@article{abashidze_clark_craig_2023, title={Quantifying and explaining the decline in public schoolteacher retirement benefits}, volume={62}, ISSN={0019-8676 1468-232X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/irel.12329}, DOI={10.1111/irel.12329}, abstractNote={AbstractWe estimate that, between 2000 and 2020, the average initial monthly retirement benefit for teachers retiring with 30 years of service has been reduced by 11.2%, though the decline in benefits varies substantially across the states (the median reduction in the initial benefit was 1.9%). We also find that plans covering only teachers, and plans in which teachers are not in Social Security, have made smaller reductions in the generosity of their pension benefits.}, number={4}, journal={Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Abashidze, Nino and Clark, Robert L. and Craig, Lee A.}, year={2023}, month={Mar}, pages={335–358} } @article{abashidze_clark_hammond_ritter_vanderweide_2021, title={Annuity pricing in public pension plans: importance of interest rates}, volume={20}, ISSN={["1475-3022"]}, DOI={10.1017/S1474747219000271}, abstractNote={AbstractThis study examines the distribution options of 85 large public retirement plans covering general state employees, teachers, and local government employees. The interest rates used to price annuities vary considerably across the plans. As a result, retirees with the same monthly benefit if a single life benefit is chosen will have substantially different monthly benefits if they select a joint and survivor annuity. We examine the impact of variation in the pricing of annuity options using both cross-plan differences in interest rates and the change in the choice of annuity options in one plan after the price of options changes due to new assumed interest rates and mortality rates.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF PENSION ECONOMICS & FINANCE}, author={Abashidze, Nino and Clark, Robert L. and Hammond, Robert G. and Ritter, Beth M. and Vanderweide, David}, year={2021}, month={Jan}, pages={27–48} }