and Historiography
In The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies.
2009 review
Why did they write this way? reflections on references to written documents in the Hebrew bible and ancient literature
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 71(4), 886–887.
2008 review
"Apocryphized" Jewish-Christian Gospel fragments: Research and perspectives
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 70(1), 162–163.
2008 book review
Annette Yoshiko Reed, . Fallen Angels and the History of Judaism and Christianity: The Reception of Enochic Literature. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. xii+318 pp. $75.00 (cloth).
[Review of Fallen Angels and the History of Judaism and Christianity: The Reception of Enochic Literature, by A. Y. Reed]. The Journal of Religion, 88(2), 261–263.
2008 review
Fallen angels and the history of Judaism and Christianity: The reception of enochic literature
[Review of ]. Journal of Religion, 88(2), 261–263.
2008 book
Jewish pseudepigrapha in Jacob of Edessa's letters and historical writings
In Monographs of the Peshitta Institute Leiden (Vol. 18, pp. 49–65).
2008 book
Moses, The exodus, and comparative chronology
In Novum Testamentum, Supplements (Vol. 129, pp. 47–65).
2007 book
Chronographiae: The extant fragments
Berlin; New York: W. de Gruyter.
2007 review
The Old Syriac gospel of the distinct evangelists: A key-word-in-context concordance, vol 1-3
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 69(1), 155.
2004 review
Geography in early Judaism and Christianity
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 66(1), 164–165.
2004 journal article
Sextus Julius Africanus and the roman near east in the third century
2003 review
Acta Philippi: Commentary
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 65(1), 117–119.
2003 review
Acta Philippi: Texts
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 65(1), 117–119.
2003 review
Review of F. Bovon, et al., "Acta Philippi, Textus" ; "Acta Philippi, Commentarius"_ (Turnout: Brepols, 1999)
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 65(1), 117–119.
2002 chapter
The Pseudepigrapha in the Early Church
In L. M. McDonald & J. A. Sanders (Eds.), The canon debate (pp. 211–228). Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers.
Ed(s): . L. M. McDonald & J. Sanders
2002 book
The chronography of George Synkellos: A Byzantine chronicle of universal history from the creation
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2002 chapter
What the Hebrews say: translation, authority and the story of Susanna and the elders
In Biblical translation in context (Studies and texts in Jewish history and culture ; 10) (pp. 19–39). Bethesda, Md.: University Press of Maryland.
2001 review
Experiencing the divinity: Exegetical studies on the soteriology and mysticism of Philo of Alexandria
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 63(4), 760–761.
2001 review
Review of Christian Noack, Gottesbewusstein: Exegetische Studien zur Soteriologie und Mystik bei Philo von Alexandria
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 63(2001), 760–761.
2000 review
Studies on the 'Septuagint' and on Hellenistic Judaism
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 62(4), 776–777.
2000 chapter
The Suda and the priesthood of Jesus
In B. B. R. A. Argall & R. Werline (Eds.), For a later generation: The transformation of tradition in Israel, early Judaism, and early Christianity (pp. 1–12). Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International.
Ed(s): B. R. A. Argall & R. Werline
1999 review
Hillel and Jesus: Comparative studies of two major religious leaders
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 61(1), 184–185.
1999 chapter
Julius Africanus and Judaism in the third century
In A multiform heritage: Studies on early Judaism and Christianity in honor of Robert A. Kraft (Scholars Press homage series ; v. 24) (pp. 123–138). Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press.
1998 review
A commentary on Pseudo Philo's 'Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum'. With Latin text and English translation. Vols. 1-2
[Review of ]. Contemporary Sociology, 60(1), 160–161.
1997 journal article
Exodus-VI,23 and the High-Priest from the Tribe of Judah + Examining the religio-political ideologies of the Hasmonean and Herodian dynasties and the Jewish-Christian traditions of the ancestries of Jesus
1997 review
Joseph's bible notes, by Robert M. Grant and Glen W. Menzies
1997 review
Pseudo Philo and Luke: Studies ON THE 'Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum' and its significance for the interpretation of Luke-Acts: German. E Reinmuth
[Review of ]. Contemporary Sociology, 59(2), 396–398.
1997 review
Pseudo-Philo and Lukas: Studien zum liber antiquitatum biblicarum und seiner bedeutung fur die interpretationen des lukanischen Doppelwerks, by Eckhart Reinmuth
1996 book
Jewish apocalyptic heritage in early Christianity
Assen, Netherlands: Van Gorcum; Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.
1991 journal article
<i>Time Immemorial: Archaic History and Its Sources in Christian Chronography from Julius Africanus to George Syncellus.</i>William Adler
Speculum, 66(1), 112–114.
Christians and the public archive
In Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism (Vol. 153, pp. 917–937).
The kingdom of Edessa and the creation of a Christian aristocracy
In Jews, Christians, and the Roman Empire: The Poetics of Power in Late Antiquity (pp. 43–62).
Updated: January 3rd, 2025 13:57
1984 - present