Natalia Duque-Wilckens Duque-Wilckens, N., Teis, R., Sarno, E., Stoelting, F., Khalid, S., Dairi, Z., … Moeser, A. J. (2022). Early life adversity drives sex-specific anhedonia and meningeal immune gene expression through mast cell activation. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 103, 73–84. Gao, Y., Duque-Wilckens, N., Aljazi, M. B., Moeser, A. J., Mias, G., Robison, A. J., … He, J. (2022). Impaired KDM2B-mediated PRC1 recruitment to chromatin causes defective neural stem cell self-renewal and ASD/ID-like behaviors. IScience, 25(2), 103742. Duque-Wilckens, N., & Trainor, B. C. (2022). Oxytocin release in stressful times. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 140, 105709. Peen, N. F., Duque-Wilckens, N., & Trainor, B. C. (2021). Convergent neuroendocrine mechanisms of social buffering and stress contagion. Hormones and Behavior, 129, 104933. Minie, V. A., Petric, R., Ramos-Maciel, S., Wright, E. C., Trainor, B. C., & Duque-Wilckens, N. (2021). Enriched laboratory housing increases sensitivity to social stress in female California mice (Peromyscus californicus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 241, 105381. Gao, Y., Duque-Wilckens, N., Aljazi, M. B., Wu, Y., Moeser, A., Mias, G., … He, J. (2021). Loss of histone methyltransferase ASH1L in the developing mouse brain causes autistic-like behaviors. Communications Biology, 4(1). Duque-Wilckens, N., Torres, L. Y., Yokoyama, S., Minie, V. A., Tran, A., Petkova, S. P., … Trainor, B. (2020). Extrahypothalamic oxytocin neurons drive stress-induced social vigilance and avoidance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(42), 26406–26413. McClain, J. L., Mazzotta, E. A., Maradiaga, N., Duque-Wilckens, N., Grants, I., Robison, A. J., … Gulbransen, B. (2020). Histamine-dependent interactions between mast cells, glia, and neurons are altered following early-life adversity in mice and humans. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 319(6), G655–G668. Williams, A. V., Duque-Wilckens, N., Ramos-Maciel, S., Campi, K. L., Bhela, S. K., Xu, C. K., … Trainor, B. (2020). Social approach and social vigilance are differentially regulated by oxytocin receptors in the nucleus accumbens. Neuropsychopharmacology, 45(9), 1423–1430. Williams, E. S., Manning, C. E., Eagle, A. L., Swift-Gallant, A., Duque-Wilckens, N., Chinnusamy, S., … Robison, A. J. (2020). Androgen-Dependent Excitability of Mouse Ventral Hippocampal Afferents to Nucleus Accumbens Underlies Sex-Specific Susceptibility to Stress. Biological Psychiatry, 87(6), 492–501. Mayer, H. S., Crepeau, M., Duque‐Wilckens, N., Torres, L. Y., Trainor, B. C., & Stolzenberg, D. (2019). Histone deacetylase inhibitor treatment promotes spontaneous caregiving behaviour in non‐aggressive virgin male mice. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 31(9). Leonzino, M., Ponzoni, L., Braida, D., Gigliucci, V., Busnelli, M., Ceresini, I., … Chini, B. (2019). Impaired approach to novelty and striatal alterations in the oxytocin receptor deficient mouse model of autism. Hormones and Behavior, 114, 104543. Steinman, M. Q., Duque-Wilckens, N., & Trainor, B. (2019). Complementary Neural Circuits for Divergent Effects of Oxytocin: Social Approach Versus Social Anxiety. Biological Psychiatry, 85(10), 792–801. Duque-Wilckens, N., Steinman, M. Q., Busnelli, M., Chini, B., Yokoyama, S., Pham, M., … Trainor, B. C. (2018). Oxytocin Receptors in the Anteromedial Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Promote Stress-Induced Social Avoidance in Female California Mice. Biological Psychiatry, 83(3), 203–213. Duque-Wilckens, N., Steinman, M. Q., Laredo, S. A., Hao, R., Perkeybile, A. M., Bales, K. L., & Trainor, B. C. (2016). Inhibition of vasopressin V1a receptors in the medioventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis has sex- and context-specific anxiogenic effects. Neuropharmacology, 110, 59–68. Steinman, M. Q., Duque-Wilckens, N., Greenberg, G. D., Hao, R., Campi, K. L., Laredo, S. A., … Trainor, B. C. (2016). Sex-Specific Effects of Stress on Oxytocin Neurons Correspond With Responses to Intranasal Oxytocin. Biological Psychiatry, 80(5), 406–414.