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Works (6)
2016 journal article
Potential yields of industrial sweetpotatoes using cut seed pieces planted at various dates
Acta Horticulturae, 1118(1118), 79–88.

2015 journal article
The carbohydrate yield of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) grown from slips and root pieces in North Carolina
HortScience, 50(11), 1610–1617.
2014 journal article
Sweetpotato grown from root pieces displays a significant genotype x environment interaction and yield instability
HortScience, 49(8), 984–990.
2011 review
Root Piece Planting in Sweetpotato-A Synthesis of Previous Research and Directions for the Future
[Review of ]. HORTTECHNOLOGY, 21(6), 703–711.

2010 journal article
Suitability of Canola Residue for Cellulosic Ethanol Production
ENERGY & FUELS, 24(8), 4454–4458.

2009 journal article
Does karrikinolide improve the germination and seedling vigour of switchgrass?