@article{isied_williams_saleh_kuchiishi_underwood_kim_2024, title={Mechanical Properties and Performance of Mixtures with the Same Volumetric Classification}, volume={4}, ISSN={0361-1981 2169-4052}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/03611981241240764}, DOI={10.1177/03611981241240764}, abstractNote={This study investigates the variations in performance among mixtures that are designed for use with the same traffic classification and whether a single mixture class index–volumetrics relationship (IVR) can be applied to all mixtures within that classification. Three surface mixtures, which are intended to serve traffic levels of 3–30 million equivalent single axle loads, were sourced from different regions in North Carolina: the coast; Piedmont; and the mountains. Dynamic modulus, cyclic fatigue, and stress sweep rutting tests were conducted using the asphalt mixture performance tester. Pavement performance simulations were performed using AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design for fatigue cracking predictions and FlexPAVE™ for permanent deformation predictions. The findings indicate substantial differences in mechanical properties, performance indices, and pavement performance among the mixtures despite having similar volumetric properties. The study also shows that an IVR calibrated for a mixture cannot be used to predict the performance of other mixtures within the same mixture classification as the tested mixture. This research highlights the need for restructuring the mixture classification system so that it is based on mixture performance rather than on volumetric design, with the ultimate goal being a performance-based or related specification to eliminate the limitations introduced by the use of volumetric properties.}, journal={Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Isied, Mayzan and Williams, Nathaniel Reuben, III and Saleh, Nooralhuda F. and Kuchiishi, Kazoo and Underwood, B. Shane and Kim, Y. Richard}, year={2024}, month={Apr} } @article{saleh_decarlo_underwood_pine_huber_tran_west_kim_2023, title={Case Studies of Asphalt Pavement Quality Assurance Specifications, Performance-Related Specifications, and Performance-Based Specifications}, volume={2677}, ISSN={0361-1981 2169-4052}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/03611981231166685}, DOI={10.1177/03611981231166685}, abstractNote={ Quality assurance (QA) specifications for asphalt pavement construction measure quality characteristics to adjust payments. The measured quality characteristics are assumed to empirically relate to performance. The validity of this assumption, however, has been questioned in recent years; thus, there has been increased interest in finding ways to more directly evaluate the performance of the as-constructed materials. One proposed method to meet this need involves using the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT) and its associated test methods, which measure fundamental material properties that are then used to calculate the fatigue cracking performance index, Sapp, and a rutting strain index (RSI). These indices can be used in performance-related specification (PRS) or performance-based specification (PBS) frameworks to determine the pay adjustments during the construction of asphalt pavement. While PBS requires measured indices, PRS uses index-volumetrics relationships (IVRs) to predict Sapp and RSI based on conventional acceptance quality. Payment can then be based on a percent within limits (PWL) approach. This paper demonstrates how pay adjustments can be made for a paving project in Indiana following three different QA specification frameworks: the current QA specifications framework in the Indiana Department of Transportation, a PRS framework using IVRs, and a PBS framework that employs measured Sapp and RSI. For each framework, the main elements of the specification were identified and determined. The specification limits for Sapp and RSI and weight factors in composite pay factor equations were determined such that the resulting pay factors are comparable to pay factors obtained from the current QA practices. }, number={11}, journal={Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Saleh, Nooralhuda F. and DeCarlo, Katie (Haslett) and Underwood, B. Shane and Pine, William J. and Huber, Gerry and Tran, Nam and West, Randy C. and Kim, Y. Richard}, year={2023}, month={May}, pages={682–696} } @article{saleh_braswell_elwardany_rad_castorena_kim_2022, place={OXON, ENGLAND}, title={Field Calibration and Validation of a Pavement Aging Model}, volume={24}, ISSN={1477-268X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2022.2027416}, DOI={10.1080/10298436.2022.2027416}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT