Works (198)
2024 article
Five Challenges for Developing E-nose Standards for Annoyance and Health Complaints from Environmental Odors

2023 article
Severe SARS-CoV-2 infection: does the artificial sweetener sucralose play a role?
Schiffman, S. S., & Nagle, H. T. (2023, May). BMJ OPEN GASTROENTEROLOGY, Vol. 10.

2023 journal article
Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose-6-acetate and its parent sucralose: <i>in vitro</i> screening assays
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 5, 1–35.

2022 journal article
IEEE Sensors Journal Publication Information
2021 journal article
Artificial Olfaction in the 21<sup>st</sup> Century
IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(11), 12969–12990.

2021 article
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL'S School-Age Years (2004-2011)
Nagle, H. T., & Katz, E. (2021, June 1). IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol. 21, pp. 12358–12359.
2019 journal article
Revisited: Assessing the in vivo data on low/no-calorie sweeteners and the gut microbiota
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 132, 110692.

2018 article
Electronic Taste and Smell: The Case for Performance Standards
Nagle, H. T., & Schiffman, S. S. (2018, September). PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, Vol. 106, pp. 1471–1478.

2017 conference paper
Standard analytes for E-noses and E-tongues
2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN). Presented at the 2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN).
2016 journal article
Odor Assessment of Automobile Cabin Air With Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Photoionization Detection
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 16(2), 409–417.

2016 conference paper
Room temperature sensing of VOCS by atomic layer deposition of metal oxide
2016 ieee sensors.
2016 journal article
Using Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Odor Assessment of Automobile Interior Components
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 16(14), 5747–5756.

2015 conference paper
A capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) array as a low-power multi-channel volatile organic compound (VOC) sensor
2015 IEEE SENSORS, 181–184.
2015 conference paper
Augmenting Human Odor Assessments of Cabin Air Quality of Automobiles by Instrumental Measurement
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Noses. Presented at the ISOEN 2015.
2015 book
Digital Control System Analysis and Design
(Fourth English Edition). New York, NY: Pearson.
2015 conference paper
Odor assessment of automobile interior components using ion mobility spectrometry
2015 IEEE SENSORS. Presented at the 2015 IEEE Sensors.
2014 conference paper
A low-power gas sensor for environmental monitoring using a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer
IEEE SENSORS 2014 Proceedings. Presented at the 2014 IEEE Sensors.
2014 conference paper
Odor assessment of automobile cabin air by machine olfaction
IEEE SENSORS 2014 Proceedings. Presented at the 2014 IEEE Sensors.
2011 journal article
Focusing on futurist perspectives
IEEE Potentials, 30(6), 19–25.
2011 journal article
Predicting odor mixture's responses on machine olfaction sensors

2011 article
Tenth Anniversary Issue
Ozanyan, K. B., Katz, E., Nagle, H. T., & Lumelsky, V. (2011, December). IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol. 11, pp. 3053–3054.
2010 journal article
Acoustic Indicators for Targeted Detection of Stored Product and Urban Insect Pests by Inexpensive Infrared, Acoustic, and Vibrational Detection of Movement

2010 journal article
Intelligent method for sensor subset selection for machine olfaction

2009 journal article
Fabric-Based Active Electrode Design and Fabrication for Health Monitoring Clothing

2009 journal article
Flexible, durable printed electrical circuits

2009 article
From the Outgoing Editor-in-Chief
Nagle, H. T. (2009, August). IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol. 9, pp. 881–881.
2009 journal article
Textile-Based Capacitive Sensors for Respiration Monitoring
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 9(1-2), 71–78.

2008 journal article
Nonwoven fabric active electrodes for biopotential measurement during normal daily activity
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 55(1), 188–195.

2008 journal article
Sensor selection for machine olfaction based on transient feature extraction

2008 journal article
Utility of nonwovens in the production of integrated electrical circuits via printing conductive inks

2007 journal article
Enhancing multiple classifier system performance for machine olfaction using odor-type signatures

2007 journal article
From the editor-in-chief
IEEE Sensors Journal, 7(1-2), 3.
2007 patent
Methods, computer program products, and devices for calibrating chronically tissue implanted sensors using chronically tissue
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2006 journal article
A Flexible Microsensor Array for Root Zone Monitoring of a Porous Tube Plant Growth System for Microgravity
Habitation, 11(1), 5–14.

