Works (56)

Updated: July 9th, 2023 21:19

2023 article

Understanding dynamics of polarization via multiagent social simulation

Haque, A., Ajmeri, N., & Singh, M. P. (2023, January 21). AI & SOCIETY, Vol. 1.

By: A. Haque n, N. Ajmeri* & M. Singh n

author keywords: Echo chambers; Selective exposure; User tolerance; Social networks
TL;DR: This work designs a social simulation to analyze how content sharing affects user satisfaction and polarization in a social network and adopts Social Judgment Theory to operationalize attitude shift and model user behavior. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: February 13, 2023

2022 conference paper

Enhancing Creativity as Innovation via Asynchronous Crowdwork

WebSci '22, 66–74.

By: P. Murukannaiah*, N. Ajmeri* & M. Singh n

Event: at United States

TL;DR: Crowd teamwork yields fewer but more creative ideas than solo crowdwork, and teamwork promotes better achievement emotions for crowd workers, providing a basis for trading off creativity, quantity, and worker happiness in setting up crowdsourcing workflows for product ideation. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: September 19, 2022

2022 article

FLEUR: Social Values Orientation for Robust Norm Emergence


By: S. Tzeng n, N. Ajmeri* & M. Singh n

author keywords: Agent-based simulation; Norm adherence; Preferences; Social value orientation; Ethics
TL;DR: This work evaluates the influence of preference distributions in a society on the emergence of prosocial norms and adopts the Social Value Orientation (SVO) framework, which places value preferences along the dimensions of self and other. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: January 23, 2023

2022 journal article

Feature toggles as code: Heuristics and metrics for structuring feature toggles


By: R. Mahdavi-Hezaveh n, N. Ajmeri* & L. Williams n

author keywords: Feature toggle; Continuous integration; Continuous development; Open source repository; Heuristic; Metric
TL;DR: This research proposes 7 heuristics to guide structuring feature toggles in the codebase by proposing and evaluating a set of heuristics and corresponding complexity, comprehensibility, and maintainability metrics based upon an empirical study of open source repositories. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID
Added: May 2, 2022

2022 conference paper

Macro Ethics for Governing Equitable Sociotechnical Systems

AAMAS '22, 1824–1828.

By: J. Woodgate & N. Ajmeri

TL;DR: To produce satisfactory outcomes, systematic methodologies be developed to consistently integrate normative ethical principles in reasoning capacities to resolve multiple-user social dilemmas in sociotechnical systems with multiple agents. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: September 19, 2022

2022 journal article

Moral and social ramifications of autonomous vehicles: a qualitative study of the perceptions of professional drivers

Behaviour & Information Technology, 5, 1–8.

By: V. Dubljević n, S. Douglas n, J. Milojevich*, N. Ajmeri n, W. Bauer n, G. List n, M. Singh n

author keywords: Autonomous vehicles; interviews; drivers; artificial intelligence; socioeconomic justice
TL;DR: It is found that although drivers agree that AVs will significantly impact future transportation systems, they are apprehensive about the prospects of reskilling for other jobs and want their employers to be straightforward in how the introduction ofAVs will affect them. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID, Crossref
Added: May 15, 2022

2022 journal article

Prosocial Norm Emergence in Multi-agent Systems


By: M. Mashayekhi n, N. Ajmeri*, G. List n & M. Singh n

author keywords: Fairness; ethics; prosociality; socio-technical systems; decentralized multi-agent systems
TL;DR: Cha is proposed, a framework for the emergence of prosocial norms that supports continual change to a system and dynamism and incorporates prosocial decision-making based on inequity aversion theory, reflecting an intuition of guilt arising from being antisocial. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (OpenAlex)
Sources: ORCID, Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: June 7, 2022

2022 conference paper

Socially Intelligent Genetic Agents for the Emergence of Explicit Norms

Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 10–16.

By: R. Agrawal, N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

Source: ORCID
Added: September 19, 2022

2021 journal article

Toward a rational and ethical sociotechnical system of autonomous vehicles: A novel application of multi-criteria decision analysis

PLOS ONE, 16(8), e0256224.

By: V. Dubljevic n, G. List n, J. Milojevich*, N. Ajmeri n, W. Bauer n, M. Singh n, E. Bardaka n, T. Birkland n ...