A pavement aging model (PAM) is established by calibrating and validating the NCHRP 09–54 kinetics model's predictions against field core measurements. Field cores, laboratory-mixed loose mixtures, and binders from a wide range of pavement sections are used, including both conventional hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures and modern materials (i.e. reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), warm mix asphalt (WMA), and polymer modified asphalt (PMA)). Field aging levels are measured at different depths from binder extracted and recovered from in-service field cores. The original component materials of these pavement sections are aged in the laboratory and used to calibrate the kinetics model. The measured field aging levels are compared against those predicted from the kinetics model to inform a depth and time dependent field calibration function for the PAM. The validation of PAM using an independent set of field sections shows that, within the limited data used in this study, the calibrated PAM may be able to predict the aging of the conventional HMA, RAP, WMA, and PMA mixtures. The PAM predictions are lastly found to outmatch the predictions by the Global Aging System (GAS) model.}, number={2}, journal={International Journal of Pavement Engineering}, publisher={TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD}, author={Saleh, N.F. and Braswell, E. and Elwardany, M. and Rad, F.Y. and Castorena, C. and Kim, Y.R.}, year={2022}, month={Feb} } @book{kim_castorena_saleh_braswell_elwardany_rad_2021, place={Washington, D.C}, title={Long-Term Aging of Asphalt Mixtures for Performance Testing and Prediction: Phase III Results}, number={973}, institution={Transportation Research Board}, author={Kim, Y.R. and Castorena, C. and Saleh, N.F. and Braswell, E. and Elwardany, M. and Rad, F.Yousefi}, year={2021} } @inproceedings{saleh_mocelin_rad_castorena_underwood_kim_2020, title={A Predictive Framework for Modeling Changes in Asphalt Mixture Moduli with Oxidative Aging}, author={Saleh, N.F. and Mocelin, D. and Rad, F.Yousefi and Castorena, C. and Underwood, B.S. and Kim, Y.R.}, year={2020} } @inproceedings{saleh_keshavarzi_rad_mocelin_elwardany_castorena_underwood_kim_2020, title={Effects of Aging on Asphalt Mixture and Pavement Performance}, author={Saleh, N.F. and Keshavarzi, B. and Rad, F.Yousefi and Mocelin, D. and Elwardany, M. and Castorena, C. and Underwood, B.S. and Kim, Y.R.}, year={2020} } @article{saleh_keshavarzi_yousefi rad_mocelin_elwardany_castorena_underwood_kim_2020, title={Effects of aging on asphalt mixture and pavement performance}, volume={258}, ISSN={0950-0618}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120309}, DOI={10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120309}, abstractNote={This study investigates the effects of long-term aging on pavement performance under realistic traffic and thermal conditions. Using the NCHRP 09-54 aging procedure, a systematic study of the effects of aging on asphalt mixture linear viscoelastic and fatigue properties was conducted. The computational engine of FlexPAVE™ V1.1was modified to run more realistic pavement performance simulations. Results suggest that the effect of aging on pavement performance is evident only when simulations employ more realistic traffic and climatic conditions. In the absence of thermal conditions, the effect of changes in mixture properties on pavement performance is not significant.}, journal={Construction and Building Materials}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Saleh, Nooralhuda F. and Keshavarzi, Behrooz and Yousefi Rad, Farhad and Mocelin, Douglas and Elwardany, Michael and Castorena, Cassie and Underwood, B. Shane and Kim, Y. Richard}, year={2020}, month={Oct}, pages={120309} } @inbook{saleh_mocelin_castorena_kim_2020, title={Modeling changes in asphalt mixture properties with RAP content}, ISBN={9781003027362}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003027362-78}, DOI={10.1201/9781003027362-78}, abstractNote={This paper investigates whether an existing framework that predicts the changes of asphalt mixture properties as a result of changes in asphalt binder modulus caused by oxidative aging can be expanded to predict changes caused by the inclusion of recycled asphalt pavements (RAP). This study stipulates that mastercurves of mixtures of similar gradation and component material sources but with different RAP contents can coincide if shifted horizontally along the log frequency axis, such that the shift factor can be related to the change in binder modulus. Changes in mixture fatigue properties are also shown to be a result of changes in asphalt binder properties. Under the right conditions, this study shows that the properties of a mixture containing a certain RAP content and of a certain age level can be predicted from the short-term aged properties of a mixture containing no RAP, or vice-versa.