Works (5)
2016 journal article
Development of a stability indicating method for green fluorescent protein by HPLC
LC GC North America, 34(10), 798-.
2013 journal article
A High-Temperature, High-Throughput Method for Monitoring Residual Formaldehyde in Vaccine Formulations
JALA, 19(3), 275–284.

2013 journal article
Effect of liquid-handling accuracy on assay performance
Jala, 19(2), 153–162.

2012 journal article
Bulky Adamantanethiolate and Cyclohexanethiolate Ligands Favor Smaller Gold Nanoparticles with Altered Discrete Sizes
ACS NANO, 6(6), 4903–4911.
Contributors: P. Krommenhoek n, J. Wang*, *, A. Johnston-Peck, K. Kozek, G. Kalyuzhny*, J. Tracy*

2010 journal article
Fiber Phenotype and Coenzyme Q(10) Content in Turkey Skeletal Muscles
CELLS TISSUES ORGANS, 192(6), 382–394.
Contributors: L. Nierobisz n, n, J. Felts n & P. Mozdziak*