2006 journal article
Five-year anniversary
IEEE Sensors Journal, 6(3), 508.
2006 patent
Methods, systems, and associated implantable devices for dynamic monitoring of physiological and biological properties of tumors
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2006 conference paper
Sensors on Textile Substrates for Home-Based Healthcare Monitoring
Sensors on textile substrates for home-based healthcare monitoring. Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Distributed Diagnosis and Home Healthcare, 5–7.
2005 conference paper
Electrical Characterization of Transmission Lines on Nonwoven Textile Substrates
Presented at the Materials Research Society 2005 Spring Meeting.
2005 conference paper
Electrode Fabrication - NSF/ERC Core Unit B.2
[1990] Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the [1990] Twelfth Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

2005 journal article
Eulerian-Lagrangian model for predicting odor dispersion using instrumental and human measurements
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 106(1), 122–127.

2005 patent
Methods, systems, and associated implantable devices for dynamic monitoring of physiological and biological properties of tumors
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2005 patent
Methods, systems, and associated implantable devices for radiation dose verification for therapies used to treat tumors
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2005 journal article
Performance of the Levenberg–Marquardt neural network training method in electronic nose applications
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 110(1), 13–22.

2005 conference paper
Using Conductive Inks and Non-Woven Textiles for Wearable Computing
Presented at the The Textile Institute 84th Annual World Conference.
2004 journal article
An implantable radiation dosimeter for use in external beam radiation therapy
MEDICAL PHYSICS, 31(9), 2658–2671.

2004 chapter
Environmental Monitoring
In Handbook of Machine Olfaction (pp. 419–444).
2004 conference paper
Flexible Microsensor Array for the Monitoring and Control of Plant Growth Environment
186–187. Orlando, FL.
2004 conference paper
Fuzzy Training for Neural Networks
Proceedings of the 8th World Multiconference on Systems, Cybernetics, and Informatics, IX, 124–125. Orlando, FL.
2004 journal article
Manipulation of microenvironment with a built-in electrochemical actuator in proximity of a dissolved oxygen microsensor
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 4(5), 568–575.

2004 conference paper
Observations of the Current Change on Acupuncture Spots at Meal Time
490–495. Bethesda, MD.
2004 conference paper
Rubrics cubed: Tying grades to assessment to reduce faculty workloads
Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the American Association for Engineering Education. Presented at the The 2004 Annual Conference of the American Association for Engineering Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
2004 chapter
Signal Conditioning and Preprocessing
In Handbook of Machine Olfaction (pp. 105–132).

2004 journal article
Use of micromachined probes for the recording of cardiac electrograms in isolated heart tissues

2003 conference paper
Assessing autonomic activity from the EKG related to seizure onset detection and localization
[1989] Proceedings. Second Annual IEEE Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems. Presented at the [1989] Proceedings. Second Annual IEEE Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems.

2003 conference paper
Development of a simple biosensor mapping technology for epicardial activation in rodent hearts
Proceedings of the First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference. 1999 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 21st Annual Conference and the 1999 Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society (Cat. No.99CH37015). Presented at the First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference.
2003 conference paper
Method for determining odor dispersion using instrumental and human measurements
10th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose Technical Digest. Presented at the ISOEN '03.
2003 conference paper
Microsensors on a Flexible Plastic Substrate for Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring with Self-Calibration Capability
Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Presented at the PITTCON 2003, Orlando, FL.
2003 conference paper
Outcomes based curriculum development in a new and emerging biomedical engineering program
American Society for Engineering Education.
2003 conference paper
Overview of quality assurance for medical devices
Proceedings of the 1992 International Biomedical Engineering Days. Presented at the 1992 International Biomedical Engineering Days.
2003 conference paper
Silicon based electrode arrays
Images of the Twenty-First Century. Proceedings of the Annual International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the Images of the Twenty-First Century. Annual International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
2003 article
Special Issue on the First IEEE Conference on Sensors (Sensors 2002) - Part II
Nagle, H. T. (2003, December). IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol. 3, pp. 677–677.
2002 conference paper
A new method in obtaining a better generalization in artificial neural networks
Proceedings of 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
2002 conference paper
Application of surface mount technology for biomedical microsensor interconnections
Proceedings of 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