Ed(s): Q. Yuan

MeSH headings : Accidents, Traffic / prevention & control; Attitude; Automation / ethics; Automation / legislation & jurisprudence; Automobile Driving / psychology; Autonomous Vehicles / ethics; Autonomous Vehicles / legislation & jurisprudence; Decision Support Techniques; Humans; Models, Statistical; Morals; Ownership / economics; Surveys and Questionnaires
TL;DR: The results suggest that two of these scenarios, namely regulated privately-owned introduction or fleet ownership or autonomous vehicles would be less likely to cause harm than either the status quo or the unfettered options. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID, Crossref
Added: August 14, 2021

2020 conference paper

Elessar: Ethics in Norm-Aware Agents

Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS), 16–24.

By: N. Ajmeri, H. Guo, P. Murukannaiah & M. Singh

Source: ORCID
Added: October 31, 2020

2020 article

Ethics in Self-* Sociotechnical Systems (Tutorial Abstract)


By: N. Ajmeri n, P. Murukannaiah* & M. Singh n

Contributors: N. Ajmeri n, P. Murukannaiah* & M. Singh n

TL;DR: The surprising capabilities demonstrated by AI technologies overlaid on detailed data and fine-grained control give cause for concern that agents can wield enormous power over human welfare, drawing increasing attention to ethics in AI. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: ORCID, Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: October 26, 2020

2020 conference paper

New Foundations of Ethical Multiagent Systems

Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS), 1706–1710.

By: P. Murukannaiah, N. Ajmeri, C. Jonker & M. Singh

Source: ORCID
Added: October 31, 2020

2019 article

A Dataset of Crowdsourced Smarthome Requirements with Creativity Ratings

Murukannaiah, P. K., Ajmeri, N., Rahman, M. F., & Singh, M. P. (2019, November 1).

By: P. Murukannaiah*, N. Ajmeri n, M. Rahman* & M. Singh n

Source: ORCID
Added: October 31, 2020

2019 conference paper

Applying norms and sanctions to promote cybersecurity hygiene

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS, 4, 1991–1993.

By: S. Goyal, N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

Contributors: S. Goyal, N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

Source: ORCID
Added: October 30, 2020

2019 journal article

DESEN: Specification of Sociotechnical Systems via Patterns of Regulation and Control

ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 29(1), 1–50.

By: Ö. Kafalı*, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

author keywords: Agent-oriented software engineering; norms; security and privacy requirements; design patterns; simulation
TL;DR: This work addresses the problem of engineering a sociotechnical system (STS) with respect to its stakeholders’ requirements by incorporating the social dimension into the formal verification process and supports refinement of STS specifications via design patterns to meet stated requirements. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: ORCID, Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: May 10, 2020

2019 conference paper

The Interplay of Emotions and Norms in Multiagent Systems

Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019-August, 371–377.

By: A. Kalia*, N. Ajmeri n, K. Chan*, J. Cho*, S. Adalı* & M. Singh n

Contributors: A. Kalia*, N. Ajmeri n, K. Chan*, J. Cho*, S. Adalı* & M. Singh n

Event: Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-19}

TL;DR: This work provides a step-wise process to discover two new Dynamic Bayesian models based on maximizing log-likelihood scores with respect to the data and compares them with the baseline models to discover new insights into the relevant relationships. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (OpenAlex)
Sources: ORCID, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: September 29, 2019

2018 conference paper

App Review Analysis Via Active Learning: Reducing Supervision Effort without Compromising Classification Accuracy

In G. Ruhe, W. Maalej, & D. Amyot (Eds.), 2018 IEEE 26th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE) (pp. 170–181).

By: V. Dhinakaran*, R. Pulle n, N. Ajmeri n & P. Murukannaiah*

Contributors: V. Dhinakaran*, R. Pulle n, N. Ajmeri n & P. Murukannaiah*

Ed(s): G. Ruhe, W. Maalej & D. Amyot

Event: at United States

author keywords: App review analysis; active learning; mobile apps; Crowd RE; social requirements
TL;DR: This work proposes to incorporate active learning, a machine learning paradigm, in order to reduce the human effort involved in app review analysis, and applies three active learning strategies based on uncertainty sampling to an existing dataset of 4,400 app reviews. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2018 journal article

Designing Ethical Personal Agents


By: N. Ajmeri n, H. Guo n, P. Murukannaiah* & M. Singh n

Contributors: N. Ajmeri n, H. Guo n, P. Murukannaiah* & M. Singh n

TL;DR: The authors consider the problem of engineering ethical personal agents that would understand the applicable social norms and its users preferences among values and act or recommend actions that promote preferred values, especially in scenarios where the norms conflict. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2018 conference paper

Poster: Ethics, values, and personal agents

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 1–1.

