2017 journal article
Effect of isolation method on reinforcing capability of recycled cotton nanomaterials in thermoplastic polymers
Journal of Materials Science, 52(9), 4997–5013.
2017 journal article
Radial growth of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in aligned sheets through cyclic carbon deposition and graphitization
CARBON, 111, 411–418.
2015 journal article
Melt extrusion of polyethylene nanocomposites reinforced with nanofibrillated cellulose from cotton and wood sources
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132(17).
2014 journal article
Mechanical and thermal investigation of thermoplastic nanocomposite films fabricated using micro- and nano-sized fillers from recycled cotton T-shirts
CELLULOSE, 21(4), 2743–2755.
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