2002 conference paper
Assessment of animal odors: comparison of electronic nose and human panel
Ninth International Symposium on Olfaction and the Electronic Nose. Presented at the ISOEN’02.
2002 conference paper
Controlling electrical side effects of cardiac stimulus pulses due to high impedance electrodes
Proceedings of 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the 16th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
2002 conference paper
Defect tolerant implementations of feed-forward and recurrent neural networks
1990 Proceedings. International Conference on Wafer Scale Integration. Presented at the International Conference on Wafer Scale Integration.
2002 conference paper
Dynamic power supply current monitoring of SRAMs
Proceedings Seventh Annual IEEE International ASIC Conference and Exhibit. Presented at the Seventh Annual IEEE International ASIC Conference and Exhibit.

2002 conference paper
Feature extraction by genetic algorithms for neural networks in breast cancer classification
Proceedings of 17th International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the 17th International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
2002 journal article
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2(3), 131–132.

2002 book
Handbook of Machine Olfaction
(T. C. Pearce, S. S. Schiffman, H. T. Nagle, & J. W. Gardner, Eds.).
Ed(s): T. Pearce, S. Schiffman* , * & J. Gardner
2002 conference paper
Measuring odor intensity with photoionization detector (PID)
Ninth International Symposium on Olfaction and the Electronic Nose. Presented at the ISOEN’02.
2002 conference paper
Microelectrode arrays: structures and applications
Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Colloquium in South America. Presented at the 1990 IEEE Colloquium in South America.
2002 conference paper
On-line control of propagating cardiac wavefronts
Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
2002 conference paper
QRS/BIST: a reliable heart rate monitor ASIC
Third Annual IEEE Proceedings on ASIC Seminar and Exhibit. Presented at the Third Annual IEEE on ASIC Seminar and Exhibit.
2002 patent
System and method for powering, controlling, and communicating with multiple inductively-powered devices
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2002 conference paper
Transient power supply current testing of digital CMOS circuits
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Test Conference (ITC). Presented at the 1995 IEEE International Test Conference (ITC).

2002 conference paper
Transmission line models for ion-selective membranes in cardiology simulated with SPICE
Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
2001 journal article
Analytical performance characteristics of thin and thick film amperometric microcells

2001 conference paper
Correlation of Sensory Analysis with Electronic Nose Data for Swine Odor Remediation Assessment
Proceedings of the 3rd European Congress on Odours, Metrology and Electronic Noses. Presented at the The 3rd European Congress on Odours, Metrology and Electronic Noses.
2001 patent
System and method for powering, controlling, and communicating with multiple inductively-powered devices
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2001 conference paper
Use of an electronic nose to evaluate odors from swine operations
In J. R. Stetter & W. R. Penrose (Eds.), Artificial Chemical Sensing: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Olfaction and the Electronic Nose ISOEN’01 (pp. 200–205). Pennington, NJ: Electrochemical Society.
Ed(s): J. Stetter & W. Penrose
2000 conference paper
A Self-Calibrating Dual pH/Oxygen Sensor
Proceedings of the Twenty Second International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the The Twenty Second International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
2000 chapter
Amperometric Microcells for Diagnostic Enzyme Activity Measurements
In A. Usmani (Ed.), Biomedical Diagnostic Reagents. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker.
Ed(s): A. Usmani
2000 journal article
Applications of SPICE for modeling miniaturized biomedical sensor systems
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 47(2), 149–154.

