Works (13)
2024 article
Registration of 'FL12034-10' oat: A new dual-purpose disease resistant cultivar for Florida and southern United States
Babar, M. A., Harrison, S. A., Blount, A., Barnett, R. D., Johnson, J., Mergoum, M., … Arbelaez, J. (2024, April 1). JOURNAL OF PLANT REGISTRATIONS.

2024 article
Registration of 'FL16045-25': An early-maturing, high-yielding, disease-resistant soft red facultative wheat cultivar for the southern United States
Babar, M. A., Khan, N., Blount, A., Barnett, R. D., Harrison, S. A., Dewitt, N., … Mailhot, D. (2024, April 8). JOURNAL OF PLANT REGISTRATIONS, Vol. 4.

2024 journal article
Soft Red Winter Wheat Elite Germplasm Screening and Evaluation for Stripe Rust in the US Southeast Region
2023 article
Approaching 25 years of progress towards Fusarium head blight resistance in southern soft red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Boyles, R. E., Ballen-Taborda, C., Brown-Guedira, G., Costa, J., Cowger, C., DeWitt, N., … Winn, Z. J. (2023, August 10). PLANT BREEDING, Vol. 8.

2023 journal article
Bearded or smooth? Awns improve yield when wheat experiences heat stress during grain fill in the southeastern United States
Ed(s): S. Dreisigacker

2023 article
HaploCatcher: An R package for prediction of haplotypes
Winn, Z. J., Hudson-Arns, E., Hammers, M., DeWitt, N., Lyerly, J., Bai, G., … Mason, R. E. (2023, November 15). PLANT GENOME.

2023 article
Multivariate genomic selection models improve prediction accuracy of agronomic traits in soft red winter wheat
Winn, Z. J., Larkin, D. L., Lozada, D. N., DeWitt, N., Brown-Guedira, G., & Mason, R. E. (2023, May 17). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 5.

2022 article
A network modeling approach provides insights into the environment-specific yield architecture of wheat
DeWitt, N., Guedira, M., Murphy, J. P., Marshall, D., Mergoum, M., Maltecca, C., & Brown-Guedira, G. (2022, May 10). (T. Juenger, Ed.). GENETICS, Vol. 5.
Contributors: M. Guedira n, J. Murphy n, D. Marshall*, M. Mergoum*, C. Maltecca n , G. Brown-Guedira n n,
Ed(s): T. Juenger

2022 journal article
Genomic variants affecting homoeologous gene expression dosage contribute to agronomic trait variation in allopolyploid wheat

2021 journal article
Characterizing the oligogenic architecture of plant growth phenotypes informs genomic selection approaches in a common wheat population

2021 article
Identification and characterization of a natural polymorphism in FT-A2 associated with increased number of grains per spike in wheat
Glenn, P., Zhang, J., Brown-Guedira, G., DeWitt, N., Cook, J. P., Li, K., … Dubcovsky, J. (2021, November 26). THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS, Vol. 11.

2019 journal article
Identification of a candidate gene for a QTL for spikelet number per spike on wheat chromosome arm 7AL by high-resolution genetic mapping

2019 journal article
Sequence-based mapping identifies a candidate transcription repressor underlying awn suppression at the B1 locus in wheat
NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 225(1), 326–339.