Nicole Choquette
Works (3)
2023 article
Enhancing adaptation of tropical maize to temperate environments using genomic selection
Choquette, N. E., Weldekidan, T., Brewer, J., Davis, S. B., Wisser, R. J., & Holland, J. B. (2023, June 27). (A. Lipka, Ed.). G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, Vol. 6.
Ed(s): A. Lipka

2023 article
Environment-specific selection alters flowering-time plasticity and results in pervasive pleiotropic responses in maize
Choquette, N. E., Holland, J. B., Weldekidan, T., Drouault, J., Leon, N., Flint-Garcia, S., … Wisser, R. J. (2023, February 25). NEW PHYTOLOGIST, Vol. 2.

2021 article
Registration of tropical populations of maize selected in parallel for early flowering time across the United States
Weldekidan, T., Manching, H., Choquette, N., Leon, N., Flint-Garcia, S., Holland, J., … Wisser, R. J. (2021, October 13). JOURNAL OF PLANT REGISTRATIONS, Vol. 10.