2000 chapter
Chapter 5: Bioinstrumentation
In J. Enderle, S. Blanchard, & J. Bronzino (Eds.), Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (pp. 179–232). Academic Press.
Ed(s): J. Enderle, S. Blanchard & J. Bronzino
2000 conference paper
Detecting Microbial Contamination using an Electronic Nose
Seventh International Olfaction & Electronic Nose Symposium. Presented at the ISOEN’00.
2000 chapter
Effectiveness of an Electronic Nose for Monitoring Bacterial and Fungal Growth
In J. W. Gardner & K. C. Persaud (Eds.), Electronic Noses and Olfaction 2000 (pp. 173–180). Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing.
Ed(s): J. Gardner & K. Persaud
2000 patent
System and method for powering, controlling, and communicating with multiple inductively-powered devices
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2000 conference paper
Testing HVAC Ducts for Microbial Contamination Using An Electronic Nose
Proceedings of the Twenty Second International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the The Twenty Second International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
1999 journal article
A method for evaluating data-preprocessing techniques for odour classification with an array of gas sensors
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), 29(5), 626–632.

1999 conference paper
Development of the Electronic Nose for Monitoring Odors
Proceedings of the 1999 Animal Waste Management Symposium, 119–127. Research Triangle Park, NC.
1999 chapter
Effects of sensor cleaning on the classification rate for an electronic nose
In S. M. B. al. (Ed.), Proceedings of the First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference: Serving humanity, advancing technology: Oct. 13-16 99, Atlanta, GA USA (Vol. 2, p. 814). Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE.
Ed(s): S. al.
1999 patent
Methods, systems, and associated implantable devices for dynamic monitoring of physiological and biological properties of tumors
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1999 journal article
Transient response analysis of an electronic nose using multi-exponential models
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 61(1-3), 170–182.

1999 journal article
Using neural networks and genetic algorithms to enhance performance in an electronic nose
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 46(4), 429–439.

1998 journal article
A novel method for reducing the dimensionality in a sensor array
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 47(3), 728–741.

1998 conference paper
Applications of Electronic Nose in Clinical Analysis
Proceedings of The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Presented at the Pittcon’98.
1998 journal article
Applications of the Electronic Nose in Clinical Analysis
Journal of Automatic Chemistry, 20, 153.
1998 chapter
M-STAR: A Device for Continuously Monitoring the Physiological and Biological Properties of Tumors
In Connectivity EXPO’98 Abstract Book (p. 45). Wake Forest University.
1998 journal article
Quantitative characterization of epicardial wave fronts during regional ischemia and elevated extracellular potassium ion concentration

1998 journal article
The how and why of electronic noses
IEEE Spectrum, 35(9), 22–31.

1997 journal article
Analysis of Medication Off-odors Using an Electronic Nose
Chemical Senses, 22(2), 119–128.

1997 journal article
Effect of Psychotropic Drugs on Electrophysiological Taste Responses in the Gerbil
Chemical Senses, 22, 787.
1997 conference paper
Electronic Nose Evaluation of Synthetic Hog Farm Odor
In J. A. M. Voermans & G. J. Monteny (Eds.), Ammonia and odour emissions from animal production facilities (pp. 72–82). Vinkeloord, The Netherlands: NVTL:Rosmalen.
Ed(s): J. Voermans & G. Monteny
1997 conference paper
Electronic Taste & Smell Technology for Food Safety Applications
Electronic Taste & Smell Technology for Food Safety Applications. Proceedings of the NSF/Department of Agriculture Workshop on Food Safety Sensing. Presented at the The NSF/Department of Agriculture Workshop on Food Safety Sensing.
1997 conference paper
Miniaturized signal conditioning system for Kapton® based biopotential and ion-selective electrode arrays
Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the 19th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 'Magnificent Milestones and Emerging Opportunities in Medical Engineering'.
1996 conference paper
Application of an Electronic Nose to Differentiate Odors from Exhaust Fans and Lagoon
Proceedings of the International Conference on Air Polution from Agricultural Operations, 255–261. Kansas City, MO.
1996 journal article
ITA: An algorithm for I DDQ testability analysis
Journal of Electronic Testing, 8(3), 287–298.
1996 journal article
Novel Extracellular Microelectrodes with High Spatial Resolutions Show Variations in Intramural Longitudinal Conductions in Ischemic Papillary Muscles
Biophysical Journal, 70(2, Part 2), 278.
1995 conference paper
Bringing Microsensor and Biosensor Research Results into the Electrical and Computer Engineering Curricula
American Society for Engineering Education.
1995 book
Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
1995 journal article
Environmental pollutants alter taste responses in the gerbil
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 52(1), 189–194.