Contributors: N. Ajmeri n, H. Guo n, P. Murukannaiah* & M. Singh n

Event: at United States

TL;DR: This work addresses the problem of designing privacy-preserving ethical personal agents that understand and act according to their users' preferred values and ethical principles, and provide a satisfying social experience to all their stakeholders. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: October 7, 2019

2018 conference paper

Robust Norm Emergence by Revealing and Reasoning about Context: Socially Intelligent Agents for Enhancing Privacy

Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018-July, 28–34.

By: N. Ajmeri n, H. Guo n, P. Murukannaiah* & M. Singh n

Contributors: N. Ajmeri n, H. Guo n, P. Murukannaiah* & M. Singh n

Event: Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-18}

TL;DR: This work investigates via simulation the benefits of enriched interactions where deviating agents share selected elements of their contexts and finds that the norms are learned better with fewer sanctions, indicating improved social cohesion and the agents are better able to satisfy their individual goals. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: ORCID, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: September 29, 2019

2018 journal article

Teaching Crowdsourcing: An Experience Report

IEEE Internet Computing, 1–1.

By: H. Guo n, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

Contributors: H. Guo n, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2018 journal article

Teaching Crowdsourcing: An Experience Report

IEEE Internet Computing, 22(6), 44–52.

By: H. Guo n, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

Contributors: H. Guo n, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

TL;DR: A project assignment is described in which students received the opportunity of practicing crowdsourcing to accomplish a hummed song recognition task, yielding improved comprehension of the concept and high student satisfaction. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
4. Quality Education (Web of Science)
Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2018 journal article

Toward effective adoption of secure software development practices


By: S. Al-Amin n, N. Ajmeri n, H. Du n, E. Berglund n & M. Singh n

Contributors: S. Al-Amin n, N. Ajmeri n, H. Du n, E. Berglund n & M. Singh n

author keywords: Multiagent system; Security practices; Adoption; Decision theory; Sanction
TL;DR: A multiagent simulation framework that incorporates developers and manager roles, where developers maximize task completion and compliance with security policies, and the manager enforces sanctions based on functionality and security of the project is proposed. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2017 journal article

Aragorn: Eliciting and Maintaining Secure Service Policies

Computer, 50(12), 50–58.

By: N. Ajmeri n, C. Hang, S. Parsons* & M. Singh n

Contributors: N. Ajmeri n, C. Hang, S. Parsons* & M. Singh n

TL;DR: Services are configured via policies that capture expected behaviors, but stakeholder requirements can change, making policy errors a surprisingly common occurrence, says Aragorn. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2017 conference paper

Arnor: Modeling Social Intelligence via Norms to Engineer Privacy-Aware Personal Agents

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS), 230–238.

By: N. Ajmeri, H. Guo, P. Murukannaiah & M. Singh

Source: ORCID
Added: October 31, 2020

2017 conference paper

Arnor: Modeling social intelligence via norms to engineer privacy-Aware personal agents

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS, 1, 230–238.

By: N. Ajmeri, P. Murukannaiah, H. Guot & M. Singh

Contributors: N. Ajmeri, P. Murukannaiah, H. Guot & M. Singh

Source: ORCID
Added: October 7, 2019

2017 conference paper

Engineering Socially Intelligent Personal Agents via Norms

In K. Larson, M. Winikoff, S. Das, & E. H. Durfee (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS) (pp. 1822–1823).

By: N. Ajmeri

Ed(s): K. Larson, M. Winikoff, S. Das & E. Durfee

Source: ORCID
Added: October 31, 2020

2017 conference paper

Engineering socially intelligent personal agents via norms

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS, 3, 1822–1823.

By: N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

Contributors: N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

Source: ORCID
Added: October 7, 2019

2017 conference paper

Formal understanding of tradeoffs among liveness and safety requirements

Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops, REW 2016, 17–18.