}, booktitle={Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction II}, publisher={CRC Press}, author={Saleh, N. F. and Mocelin, D. and Castorena, C. and Kim, Y.R.}, year={2020}, month={Dec}, pages={334–338} } @article{saleh_mocelin_yousefi rad_castorena_underwood_kim_2020, title={Predictive Framework for Modeling Changes in Asphalt Mixture Moduli with Oxidative Aging}, volume={2674}, ISSN={0361-1981 2169-4052}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0361198120938775}, DOI={10.1177/0361198120938775}, abstractNote={This paper presents a predictive framework for asphalt mixture moduli as a function of aging time with two levels of sophistication. This work is built on the method currently implemented in Pavement mechanistic-empirical (ME) that uses an effective time/frequency concept based on time-aging superposition to model the effect of aging on a mixture’s modulus. Time-aging superposition implies that an asphalt mixture’s modulus mastercurves, corresponding to different aging levels, coincide when they are shifted horizontally on the log-frequency axis. This study improves the accuracy of the existing model by decoupling the time-temperature and time-aging shifts. The new framework also uses the binder dynamic shear modulus | G*| as an aging index instead of the viscosity, which is used in Pavement ME. The | G*| aging index is used to calculate an effective frequency at short-term aging (STA), which is then used in the asphalt mixture sigmoidal model to calculate the corresponding asphalt mixture modulus with aging. The pavement aging model introduced by NCHRP 09-54 predicts log | G*| at 64°C and 10 rad/s for a specific field-aged condition and pavement depth. The proposed framework can use the predicted log | G*| to predict the mixture’s corresponding dynamic modulus (| E*|) at that aging level and pavement depth. Level 1 of this framework requires characterizing the | G*| at STA and calibrating the NCHRP 09-54 pavement aging model as well as measuring the mixture | E*| at STA. Level 2 does not require any binder testing, providing relatively less accurate predictions but relieving some testing requirements.}, number={10}, journal={Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Saleh, Nooralhuda F. and Mocelin, Douglas and Yousefi Rad, Farhad and Castorena, Cassie and Underwood, B. Shane and Kim, Y. Richard}, year={2020}, month={Aug}, pages={79–93} } @article{braswell_saleh_elwardany_yousefi rad_castorena_underwood_kim_2020, title={Refinement of Climate-, Depth-, and Time-Based Laboratory Aging Procedure for Asphalt Mixtures}, volume={2675}, ISSN={0361-1981 2169-4052}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0361198120957316}, DOI={10.1177/0361198120957316}, abstractNote={This paper refines the oxidation kinetics-based approach originally proposed in the NCHRP 09-54 project to determine the laboratory aging durations at 95°C that best reflect the effects of time, climate, and depth on loose asphalt mixtures. Aging durations that match the field aging at various pavement depths were determined in this study for asphalt mixtures, including warm-mix asphalt (WMA), polymer-modified asphalt (PMA), and reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). Here, the laboratory aging durations were used to calibrate a climatic aging index to prescribe the laboratory aging duration, given hourly pavement temperature history obtained from Enhanced Integrated Climatic Model analysis of the Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 weather data. The recalibrated procedure determines the required laboratory aging durations with reasonable accuracy for virgin hot-mix asphalt (HMA) and WMA mixtures. From the recalibrated results, no variations were found with regard to the laboratory aging durations for WMA materials compared with HMA materials, but there were differences between the RAP and non-RAP mixtures. In some instances, the short-term aged RAP mixtures that were prepared according to AASHTO R 30 exceeded the aging level of 4-year-old field cores, suggesting that refinement of this standard short-term aging procedure may be necessary. Approximately half of the PMA sections evaluated exhibited outlier behavior that could have been caused by the unrealistically harsh thermal history of the field projects from which the cores were acquired.