1995 conference paper
Feasibility of Inductive Powering of Miniature Low-Power Biotelemetry for use with Microfabricated Biomedical Sensors
Proceedings of Biotelemetry XIII, 372–377. Williamsburg, VA.
1995 journal article
Transient power supply current monitoring?A new test method for CMOS VLSI circuits
Journal of Electronic Testing, 6(1), 23–43.

1994 journal article
Effect of Environmental Pollutants on Taste in Gerbil
Chemical Senses, 19, 547.
1994 conference paper
Flexible Polyimide-Based Microelectronic Plaque Design for Electrophysiological Characterization of Ischemic Hearts
Conference Abstracts of the Second Carolina Biomedical Engineering Conference. Presented at the The Second Carolina Biomedical Engineering Conference.
1994 conference paper
Microfabrication of Application-Specific Thin-Film Bioelectrode Arrays for Cardiovascular Recordings
Conference Abstracts of the Second Carolina Biomedical Engineering Conference. Presented at the The Second Carolina Biomedical Engineering Conference.
1994 journal article
SABSA: Switching-Activity-Based State Assignment
International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, 5, 203–212.
1993 journal article
Flexible (Kapton-based) microsensor arrays of high stability for cardiovascular applications
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions, 89(2), 361.

1993 journal article
In vivo and in vitro testing of microelectronically fabricated planar sensors designed for applications in cardiology
Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 346(6-9), 584–588.

1992 conference paper
Application Of A Multi-level Ceramic Integrated Circuit Package For Epicardial Mapping
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
1992 journal article
Effect of Environmental Pollutants on Taste and Smell
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 106(6), 693–700.

1992 conference paper
Flexible Electrode Array For Retinal Stimulation
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Presented at the Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

1992 chapter
Macro- to Microelectrodes for In Vivo Cardiovascular Measurements
In ACS Symposium Series (pp. 237–245).

1990 journal article
A comparison of the noise sensitivity of nine QRS detection algorithms
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 37(1), 85–98.

1990 journal article
QRS/BIST: A Reliable Digital QRS Detector and Arrhythmia Monitor
Microelectronics Technical Bulletin, Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, (March/April), 6–7.
1990 journal article
Scalable VLSI Implementations for Neural Networks
Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 2(1).
1989 journal article
Design for testability and built-in self test: a review
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 36(2), 129–140.
1989 journal article
Fundamentals of testability-a tutorial
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 36(2), 117–128.
1989 journal article
Microprocessor testability
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 36(2), 151–163.

1989 journal article
Statistical fault sampling
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 36(2), 141–150.
1989 conference paper
Testing Features for Medical Electronics
Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium. Presented at the The 1989 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium.
1989 journal article
The VLSI circuit test problem-a tutorial
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 36(2), 111–116.
1988 journal article
A pressure controller for estimating parameters for a nonlinear CSF model
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 35(9), 752–755.

1988 journal article
Fault Tolerance for Single Events
Journal of Radiation Effects Research and Engineering, 6(2), 155–170.
1988 conference paper
Toward a Fault-Tolerant Processor for Medical Applications
Proceedings of the Symposium on Engineering of Computer-Based Medical Systems, 101–104. Minneapolis, MN.
1987 journal article
A Monte Carlo technique for signal level detection in implanted intracranial pressure monitoring
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 15(1), 79–89.

