Works (22)
2020 journal article
Validation of Bartonella henselae Western Immunoblotting for Serodiagnosis of Bartonelloses in Dogs

2019 journal article
Pasteurella canis infective endocarditis in a dog
Veterinary Microbiology, 229, 14–19.

2017 journal article
Death of Military Working Dogs Due to Bartonella vinsonii Subspecies berkhoffii Genotype III Endocarditis and Myocarditis
MILITARY MEDICINE, 182(3-4), E1864–E1869.

2017 journal article
Vector-borne and zoonotic diseases of dogs in North-west New South Wales and the Northern Territory, Australia
BMC Veterinary Research, 13(1).

2016 journal article
Culture, PCR, DNA sequencing, and second harmonic generation (SHG) visualization of Bartonella henselae from a surgically excised human femoral head
Clinical Rheumatology, 36(7), 1669–1675.

2016 journal article
Infective endocarditis in 13 cats
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology, 18(3), 213–225.

2016 journal article
Pyogranulomatous Pancarditis with Intramyocardial Bartonella henselae San Antonio 2 (BhSA2) in a Dog
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 31(1), 142–148.

2016 journal article
Successful treatment of mitral valve endocarditis in a dog associated with 'Actinomyces canis-like' infection

2016 journal article
Vasculitis, cerebral infarction and persistent Bartonella henselae infection in a child
Parasites & Vectors, 9(1).

2015 journal article
Infection with Bartonella henselae in a Danish Family
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 53(5), 1556–1561.
Ed(s): B. Fenwick

2015 journal article
Prevalence of Bartonella spp. in Canine Cutaneous Histiocytoma
Journal of Comparative Pathology, 153(1), 14–21.

2015 journal article
Splenic vasculitis, thrombosis, and infarction in a febrile dog infected with Bartonella henselae
Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 25(6), 789–794.

2014 journal article
Co-infection with Anaplasma platys, Bartonella henselae, Bartonella koehlerae and ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum’ in a cat diagnosed with splenic plasmacytosis and multiple myeloma
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 16(8), 713–720.

2014 journal article
ConcurrentBartonella henselaeinfection in a dog with panniculitis and owner with ulcerated nodular skin lesions
Veterinary Dermatology, 26(1), 60–e22.

2014 journal article
Flea species infesting dogs in Florida and Bartonella spp. prevalence rates
Veterinary Parasitology, 199(3-4), 225–229.

2014 journal article
Prostatitis, Steatitis, and Diarrhea in a Dog following Presumptive Flea-Borne Transmission of Bartonella henselae
Ed(s): E. Munson

2014 journal article
Zoonotic Bartonella Species in Cardiac Valves of Healthy Coyotes, California, USA
Emerging Infectious Diseases, 20(12), 2133–2136.

2013 journal article
"Candidatus Mycoplasma haemomacaque" and Bartonella quintana Bacteremia in Cynomolgus Monkeys
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 51(5), 1408–1411.

2013 journal article
Analysis of Seroreactivity against Cell Culture-DerivedBartonellaspp. Antigens in Dogs
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 28(1), 38–41.

2013 journal article
Experimental infection of dogs with Bartonella henselae and Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 156(1-2), 153–158.

2012 journal article
Bartonella henselae infection in a man with hypergammaglobulinaemia, splenomegaly and polyclonal plasmacytosis
Journal of Medical Microbiology, 62(Pt_2), 338–341.

2012 journal article
Isolation of a Novel Strain of Mycobacterium iranicum from a Woman in the United States
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 51(2), 705–707.