}, number={2}, journal={Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Braswell, Elizabeth and Saleh, Nooralhuda F. and Elwardany, Michael and Yousefi Rad, Farhad and Castorena, Cassie and Underwood, B. Shane and Kim, Y. Richard}, year={2020}, month={Nov}, pages={207–218} } @inproceedings{braswell_saleh_elwardany_rad_castorena_underwood_kim_2020, title={Refinement of Climate-, Depth-, and Time-Based Laboratory Aging Procedure for Asphalt Mixtures}, author={Braswell, E. and Saleh, N.F. and Elwardany, M. and Rad, F.Yousefi and Castorena, C. and Underwood, B.S. and Kim, Y.R.}, year={2020} } @article{saleh_zalghout_sari ad din_chehab_saad_2019, title={Design, construction, and evaluation of energy-harvesting asphalt pavement systems}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85060025429&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1080/14680629.2018.1564352}, abstractNote={Energy-harvesting pavements, one of which is the Hydronic Asphalt Pavement (HAP) system, have been proven to be both more durable and sustainable than conventional pavement systems. A HAP consists of a system of connected pipes embedded within the asphalt pavement which function to extract or reject heat from/into the pavement via a circulating fluid. Three large-scale systems were designed and constructed in the field: a control section, a regular HAP section, and a section containing a HAP coupled to a horizontal ground heat exchanger (GCHAP). The field data showed that neither the HAP section nor the GCHAP section were able to substantially decrease the pavement surface temperature. However, both GCHAP and HAP were able to decrease the asphalt temperature at a depth of 2.5 cm below the surface by a magnitude of around 10°C. Another key finding of this study shows that increasing the conductivity of a flexible pavement asphalt layer, rather than increasing the conductivity of the embedded pipes, significantly enhances the effectiveness of the HAP system.}, journal={Road Materials and Pavement Design}, author={Saleh, N.F. and Zalghout, A.A. and Sari Ad Din, S.A. and Chehab, G.R. and Saad, G.A.}, year={2019} } @inproceedings{mocelin_saleh_castorena_kim_2019, title={Effect of RAP Amount on the Aging Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures}, author={Mocelin, D. and Saleh, N.F. and Castorena, C. and Kim, Y.R.}, year={2019} } @article{kassem_saleh_zalghout_chehab_2018, title={Advanced characterization of asphalt concrete mixtures reinforced with synthetic fibers}, volume={30}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85053266241&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002521}, abstractNote={AbstractThis study evaluates the behavior of fiber-reinforced asphalt mixtures using advanced material characterization and performance prediction models. The polymeric nature of the proprietary bl...}, number={11}, journal={Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering}, author={Kassem, H.A. and Saleh, N.F. and Zalghout, A.A. and Chehab, G.R.}, year={2018} } @inproceedings{kassem_saleh_zalghout_chehab_2018, title={Assessment of Fiber-Reinforced Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Using Advanced Material Characterization}, author={Kassem, H.A. and Saleh, N.F. and Zalghout, A. and Chehab, G.}, year={2018} } @article{zalghout_saleh_sari ad din_chehab_2018, title={CONSTRUCTABILITY STUDY OF ASPHALT PAVEMENTS INCORPORATING SHALLOW GEOTHERMAL ENERGY}, volume={5}, ISSN={2644-108X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.14455/isec.res.2018.14}, DOI={10.14455/isec.res.2018.14}, abstractNote={The incorporation of geothermal energy in heating and electricity production has rapidly increased during the last three decades. This paper focuses on the use of shallow geothermal energy in asphalt pavement, herein called Ground Coupled Hydronic Asphalt Pavement (GCHAP) system. GCHAP consists of a series of pipes embedded within the asphalt layer coupled with another network of pipes embedded in the soil. A circulating fluid acts to exchange the heat energy between the soil and the asphalt layer. The system can be used for cooling the pavement, which results in decreasing permanent deformation in the summer. This paper presents a study on the constructability and performance of such systems on a large-scale section. Numerical analyses and a pilot study were conducted to select the system design components. A 9.6 x 4 meter GCHAP section was constructed on a municipal road in addition to another control section. The secondary network of pipes was placed three meters below the ground. Sensors were embedded within the GCHAP system to record and compare the temperature of the pavement to that of the control section. The results showed that GCHAP section can decrease the pavement temperature leading to an increase in resistance to permanent deformation. Moreover, the constructability study showed the importance of performing a pilot study before constructing the system to ensure the resilience of the pipes.