1987 conference paper
A Transmantle Pressure Model for Hydrocephalus
Federation Proceedings, 46, 673.
1987 conference paper
Silicon versus Biological Computing
Proceedings of the Symposium for Advanced Technologies for CB Detection. Presented at the The Symposium for Advanced Technologies for CB Detection.
1986 conference paper
On the Need for Electrical Analogs to Nerve (CNS) Information Transmission and Processing
Proceedings of the First North Carolina Workshop on Bioelectronics. Presented at the The First North Carolina Workshop on Bioelectronics.
1983 journal article
Sign/Logarithm Arithmetic for FFT Implementation
IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-32(6), 526–534.
1982 journal article
A Microcomputer-Controlled Laser Beam Analyzer
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-18(4), 358–368.

1981 journal article
Digital Filter Implementation on 16-Bit Microcomputers
IEEE Micro, 1(1), 23–41.
1980 journal article
A High-Speed Microprogrammable Digital Signal Processor Employing Distributed Arithmetic
IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-29(2), 134–144.

1980 journal article
A Microcomputer-Controlled Testing System for Digital Integrated Circuits
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, IECI-27(4), 279–283.
1980 journal article
A Thick-Film Hybrid Laser Target Board
IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology, 3(3), 436–441.
1979 journal article
An Evaluation of Department Head Performance
IEEE Transactions on Education, 22(4), 180–183.
1979 journal article
Realization of digital filters using input-scaled floating-point arithmetic
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 27(5), 469–477.
1978 journal article
Cotton Gin Operational Efficiency Measurement Via a Microprocessor Controlled Data Acquisition Unit
Transactions of the ASAE, 21(4), 0623–0627.
1978 conference paper
Microcomputer-Based Data Acquisition Systems
Proceedings of the Republic of China-Republic of Korea Workshop on Microprocessor Devices and Application. Presented at the The Republic of China-Republic of Korea Workshop on Microprocessor Devices and Application.
1978 journal article
Using Finite-State Models in Instrumentation Software
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, IECI-25(2), 90–101.
1977 conference paper
A Survey of Software Engineering Procedures within the Department of Defense
Proceedings of the 1977 Hawaii International Conference on Systems and Science. Presented at the The 1977 Hawaii International Conference on Systems and Science.
1976 conference paper
Application of PEPE to Real-Time Digital Filtering
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing, 169. Detroit, MI.
1976 conference paper
Computer engineering at Auburn University
Proceedings of the 14th annual Southeast regional conference on - ACM-SE 14. Presented at the the 14th annual Southeast regional conference.
1976 journal article
Computer-Aided Thermal Anlaysis of a Hybrid Mutlistage Active Bandpass Filter/Amplifier
IEEE Transactions on Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging, 12(4), 344–350.

