@article{nolan_uzan_green_lana_lascelles_2022, title={Intensity of perioperative analgesia but not pre-treatment pain is predictive of survival in dogs undergoing amputation plus chemotherapy for extremity osteosarcoma}, volume={3}, ISSN={["1476-5829"]}, DOI={10.1111/vco.12808}, abstractNote={AbstractThe purpose of this bi‐institutional retrospective study was to determine whether, in dogs treated with limb amputation and adjunctive chemotherapy for osteosarcoma, oncologic outcomes are impacted by either: (1) baseline cancer pain severity, or (2) the approaches used for perioperative pain management. Data were extracted from the medical records of 284 dogs that underwent both limb amputation and chemotherapy (carboplatin and/or doxorubicin) between 1997 and 2017 for localized (non‐metastatic) osteosarcoma of the appendicular skeleton. Kaplan–Meier survival curves and Cox proportional hazard (PH) models were used to determine the impact that retrospectively scored baseline pain levels (high vs. low) and various analgesic and local anaesthetic treatments had on both metastasis‐free survival and all‐cause mortality. For the entire population, the median disease free interval and median overall survival times were 253 and 284 days, respectively. Baseline pain was rated as “low” in 84 dogs, and “high” in 190 dogs; pain severity had no detectable effect on either metastasis‐free survival or all‐cause mortality. When accounting for the potential influences of known prognostic factors, dogs treated with what was characterized as a high‐intensity perioperative analgesic plan (including both a non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug [NSAID] and a bupivacaine‐eluting soaker catheter placed at the amputation site) had a higher probability of survival than dogs treated with a low‐intensity perioperative analgesic plan (neither an NSAID, nor a soaker catheter); the median overall survival times were 252 and 378 days, respectively (hazard ratio: 2.922; p = .020).}, journal={VETERINARY AND COMPARATIVE ONCOLOGY}, author={Nolan, Michael W. and Uzan, Olivia C. and Green, Noah A. and Lana, Susan E. and Lascelles, B. Duncan X.}, year={2022}, month={Mar} } @article{nolan_green_divito_lascelles_haney_2020, title={Impact of radiation dose and pre-treatment pain levels on survival in dogs undergoing radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy for presumed extremity osteosarcoma}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1476-5829"]}, DOI={10.1111/vco.12576}, abstractNote={AbstractThe purpose of this bi‐institutional retrospective study was to determine whether survival for dogs with extremity osteosarcoma (OS) is improved through the use of stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT; a single fraction of 25 Gy, or 36 Gy total given in three consecutive daily fractions) plus chemotherapy, vs lower dose conventionally planned and delivered hypofractionated radiotherapy (CHRT; 14‐20 Gy total in 1‐2 consecutive daily fractions) plus chemotherapy. We also sought to determine whether baseline pain severity influences oncologic outcomes following radiotherapy for canine extremity OS. The medical records of 82 dogs undergoing radiotherapy for confirmed or presumed OS were reviewed. In dogs receiving combinations of both chemotherapy and radiotherapy, survival was significantly longer with SRT vs CHRT (median overall survival time: 350 vs 147 days; P = .031). In a univariate analysis, dogs with pulmonary metastases and high pain at the time of irradiation had short overall survival times; use of high radiation doses and chemotherapy were associated with improved survival. Separate multivariable models were built to assess the predictive nature of various factors that might influence event‐free or overall survival in dogs treated with radiotherapy, with or without chemotherapy; for dogs treated with both chemotherapy and radiotherapy, overall survival times were significantly longer when baseline pain scores were ‘low’ (vs ‘high’; hazard ratio: 0.258; P = .030), radiation doses were high (hazard ratio: 0.943; P = .034). Neither pain nor radiation dose were associated with survival in dogs treated with radiotherapy, without chemotherapy.}, number={4}, journal={VETERINARY AND COMPARATIVE ONCOLOGY}, author={Nolan, Michael W. and Green, Noah A. and DiVito, Elizabeth M. and Lascelles, B. Duncan X. and Haney, Siobhan M.}, year={2020}, month={Dec}, pages={538–547} }