}, number={1}, journal={Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction}, publisher={ISEC Press}, author={Zalghout, Ali and Saleh, Nooralhuda and Sari Ad Din, Samir and Chehab, Ghassan}, editor={Abdul-Malak, Mohammed-Asem and Khoury, Hiam and Singh, Amarjit and Yazdani, SiamakEditors}, year={2018}, month={Jul} } @inproceedings{zalghout_saleh_din_chehab_2018, title={Constructability Study of Asphalt Pavements Incorporating Shallow Geothermal Energy}, number={EURO-MED-SEC 2}, author={Zalghout, A. and Saleh, N.F. and Din, S.Sari Ad and Chehab, G.}, year={2018} } @inproceedings{saleh_kassem_zalghout_chehab_2018, title={Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Using a Viscoelastoplastic Continuum Damage Model}, author={Saleh, N.F. and Kassem, H.A. and Zalghout, A. and Chehab, G.}, year={2018} } @inbook{din_saleh_zalghout_chehab_2018, title={Thermal analysis of hydronic asphalt pavement systems}, ISBN={9780429457791}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9780429457791-130}, DOI={10.1201/9780429457791-130}, abstractNote={The emergence of Hydronic Asphalt Pavements (HAPs) presents an alternative pavement system that is both more durable and more sustainable. HAP consists of a series of pipes embedded within the asphalt pavement and through which a fluid circulates. The purpose of such a system can be any of the following: snow-melting and deicing, cooling the pavement, and/or energy-extraction. In this paper, a transient 3D heat transfer model is developed in a MATLAB environment to simulate the thermal behavior of HAPs as geometrical and thermo-physical properties of the system are varied. It was found that the surface temperature of the pavement is sensitive mostly to the thermal conductivity of the pavement, followed by pipe spacing, depth, diameter, and lastly flow rate. It was also established that investing in asphalt of higher conductivity can be more economical than using pipes of high conductivity such as copper.}, booktitle={Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction}, publisher={CRC Press}, author={Din, S.A. Sari Ad and Saleh, N.F. and Zalghout, A.A. and Chehab, G.R.}, year={2018}, month={Jul}, pages={539–542} } @inproceedings{sari ad din_saleh_zalghout_chehab_2018, title={Thermal analysis of hydronic asphalt pavement systems}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85061285879&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, booktitle={Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction - Proceedings of the International AM3P Conference, 2018}, author={Sari Ad Din, S.A. and Saleh, N.F. and Zalghout, A.A. and Chehab, G.R.}, year={2018}, pages={539–542} } @inproceedings{saleh_zalghout_din_el-khatib_saleh_2017, title={An Experimental and Numerical Study of Hydronic Asphalt Pavements}, author={Saleh, N.F. and Zalghout, A. and Din, S.Sari Ad and El-Khatib, A. and Saleh, K.}, year={2017} } @inproceedings{kassem_chehab_saleh_zalghout_2018, title={Assessment of fiber reinforced hma and wma mixes using viscoelastic continuum damage model}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85053277190&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1201/9781315100333-174}, abstractNote={In the road industry, the current challenge is to produce at lower manufacture temperatures asphalt mixtures incorporating Reclaimed Asphalts (RA). However, the incorporation of cold RA could lead to a non-remobilization of the RA aged binder by the virgin one. A double coating appears, what leads to a binders non-mixture and poorer mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures. The objectives are to develop methods to understand remobilization mechanisms and precisely how the virgin binder comes into contact and diffuses into the RA binder. The temperature influence was investigated. Results show that contact angle measurements and micro X-ray fluorescence have been successfully adapted to the "bitumen/bitumen" interface and interphase study. The RA temperature governs the remobilization initiation phase and influences the blending zone dimension. Therefore, RA should be heated before their incorporation in order to avoid a non-remobilization and guarantee favorable conditions to obtain homogeneous recycled asphalt mixtures with high mechanical performances.}, booktitle={Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, BCRRA 2017}, author={Kassem, H.A. and Chehab, G.R. and Saleh, N.F. and Zalghout, A.}, year={2018}, pages={1197–1204} }