1976 journal article
Cotton Gin Efficiency Monitoring System
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, IECI-23(3), 218–222.
1976 conference paper
Cotton Gin Efficiency Monitoring System
Proceedings of the 1976 Industrial Electronics & Control Instrumentation Conference. Presented at the The 1976 Industrial Electronics & Control Instrumentation Conference.
1976 journal article
Flip-Flops for Multiple-Valued Logic
IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-25(3), 237–246.
1976 conference paper
On the Use of Thermal Simulation in Hybrid Circuit Design
Proceedings of the 1976 International Microelectronics Symposium, 19–25. Vancouver, B. C., Canada: International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics.
1976 journal article
The Hybrid Integration of a Multistage Active Bandpass Filter/Amplifier
IEEE Transactions on Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging, 12(4), 336–344.
1976 conference paper
Two Diverse Approaches to the Deployment of Microprocessors in a Computer Engineering Curriculum
Proceedings of the Digital Systems Education Workshop on Microprocessors in Education. Presented at the The Digital Systems Education Workshop on Microprocessors in Education.
1975 journal article
A Survey of Computer Engineering in the Southeast
ASEE Transactions on Computer Education, 7(1), 1–11.
1975 book
An Introduction to Computer Logic
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
1975 journal article
Minicomputers at a Glance, Part 1
Agricultural Engineering, 56(3), 25–26.
1975 journal article
Minicomputers at a Glance, Part 2
Agricultural Engineering, 56(4), 66–67.
1975 journal article
Minicomputers at a Glance, Part 3
Agricultural Engineering, 56(5), 45–46.
1974 conference paper
A Nucleus for a Radar Control Operating System
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Southeastern Regional System Theory Symposium. Presented at the The 6th Annual Southeastern Regional System Theory Symposium.
1974 journal article
Bypass Multivariable Karnaugh Maps
Electronic Design, 22(21).
1974 conference paper
Computer Engineering in the Southeast
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Southeastern System Theory Symposium. Presented at the The 6th Annual Southeastern System Theory Symposium.
1974 journal article
Design a Floating-Point A/D Converter
Electronic Design, 22(11), 80–84.
1974 conference paper
Hardware Realization of Sampled-Data Controllers
Proceedings of the 6th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Space. Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, USSR.
1974 journal article
Let a Computer Design Memory Circuits
Electronic Design, 22(23).
1974 conference paper
On Multiple-Valued Memory Elements
Proceedings of the 1974 International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, 209–224. Morgantown, WV.
1974 journal article
Reduce State Tables by Computer
Electronic Design, 22(22).
1973 conference paper
An Approach to Multi-Valued Sequential Logic
Proceedings of the 1973 International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic. Presented at the The 1973 International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic.
1973 conference paper
Computer Aided Design of Sequential Circuits
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Southeastern System Theory Symposium. Presented at the The 5th Annual Southeastern System Theory Symposium.
1973 journal article
Computer Science in Engineering, A Cooperative Program
ASEE Transactions on Computers in Education, V(12), 185–191.
1973 journal article
Research. Its Relationship to Teaching and Extension
Engineering Education, 63(4), 260–262.
1973 conference paper
Structure Selection for Second Order Digital Filter Modules
Proceedings of the Seventh Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and Computers. Presented at the The Seventh Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and Computers.
1972 conference paper
Digital Filter Implementation by Minicomputer
Proceedings of the 10th Annual IEEE Region 3 Convention, C3–1, 4. Knoxville, TN.
1972 journal article
Digital filter realizations using a special-purpose stored-program computer
IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, 20(4), 289–294.
1972 conference paper
Resonant Sequency Filters in the z-Domain
Proceedings of the 1972 Applications of the Walsh Functions Symposium. Presented at the The 1972 Applications of the Walsh Functions Symposium.
1971 conference paper
Digital Filter Implementations for Sampled-Data Control Systems
Proceedings of the 14th Midwest Symposium on Circuit Theory, 13.3–1, 10. Denver, CO.
1971 conference paper
Memory Sizing for Digital Filters
Proceedings of the IFIP Congress 71, TA–4–129, 133. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.
1971 conference paper
Minicomputers at a Glance
Proceedings of the ASAE Winter Meeting. Chicago, IL.
1970 journal article
A Hybrid Realization for Sampled-Data Controllers
IEEE Transactions on Education, 13(1), 31–37.
1969 journal article
Comments on "A least upper bound on quantization error"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 14(4), 433–434.
1969 journal article
Hybrid implementation for sampled-data controllers
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 14(2), 202–203.
1969 conference paper
Quantization Error Bounds for Systems with Digital Filter
Record of the 1969 IEEE Region 3 Convention. Presented at the The 1969 IEEE Region 3 Convention.
1969 conference paper
Reducing Quantizer Deadband with a Range-Switching Digital Filter
1969 IEEE Computer Group Conference Digest, 68–81. Minneapolis, MN.
1969 conference paper
Signal Amplitude Quantization in Digital Filters
Proceedings of the Second Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 661–664.
1968 conference paper
A Hybrid Analog-Digital Controller for Realizing Sampled-Data Control Functions
Record of the IEEE 1968 Region 3 Convention. Presented at the The IEEE 1968 Region 3 Convention.
1968 conference paper
On the Realization of a Generalized Second Order-Digital Compensator
Record of the 1968 Region 3 Convention, 13.1.1, 5. New Orleans, LA.
1968 journal article
Organizing a special-purpose computer to realize digital filters for sampled-data systems
IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, 16(3), 398–412.