By: O. Kafali, N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

Contributors: O. Kafali, N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

author keywords: Norms; sociotechnical systems; constraint logic programming
Source: ORCID
Added: October 7, 2019

2017 conference paper

KONT: Computing tradeoffs in normative multiagent systems

31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2017, 3006–3012.

By: Ö. Kafali, N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

Contributors: O. Kafali, N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

Event: at United States

Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2017 article

No (Privacy) News is Good News: An Analysis of New York Times and Guardian Privacy News from 2010-2016


By: K. Sheshadri n, N. Ajmeri n & J. Staddon n

Contributors: K. Sheshadri n, N. Ajmeri n & J. Staddon n

Event: at United States

TL;DR: This work provides a largescale text mining of privacy news, focusing on patterns in sentiment and keywords, and demonstrates that news facilitates the systematization of privacy knowledge. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (OpenAlex)
Sources: ORCID, Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: November 12, 2018

2017 conference paper

Normative requirements in sociotechnical systems

Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops, REW 2016, 259–260.

By: O. Kafali, N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

Contributors: O. Kafali, N. Ajmeri & M. Singh

author keywords: Norms; privacy; design patterns
Source: ORCID
Added: October 7, 2019

2017 article

Toward Automating Crowd RE


By: P. Murukannaiah*, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

Contributors: P. Murukannaiah*, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

Event: at United States

author keywords: Crowd RE; personality; creativity; smarthome; dataset; data challenges
TL;DR: A crowd-acquired dataset, consisting of requirements and their ratings on multiple dimensions for the smart homes application domain, is showcased, which contains not only requirements, but also the characteristics of the crowd workers who produced those requirements including their demographics, personality traits, and creative potential. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 article

Acquiring Creative Requirements from the Crowd Understanding the Influences of Personality and Creative Potential in Crowd RE


By: P. Murukannaiah*, N. Ajmeri* & M. Singh*

Contributors: P. Murukannaiah*, N. Ajmeri* & M. Singh*

Event: at United States

author keywords: Idea generation; crowdsourcing; Crowd RE; creativity; personality; smart home
TL;DR: It is found that exposing a worker to ideas from previous workers cognitively stimulates the worker to produce creative ideas, and effective strategies based on personality traits and creative potential for selecting a few requirements from a pool of previous requirements to stimulate a worker are identified. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 journal article

Classifying sanctions and designing a conceptual sanctioning process model for socio-technical systems

The Knowledge Engineering Review, 31(2), 142–166.

By: L. Nardin*, T. Balke-Visser*, N. Ajmeri n, A. Kalia n, J. Sichman* & M. Singh n

Contributors: L. Nardin*, T. Balke-Visser*, N. Ajmeri n, A. Kalia n, J. Sichman* & M. Singh n

TL;DR: This work proposes a sanction typology that reflects the relevant features of sanctions, and a conceptual sanctioning process model providing a functional structure for sanctioning in STS, and demonstrates its contributions via a motivating scenario from the domain of renewable energy trading. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: ORCID, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: September 29, 2019

2016 review

Classifying sanctions and designing a conceptual sanctioning process model for socio-technical systems

[Review of]. Knowledge Engineering Review, 31(2), 142–166.

Nirav Ajmeri; Anup Kumar Kalia; Munindar Singh

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 conference paper

Coco: Runtime reasoning about conflicting commitments

IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2016-January, 17–23.

By: N. Ajmeri, J. Jiang, R. Chirkova, J. Doyle & M. Singh

Contributors: N. Ajmeri, J. Jiang, R. Chirkova, J. Doyle & M. Singh

Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2016 journal article

Engineering Privacy in Social Applications


By: P. Murukannaiah n, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

Contributors: P. Murukannaiah n, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

TL;DR: Danio, a methodology based on modeling users' expectations in various contexts that simplifies the development of social applications and saves time during implementation and testing, is introduced. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
10. Reduced Inequalities (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 article

Expressing and Reasoning about Conflicting Norms in Cybersecurity: Poster


By: J. Jiang n, N. Ajmeri n, R. Chirkova n, J. Doyle n & M. Singh n

Contributors: J. Doyle n, R. Chirkova n, N. Ajmeri n, J. Jiang n & M. Singh n

Event: at United States

author keywords: Normative System; Dominance Relation; Norm
TL;DR: This work adopts a notion of conditional, directed norms as a way to capture the standards of correctness for a collaboration by adapting answer-set programming to compute stable sets of norms with respect to their computed conflicts and dominance. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (OpenAlex)
Sources: ORCID, Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 conference paper

Formal Understanding of Tradeoffs among Liveness and Safety Requirements

2016 IEEE 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW), 17–18.

By: O. Kafali n, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

Event: at United States

TL;DR: This work proposes metrics to measure liveness and safety, and demonstrates how constraint logic programming is used to compute such metrics. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: NC State University Libraries, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 conference paper

Normative Requirements in Sociotechnical Systems

2016 IEEE 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW), 259–260.

By: O. Kafali n, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

Event: at United States

TL;DR: This work uses formal verification techniques to understand whether an STS specification meets the functional, security, and privacy requirements of its stakeholders and suggests refinements based on normative design patterns if a requirement is not satisfied. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: NC State University Libraries, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 journal article

Revani: Revising and Verifying Normative Specifications for Privacy

IEEE Intelligent Systems, 31(5), 8–15.

By: O. Kafaly n, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

Contributors: Ö. Kafaly n, N. Ajmeri n & M. Singh n

TL;DR: The authors' approach, Revani, understands privacy from the standpoint of sociotechnical systems (STSs), with particular attention on the social elements of STSs, via a combination of technical mechanisms and social norms founded on accountability. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: NC State University Libraries, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 conference paper

Toward entrepreneurial pedagogies: rethinking professional networking as knowledge making

2016 ieee international professional communication conference (ipcc).

TL;DR: It is suggested that instructors and students should understand professional social networking as a multilayered practice of learning and sharing collective knowledge. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth (OpenAlex)
Sources: NC State University Libraries, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2015 conference paper

ENGMAS -- Understanding Sanction under Variable Observability in a Secure Environment

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Agents and CyberSecurity (ACySE), 15–22.

By: H. Du, B. Narron, N. Ajmeri, E. Berglund, J. Doyle & M. Singh

Source: ORCID
Added: October 31, 2020

2015 conference paper

Modeling analytics as knowledge work: Computing meets organizational psychology

Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 2015-June(June), 382–387.

By: G. Yuan n, N. Ajmeri n, C. Allred n, P. Telang*, M. Wilson n & M. Singh n

Contributors: G. Yuan n, N. Ajmeri n, C. Allred n, P. Telang*, M. Wilson n & M. Singh n

Event: at United States

TL;DR: This paper exploits knowledge from organizational psychology to develop a computational organizational model that provides a framework to understand the impact of organizational level variables and worker characteristics on workflow performance, providing a view to create justifiable interventions to improve performance. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: NC State University Libraries, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2015 conference paper

Understanding sanction under variable observability in a secure, collaborative environment

Proceedings of the 2015 Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security - HotSoS '15, 21-22-April-2015, 12:1–12:10.

By: H. Du n, B. Narron n, N. Ajmeri n, E. Berglund n, J. Doyle n & M. Singh n

Contributors: H. Du n, B. Narron n, N. Ajmeri n, E. Berglund n, J. Doyle n & M. Singh n

Event: the 2015 Symposium and Bootcamp at United States

TL;DR: CARLOS, a multiagent simulation of graduate students performing research within a university lab setting, is presented, to explore the combined effects of sanction and the observability of the sanctioner in a secure, collaborative environment and finds that only the latter hypothesis is supported. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: ORCID, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: September 29, 2019

2014 conference paper

A model of trust, moods, and emotions in multiagent systems and its empirical evaluation

CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1740, 1–11.

By: A. Kalia, N. Ajmeri, K. Chan, J. Cho, S. Adalı & M. Singh

Contributors: A. Kalia, N. Ajmeri, K. Chan, J. Cho, M. Adali & M. Singh

Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2013 conference paper

Argumentation, Evidence, and Schemes: Abstract

Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2013), 37.

By: C. Hang, N. Ajmeri, M. Singh & S. Parsons

Source: ORCID
Added: October 31, 2020

2013 article

Knowledge-Assisted Ontology-Based Requirements Evolution

Managing Requirements Knowledge, pp. 143–167.

By: S. Ghaisas* & N. Ajmeri n

TL;DR: This work demonstrates creation of a knowledge repository and its reuse in two contexts: to resolve change requests (CR) with better speed and accuracy and to jump-start a new project. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2013 chapter

Knowledge-Assisted Ontology-Based Requirements Evolution

In W. Maalej & A. K. Thurimella (Eds.), Managing Requirements Knowledge (MaRK) (pp. 143–167).

By: S. Ghaisas & N. Ajmeri

Ed(s): W. Maalej & A. Thurimella

Event: at Germany

Source: ORCID
Added: October 31, 2020

2012 journal article

Agile requirements prioritization in large-scale outsourced system projects: An empirical study

Journal of Systems and Software, 86(5), 1333–1353.

By: M. Daneva*, E. Veen*, C. Amrit*, S. Ghaisas, K. Sikkel*, R. Kumar, N. Ajmeri*, U. Ramteerthkar, R. Wieringa*

Contributors: M. Daneva*, E. Van Der Veen*, C. Amrit*, S. Ghaisas, K. Sikkel*, R. Kumar, N. Ajmeri*, U. Ramteerthkar, R. Wieringa*

author keywords: Agile requirements engineering; Requirements prioritization; Outsourced software development; Requirements dependencies; Large projects; Distributed project management; Qualitative research; Case study
Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2011 conference paper

An Ontology-based method and tool for cross-domain requirements visualization

In W. Maalej & A. K. Thurimella (Eds.), 2011 4th International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge, MaRK'11 - Part of the 19th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE'11 (pp. 22–23).

By: N. Ajmeri*, K. Vidhani*, M. Bhat* & S. Ghaisas*

Contributors: N. Ajmeri*, K. Vidhani*, M. Bhat* & S. Ghaisas*

Ed(s): W. Maalej & A. Thurimella

Event: at United States

TL;DR: This work presents a method - based on ontology mapping technique, and an assisting tool that would help Requirement Analysts visualize - how requirements span across multiple domains. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2011 conference paper

Intelligent informatics platform for nano-agriculture

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 916–919.

By: P. Rose, M. Bhat, K. Vidhani, N. Ajmeri*, A. Gole* & S. Ghaisas

Contributors: P. Rose, M. Bhat, K. Vidhani, N. Ajmeri*, A. Gole* & S. Ghaisas

TL;DR: An intelligent Nano-Agriculture Informatics System (NAIS), wherein stakeholders can carry out multiple activities of their interest and incorporates a collaborative and semantically guided process to facilitate knowledge-based activities. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2010 conference paper

A semantic and collaborative platform for agile requirements evolution

2010 3rd International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge, MaRK'10, 32–40.

By: N. Ajmeri*, R. Sejpal* & S. Ghaisas*

Contributors: N. Ajmeri*, R. Sejpal* & S. Ghaisas*

TL;DR: This paper reports the work on a semantic and collaborative platform that combines the virtues of social software principles and the semantic web concepts to enable knowledge-assisted agile requirements definition. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2010 conference paper

Towards knowledge assisted agile requirements evolution

In R. Holmes, M. P. Robillard, R. J. Walker, & T. Zimmermann (Eds.), Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering (pp. 16–20).

By: M. Kumar, N. Ajmeri* & S. Ghaisas

Contributors: M. Kumar, N. Ajmeri* & S. Ghaisas

Ed(s): R. Holmes, M. Robillard, R. Walker & T. Zimmermann

Event: at United States

TL;DR: This paper presents work on a recommendation system for Knowledge assisted Agile Requirements Evolution (K-gileRE), which seamlessly incorporates a domain knowledge base into an agile requirements definition framework and explicitly provides to requirement analysts, relevant online domain specific recommendations based on underlying ontologies. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019

2009 conference paper

A method and framework for domain knowledge assisted requirements evolution (k-re)

CONSEG 2009 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, 87–97.

By: P. Rose, M. Kumar, N. Ajmeri, M. Agrawal, V. Sivakumar & S. Ghaisas

Contributors: P. Rose, M. Kumar, N. Ajmeri, M. Agrawal, V. Sivakumar & S. Ghaisas

Source: ORCID
Added: September 29, 2019


Updated: September 29th, 2019 20:33

2012 - 2018

North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC, US
PhD Computer Science

2003 - 2007

Gujarat University Ahmedabad, Gujarat, IN
Bachelor of Engineering Computer Engineering

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